R | 14 January 2005 (USA)
Retrograde Trailers

Two time travelers with opposing views are sent back to the present aboard a research ship in the Antarctic to prevent a global biological disaster from occuring

Walter Baeck

I am a "Dolph completist" like another reviewer put so eloquently, yet this movie has left a bitter aftertaste. It could have been so much more, the story had potential to make the ultimate "The Thing"- meets-"X files" crossover, laden with spooky claustrophobia and an intriguing time-travel tale.Alas, none of that has come about. The director is partly to blame for his total failure to bring focus and atmosphere to the story. Viewers are left less than ensnared. But what I found most appalling was the ACTING ! It's incredible how most of the cast just stands there, glazed over, rattling off their lines. How hard can it be to get a little immersed in the role ?Dolph himself is enough of a professional to put in his routine quality, even when he finds himself in what looks like a high school project. I also enjoyed Jamie Treacher, who makes the most of his "pothead" part. And there's David Jean Thomas who manages to bring a natural performance as Doc. But the rest of the cast should be forced to attend drama school !

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I thought that this movie had something going for it, because not only did it have Dolph Lundgren (one of my favorite B movie actors) in it, but that one of the producers was Joseph Merhi, who made some great B action movies in the 1990s. Unfortunately, I thought the end results were a big let down. Partly because of an inadequate budget, most of the movie looks really cheap, with interiors that were obviously not shot on a real ship, and exteriors that look nothing like the real Antarctic. An additional problem is that director Christopher Kulikowski directs the various going ons with a lack of conviction. The action scenes are sluggish and badly choreographed, and there is a curious matter-of-fact feeling to many scenes despite the plot of the movie centering around the fate of the human race! Even if you are desperate and it's a slow night does not make this movie worth watching. A note to Joseph Merhi: Reunite with your old producer partner Richard Pepin and get back to making those great action movies you guys once made!

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I watched movie this morning and it is not as bad as most people say. Actually it is good for what it is - a sci-fi flick. So don't be confused when you see the box cover and read the names of Dolph Lundgren and Gary Daniels expecting an action movie with a lot of fights. The movie is about a time traveller (Lundgren) who gets back in time to destroy a virus brought by a meteorite and this way he saves the future from it. There are some bad guys who want to trammel him. So I suggest that this is a low budget movie and if you have this in mind you'll say that it is a very decent movie. It might have been better, of course.I give it 6 out of 10 and suggest that all sci-fi and Lundgren fans should watch it.

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Although "Retrograde" may be a tough find and I'm not sure of its shelf life, the film, on the whole, was not a bad piece of sci-fi entertainment for avid Dolph Lundgren and Gary Daniels fans. First and this is unfortunate, the film clearly didn't have the budget to really make it sparkle. However, for a Dolph movie, it's ambitious and different from the usual cop / secret service characters he'splayed in the past. Also, Dolph looks pretty damn good for a guy in his mid- forties! The same holds true for Gary Daniels, who shines nicely in a fourth billing role, but who stays clear from his usual kick-boxing action. From the start, Retrograde opens with some uneven and disjointed editing. In fact, this problematic issue presents itself later in the third act. There seems to be a scene missing between our lead villain, played with controlled intensity by Joe Montana and the film's spunky lead girl, Silvia De Santis. Also, the ending, feels like its missing something. Again, this may be due to money, timeconstraints and or bad choices. In catching Kulikowski's first effort, the ultra low budget sci-fi drama, "Aurora", I doubt it had anything to do with him. His credits in post production are strong, but one never knows. For a film of this type and budget, the effects weren't bad and the settinginteresting; an ice cutter and crew trapped in the Antarctic, battling a deadly off- world bacteria and a group of commandos sent from the future to kill them. Other positives include the music score and action, once it gets going and the story, which holds up well, despite the occasional weak choice in editing and cinematography. There's also some very good performances by Gary Daniels,Silvia De Santis, Joe Montana and the ice cutter's doctor, David Jean Thomas. On a scale of one to ten, I give Retrograde a 7 1/2.

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