Renegade Force
Renegade Force
R | 14 December 1998 (USA)
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An FBI Agent and a female cop join forces to stop renegade cops who are offing the bad guys. Robert Patrick is the leader of the renegades and Louis Mandylor is a reluctant young cop that is brought into the hit team.


Very interesting film and showing how much you can accomplish on a limited budget. Best points? The vigilante sniper shooting the FBI sniper through his telescopic sight, as later featured on Mythbusters. The smooth-as-silk raids carried out by the vigilantes and of course the final shootout between the two police firearms teams (interesting to compare this to Deadliest Warrior's GSG9 vs LAPD SWAT). As has been commented on by others the plot never plays out as you might expect it to. You think that Cooper and Simms will end up together but instead she's killed in the City Hall shootout and he's forced to unceremoniously abandon her body on the floor and flee. After Cooper and Roth talk in front of the civil war memorial ("Brother against brother, it's no good that way") you expect Roth to come good and betray Jake to Cooper but instead his loyalties remain with the vigilantes. I would like Roth to have asked Cooper in return what the civil war veterans would have made of the modern justice system, was this the country they fought for? One of the best scenes is where there's just Jake and Roth left and Roth considers surrendering. "You made your choice" Jake tells him and Roth realises he's right and goes out in a blaze of glory. The sniper scene at the golf course is a brilliant and the extreme range aside highly realistic. Bad points. The vigilantes seem to have found a way to silence a shotgun which is technically impossible. The surveillance photos show that the FBI have been watching Jake for a long time, how did they get onto him and how did they miss him carrying out the mansion raid? Although you can't really feel sorry for the gangsters, arms dealers and child pornographers the vigilantes kill you have to wonder exactly why the adult porn actors at the mansion deserved to die? The film also blatantly teases us with loads of gratuitous female nudity both during the porn shoot and the strip club shootout (amazing how many cop films/TV series eventually end up there?). It's impossible to blow up a car by shooting it in the fuel tank as Mythbusters proved. The effective range of of an M14 is officially 875 yards so the idea that it could hit three man sized targets at 2000 yards takes some swallowing. Even if you're the best shots in the world you couldn't fire over 400 rounds during the mansion raid and not miss once. One important scene that's in the DVD but not the TV version is where Jake during his patrol duties arrests a man for beating a woman with baseball bat. Yet the rules say he's not allowed to give her first aid in case the Police Department get sued, enraging him. It's a key scene, portraying Jake as a guy who actually does care about people and believes in what he's doing for the greater good rather than just some fascist out to kill those he dislikes. When the vigilantes make their final Butch and Sundance style charge into the waiting guns of the regular police/FBI you get the impression that this is actually mass suicide.Another good factor is that you're never quite sure whose right and whose wrong. Jake genuinely tries to make Cooper understand why he's doing what he's doing and how it's justified "It's what the people want". In the end Cooper and his FBI team break the rules themselves to bring the vigilantes down. A dying Jake tells Cooper that he'll become just like him and Cooper replies he's right and executes him in cold blood. Do we want a police force that is lethally effective as Jake and his gang or one that let's the criminals go free in order to preserve the greater freedom of the individual? As the quote from Plato states at the beginning 'The rule of law is preferable to that of any one man'. Much as the woeful LA Takedown was transformed into the superlative Heat, you really get the idea that a big budget Hollywood remake of this film would be terrific! 8/10

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"Rogue Force" delivers what it promises, and then some. You would be pressed to find more action per minute in a movie. While character development is minimal, obviously some thought went into the script, and that overcomes somewhat the undeveloped characters. Special mention must be made of the excellent, creative camera work, which greatly enhances the film. Michael Rooker, and Robert Patrick are both believable as the leads, while the supporting cast is merely adequate, and mostly just "cannon fodder". There are a few surprises along the way to the bang-up conclusion. If you enjoy action films, especially those with outrageous body counts, I highly recommend "Rogue Force". - MERK

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bob the moo

FBI agent Matt Cooper joins police officer Helen Simms in her investigation into a series of hits on criminal types including drug lords and the producers of child pornography. Each hit is timed with clinical precision and carried off with ruthless efficiency. Cooper believes it to be the work of cops, frustrated with the apparent lack of justice in the legal system.The idea here is one that will be familiar to anyone who watches action movies that go straight to video - the idea of cops taking direct action in `unofficial' units. The idea was also used in Scarred City, Most Wanted and many others come to mind. So it is here and this is acceptable to me as a basic plot. What lets the film down is the delivery and the writing of the film. If all you want is men with guns running around and shouting `go' or making tactical signals with their hands then you will find that this pretty much gives you what you need. However if you are looking for tension, excitement, characters or a script then I'm afraid that this will pretty much leave you annoyed and frustrated for in the midst of all the noise they forgot to include any of these things. The action is noisy but is never really exciting or tense, things go bang, people fall down and that's it - the finale is a fine example, it is just overblown and silly.The characters lack any meat whatsoever and the film never makes any effort to get the audience to care about any of them - again hurting the chances of creating tension. The worst example is when Helen is killed - there is no feeling in the film and no dignity in her passing. I wanted to care but I found it impossible to give a toss. The film tries to create a John Woo style relationship between Cooper and McInroy but it fails spectacularly - their main meeting is spoilt because we have no idea (and never do) how Cooper has come to assume that it is McInroy doing it. This is also a problem of the script - it makes huge jumps in logic and it just seems to be unconcerned with the many, many holes that are dominant in the film.The cast is average but the traditional `video action movie' stars are here and they attracted me as all I wanted is noisy action. Rooker is ok, he has a good screen presence and he does better than the material deserves - however you can often see it in his face that he knows he is better than this. Patrick is pretty poor, although you never feel that he is better than this stuff. DiLascio is ok and it was quite bad just how carelessly the film treats her. The rest of the cast are not very good and just sort of try not to be bad, however Kisicki is awful and his wooden delivery of even simple lines would have been funny were it just not plain sad.The film manages to completely miss any clever writing that would challenge the viewers to support the actions of McInroy - a feat that even other genre films of similar values can achieve even a little bit. However, when the film opens with the slaughter of men with their arms up and women making adult porn (who are shot for making porn with animals - surely they are as much victims as anyone, albeit paid victims?) then it immediately puts the audience on the side of Cooper and never allows for the interesting blurring of morals in the same way that the TV show `The Shield' did. Yet again this is evidence of a script that is lazy and lacks ambition - all it wants to do is make noise, nothing more.Overall this is a bad film but I'm sure that it will be passable for people who come to it just looking for men running with guns and nothing more. Although, having said that, I came to it just wanting some good action and I went away annoyed with it for failing to deliver any actual excitement, tension or involvement. This is enough but add to that a lazy script, illogical plot, average acting at best and zero characters. A really unengaging and uninspiring film - how low do your expectations need to be in order for this to be enjoyable to you?

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I really enjoyed this film having caught it on Channel 5. Both times it was on I missed the start.Please note this film was also known as "Six Angry Men" over here in the UK.Michael Rooker is a really underrated actor and this is another underrated film. It's as hard as nails. SWAT Cops kill bad guys, FBI HRT Kill SWAT Cops not before lots of SWAT Cops kill cops and FBI Guys.You have to see this movie its as Rooker is as hard as nails and Patrick is the perfect choice for the leader of bad guys. This film will have you on the edge of your seat all the way through."Your Honour, I rest my case." Drugstore-Cowboy 02

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