R | 30 December 1996 (USA)
Sci-fighters Trailers

A renegade police officer tracks a rapist spreading a deadly virus around 2009 Boston.


2009. Vicious and dangerous psycho rapist Adrian Dunn (a perfectly creepy and slimy turn by veteran bad guy thespian Billy Drago) gets infected with a mysterious alien organism while serving time in a prison on the moon. After he apparently dies, his corpse gets shipped back to Boston, Massachusetts. Dunn revives and goes on a lethal rampage. It's up to tough and weary Black shield cop Cameron Grayson (firmly played with rugged conviction by Roddy Piper) to stop Dunn before he spreads the vile contagion all over the city. Capably directed by Peter Svatek, with a tight script by Mark Sevi, a steady pace, slick cinematography by Milan Gravelle, a bleak wintry setting, nice flashes of sharp sarcastic wit, a moody score by Milan Kymlicka, appropriately hideous make-up effects which deliver several memorably disgusting moments, a surprisingly substantial amount of genuine humanity (the back story about Dunn and Grayson is unexpectedly poignant), and a rousing and gripping climactic confrontation between Dunn and Grayson, this nifty little B-film supplies plenty of solid and satisfying undemanding entertainment. The lovely and spirited Jayne Heitmeyer brings a winning mix of warmth, humor, and energy to her role as spunky microbiologist Dr. Kirbie Younger. Moreover, there are fine supporting contributions by Tyrone Benskin as the cheery Dr. Gene Washington, Richard Raybourne as wormy runt crime lord Casper, Chip Chaipku as the irate Captain Lankett, and Donna Sarrasin as doomed Dunn victim Tricia Rollins. The always reptilian Drago is marvelously grotesque and repellent as Dunn, who becomes more exceedingly ugly and repulsive as the disease causes him to physically deteriorate (sickening highlights include Dunn pulling out his hair, spitting up gross white goo, and even cutting off one of his fingernails). A fun movie.

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Kenn Hoekstra

This really is a great B-movie. Roddy Piper delivers his best performance as an actor to date, ranging from comical to serious to romantic to heartbroken.The story is very straightforward, but extremely fun and watchable. Considering the budget they had to work with, you really have to admire what they pulled off in this film.It's very similar thematically to "The Hidden," from 1987. There's a great "unstoppable alien" thing going on here. The chemistry between Piper and the extremely beautiful Jayne Heitmeyer is great. She is fantastic as Dr. Kirbie Younger.I'll be honest...if you're in to serious A-list films, this is no "Citizen Kane." But if you like great B-movie fun, you could do a whole lot worse than Sci-Fighters. It's B-science fiction gold!

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OK, why do people who have soo many Hi expectations about Z flicks. When I bought this movie (for 3.99) I thought "this movie will probably blow", but what the heck, I haven't seen roddy in a flick since "They Live" or "Hell Comes to Frog Town" This one was awesome. I couldn't believe people railed it so. Notice how some of these morons say stupid, idiotic things like........."Oh, the cinematography was horrible" What? who the hell cares, When I'm kicking back with my bass guitar practicing at night with some "Trees" I enjoy watching flicks, been doing this for 10 years so I know an entertaining movie when I see one and this one had me very very entertained. The acting was above average, really and the story line wasn't that hard to understand. Those who mention Logic in their review need some logic.....Logic like "It's a movie Genius". I enjoyed this movie even though people state some very stupid claims. watch it with an open mind and enjoy yourself great late at night when your solo.

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Andy Van Scoyoc

I have always been a big fan of Roddy Piper so it was my pleasure to watch this movie.Roddy Piper is convincing in his role as Detective Cameron Grayson and does a good job of proving that he can act.I was pleased to see Billy Drago as Adrian Dunn, the perverted and sicko heavy of the movie who gets his kicks by raping women and then infecting them with a hideous organism he is carrying. You can never go wrong with Billy Drago as the heavy in any movie.The acting of everyone else is tolerable but thankfully the movie centers around Cameron and Adrian who as old friends turned rivals take up the entire story.The action isn't bad, but Sci-Fighters is a typical cop versus bad guy story. However, I would recommend this movie for anyone who likes either Roddy Piper or Billy Drago. They made what little there was of the movie.

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