Saving Marriage
Saving Marriage
| 15 June 2006 (USA)
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A landmark court decision in Massachusetts allows gay people in that state to marry - forcing activists, legislators, and ordinary people to reconsider how they view same-sex relationships.

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after seeing this documentary a couple times, i can say it has moved me differently and uniquely each time. from the joy and elation of winning the hard fought battle for marriage equality, to the sadness and despair of possibly losing it all, this film takes you on an emotional and powerful journey for one of the last civil rights issues of our time. the last two bastions of government-sanctioned homophobia in our country is one of the right to serve openly in the u.s. military and marriage equality. unless and until our government gets out of the marriage business and leaves it as it is: a civil contract/union (or adjusts the taxable rate under which homosexuals pay taxes), there will never be fairness and equality in our country. Massachusetts is but one battleground and saving marriage has captured it brilliantly.

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The film is a documentary, but it has so much drama and passion it felt like a feature film. I loved the juxtaposition of the various characters presented. It gave it a real 'cliffhanger' feel, and I also felt like I was there in the middle of the action.The execution of this film is formidable. With a complex subject such as this, it could have been boiler plate predictable. But instead, it brought so much heart into the mix I felt compelled to participate in the debate from my theater seat. And, humor and love play a big part in the denouement. It's just impeccable.This film is a moving, authentic look at an issue that should not even be an issue. I'm hoping more people have the opportunity to experience this film and understand the importance of participating in our democracy.Joanne Fish

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This film is about same-sex marriage in Massachusetts, but it's really about everyone's rights and how government is supposed to protect, not deny, citizens' rights. Most people outside of Massachusetts (and probably a good number inside as well) don't have any idea how this whole issue of same-sex marriage came about in the first place, so this film does a great job of showing the time-line of events, and how the courts play a role, and the legislatures play a role. It was really interesting to watch the legislators explain why they were voting either "for" or "against", but even more interesting to see the whole process of how ordinary people can make a difference, working with the legislators, or opposing them. I learned a great deal from the film and I hope to see the day when the other 49 states will stop denying gay people the right to marry. "Civil union" instead of marriage is like the old segregationist policy "Separate but equal", which the late Thurgood Marshall argued, if it's separate, it's not equal. Likewise, if it's called "civil union", it's not "marriage". And that's wrong.

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This movie is going to make the world wake up in so many ways. Excellent!!! Everybody should see it! I recommend with all my heart! The prejudice all over the world needs so much more of this kind of knowledge. Here in Brazil I hope it helps to start for sure the fight to assure everybody the same rights, cause we all have the same duties and it is not fair to have this mistake for homosexuals. One day in a near future some people will see how much we struggle to be equal in all matters. Looking back having this work done to help future generations how was hard and tough to change societies and rules created by human beings who use the name of God in vain. I hope tomorrow will be a better place for my son and grandsons. This movie is for the present and the future. Great Work!!! These are some words from a human being touched so deep by this piece of images putted together to make history come through and help to make everybody understand everybody. Some dream! Uh! However, it can come through anytime we just need to want. As Jesus said everyone should love your brothers and sisters cause we all are! Truly yours, Lucy from Brazil

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