Secrets of the Summer House
Secrets of the Summer House
| 01 January 2008 (USA)
Secrets of the Summer House Trailers

Hosting a new exhibit, artist Nikki Wickersham, (Lindsay Price) and her husband George Wickersham, (David Jones) are called out to Maine to sort through his father's belongings after he dies. Arriving there to find they've inherited an island with a large mansion on it, they quickly learn of an old story surrounding the house about it being haunted through the years, yet friends Margie Mancuso, (Sadie LeBlanc) and Peter Hughes, (Niall Matter) convince them to stay there anyway. While working on a special project, a series of strange events around the house has them convinced that the house has indeed a spirit roused by a secret from the past, and they work to rid it from their house before it strikes them as well.


The only real problem about this film is its potential. it could be a good horror. but the story is ignored and the decent premises are transformed in a mix of bizarre salad. and that transforms it in a sort of parody, or only too unconvincing movie. something seems fake from the first half of it. but, sure, a painter, her friend, the past of the family of husband and , step by step, revelations. and,after its final credits, the only regret is about the less courage of director to say a decent story.

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Stephen Abell

Since this is a television movie the subject matter has been toned down. This would have made a good average budget DVD release movie and could have handled the matter a little more accordingly.That said, the director, Jean-Claude Lord (who directed Visiting Hours (1982) and Second Chances (2010) - reviewed in my blogs), does an amiable job with the story by John Benjamin Martin and Donald David Martin.This is a ghost story, but due to lack of horror elements and the amount of time it takes to get to the ghostly action, it is more of a drama. This has so much of a TV movie feel to it. The characters are stereotypical; you can see the twists coming; and the characters relationships are pretty standard and have been done a thousand times before. Nevertheless, the actors and the director do make the film watchable... and at times, enjoyable.Lindsey Price who plays the lead role of Nikki Wickersham gives a passable rendition of a troubled woman who loses her husband, though it's not played as a tear-jerker. Nikki's friend, Margie Mancuso (played by Sadie LeBlanc) and her handyman boyfriend (Niall Matter) are pretty realistic and believable, to a point - this is a TV Movie, after all.It's the lack of direction the story takes which is a stalling point for the film. It sits uncomfortably between, drama, thriller, mystery, and horror. This makes it a bland affair, had the writers or the director chosen just one path to take this could have been better. It needed to be spookier with more tension. The mysterious elements could have been heightened and extended upon. Because the cause of the haunting is hateful, terrible, and unpleasant it was required to be much darker than portrayed here.If there's nothing on the telly and hell has frozen over, then you could do worse than watch this film.

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SECRETS OF THE SUMMER HOUSE is another time-wasting television movie with subtle supernatural elements. Yet again it sees a couple visiting an ancestral home in the boondocks only to discover that the building's sinister history means that the past is very much alive.The problems with this film are too numerous to mention: the predictability of the thing works against it, as does the insipid acting and the weak writing. The dialogue is noticeably cringeworthy, particularly in the way the information is continuously spoonfed to the viewer who is apparently unable to think for him or herself. The best thing about it is Lindsay Price, whose chirpy demeanour adds the only fun and life this film has.

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What is there to say? It's a predictable ghost story with viewers are miles ahead as far as the plot is concerned. Twists are signalised from a kilometre away and scares are non-existent. So is there anything to redeem this movie? Well... Lindsay Price is sexy and does a bang-up job as a lead in this TV movie. Sure would want to see more of her, as she conveys emotions and really makes her presence felt. Apart from that nothing to really admire, but the movie isn't dumb, is nicely shot and hence deserves a solid 4/10.You can definitely pass on this movie. Nihil novi. Would definitely benefit from calling in the Ghostbusters.

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