Revenge of the Ninja
Revenge of the Ninja
R | 07 September 1983 (USA)
Revenge of the Ninja Trailers

After his family is killed in Japan by ninjas, Cho and his son Kane come to America to start a new life. He opens a doll shop but is unwittingly importing heroin in the dolls. When he finds out that his friend has betrayed him, Cho must prepare for the greatest battle he has ever been involved in.

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This sequel to 1981's hugely successful ENTER THE NINJA sees that film's baddie – the Japanese Sho Kosugi – returning as this film's hero, with no sign of podgy pseudo-ninja Franco Nero returning to the fold. At least for that we can all be grateful, as for me – and others, I'm sure – Nero is at his best when playing a ruthless cowboy (DJANGO anyone?) or a Euro-villain (DIE HARD 2 springs to mind). Kosugi, who carved a career for himself as THE ninja star of the 1980s, is excellent as the hero in this film, and the even better news is that he does all the fight choreography himself.When the words 'A Golan/Globus Production' pop up at the beginning of the film, you just know you're in for a cheesy, action-packed ride in the best '80s tradition, and in this respect REVENGE OF THE NINJA doesn't disappoint. Right from the very start we're thrown into a blistering action sequence in which most of Kosugi's family are massacred and he has to take on a ninja gang single-handedly. From then on the action shifts to America, involving the Italian Mafia and a drug smuggling operation whereby heroin is hidden inside Japanese statues in an art gallery. A 'bad' ninja, complete with cool silver mask, takes down the Mafia gang one by one, and in the end it's up to Kosugi to step in and end his reign of violence – forever.Anyway, forget the plot and sit back to enjoy fight after fight as this film is chock full of 'em. Kosugi whups backside all over the place as the reluctant hero, whether he's fighting off ninjas in the forest or the Village People in a park! This is one film that never lets up. The set-piece finale is wicked as the two ninjas infiltrate a high-rise building; Kosugi climbs the wall while Roberts uses a pulley system to get across by rope from a nearby building. There then ensues DIE HARD-style antics as the two ninjas kill various hired goons before their protracted showdown on top of the skyscraper, with every ninja trick in the book being brought into play. While this finale is decent stuff, the exceptional action scene for me occurs around the hour mark, and bears the hallmarks of a Jackie Chan film. Kosugi attempts to catch some villains who drive off in a minibus; cue all-out thrills as he hangs on to the back, jumps on the roof from the top of a parked car, and kicks through the windscreen. Our hero certainly takes a beating in this scene which is one of the best action interludes of all time. The stuntman gets to earn some decent cash as well.REVENGE OF THE NINJA is infamous as one of the most heavily-cut films here in the UK. The reason being that a scissor-happy BBFC had just set up and this was one of the first films they came to. Cue the deletion of most of the weapon-heavy action and gory deaths with an astonishing SIX MINUTES removed from the video edition! The uncut version is a bloody film indeed with plenty of bloodshed, including garroted throats, shurikens in bodies, hand loppings, and an astonishing, Japanese-film style death for the chief villain, as his arterial blood sprays out in a wide arc for a good ten seconds or so! The acting is dependable and there are a ton of familiar faces in the cast. Aside from the sternly immobile Kosugi, we also get his son Kane, an endearing kid who starred in many of his dad's films, and who also knows a few ninja skills himself! Arthur Roberts hams it up as the friend-turned-villain and, for an American ninja, he does well, although of course I'm sure somebody stands in for him as soon as the silver mask comes on. Ashley Ferrare as the token blonde bimbo is particularly engaging and attractive and her torture-by-water is one of the film's most bizarre moments. Other action stars flesh out the cast including WHEELS ON MEALS's Keith Vitali as Kosugi's police buddy and Professor Toru Tanaka as a horny henchman! REVENGE OF THE NINJA is a whup-ass ninja flick that stands as the best US-made ninja film I've seen so far. In fact, in terms of outlandish action and gore, it almost equals the likes of Chinese SUPER NINJAS, although bear in mind I said "almost"! Cannon Films pull through again for this ass-kicking ride through the world of the ninja, and the emphasis on ninja tactics and weaponry make it a totally rewatchable, cool movie.

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Comeuppance Reviews

Living legend Sho Kosugi portrays the similarly-named Cho Osaki in this classic Ninja Boom outing that helped kick off the aforementioned boom.Cho is a mild-mannered man living in Japan who is also a ninja. When baddies kill off his family, except for his son Kane Osaki (real-life son Kane Kosugi) the two move to the U.S. to start their lives over again in the face of the tragedy and get on with their doll-selling business. Little do they know that some nefarious men are importing drugs in the dolls. When Kane sees what's going on, it fuels a war between the Osaki's and the drug peddlers. Add to that, there is a traitor in Cho's midst. Will Cho Ninja his way out of this mess and finally have peace? It's easy to see why this is one of the most popular Ninja titles from the classic era. Sho is at his best here. He says little, but that works in his favor. His son Kane takes after his dad, and nowhere is that better seen than when he fights some schoolyard bullies. Those kids never saw NINJA moves coming their way. Don't mess with pint-sized Kane. Maybe this was the seedling that later sprouted the 3 Ninjas franchise (the first one of which features Prof. Toru Tanaka, as does this film...coincidence?) and, of course, Little Ninjas (1990).The movie is surprisingly brutal, with ninja stars embedded in foreheads and all, but it's all in good fun. Fun really is the name of the game here, as the simple plot allows for the maximum amount of Ninja action. It's well-shot and everything is very pro. This obviously raised the bar for Cannon Films.Watch out for the aforementioned Toru Tanaka who is always fun to see, and Keith Vitali of American Kickboxer 1 (1990) fame is on hand as well. This is a great place to start for those unfamiliar with Ninja movies and are looking for a good way to kick off a potential obsession. Go Sho! For more insanity, please visit:

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I can't say I remember too much about the film except it has all the normal ninja stereotypes in it with lots of blood. If that is what you want that is what you'll get. Don't get me wrong, when I watch a ninja movie I'm not looking for Shakespeare. I'm looking for sword slashing, shrunken throwing and bear claws to the face fun. And maybe a few heads getting lopped off. It is what it is. The cool thing is how movies can bring back memories and I remember going to the movies with my mom and older brother and somehow convincing her that this particular movie was the one we were going to see. I'm not sure why she agreed to it and I'm sure she regretted it afterward as she is a conservative Christian woman. I was only 10 at the time and whining like crazy for us to see it. LOL I guess she thought, "It's about ninjas, how bad could it be!?" WRONG! This was the first rated R movie I saw in fact. All I have to say this movie is part of my life narrative now. Thanks Mom. I still remember the ending, but I won't spoil it for you.I'm probably one of the few people who actually saw this in a theater.

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The only thing worse than acting was, the fightscenes. And of course the plot was a laughing matter. Poor choreography, poor dialogue, poor acting, a 6 year old that defeats adults with his martial arts skills and in general so many laughable clichés (the mafia guy has an Indian chief (who's the most non-native-American looking guy in the world) and so many poorly executed scenes make this movie a complete farce... 1½ hours of time wasted and a good evening ended because the poor quality of this movie hypnotised everyone to sleep.The only redeeming quality I can think of was the healthy amounts of blood when the evildoer is finally brought down by our courageous hero. Of course not until after the evil boss guy has defeated him time and time again almost casually. Several times fooling him with the help of mechanical dolls of himself that somehow materialise out of thin air when needed the most.I've watched I don't know how many kung-fu, samurai and ninja movies and I can honestly say that none of them has been as poor as this one.

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