Raiders of Atlantis
Raiders of Atlantis
| 25 November 1983 (USA)
Raiders of Atlantis Trailers

A team of scientists working to raise a sunken Russian nuclear submarine on an ocean platform off the coast of Miami, Florida, unearth an ancient Atlantean relic from the sea floor and bring in an expert to make some sense of it. But while attempting to raise the sub, radioactive leakage from its missles triggers the re-emergence of Atlantis, and the resulting tidal wave destroys the platform and leaves only a small group of survivors. Rescued by two Vietnamvets-turned-heavies who are out relaxing after their latest job, their boat eventually runs aground on a Carribean island nearby where, upon going ashore, it is discovered that everything has been destroyed and everybody killed. The culprits, a vicious group of well-armed raiders, and their leader, Crystal Skull, are descendants of Atlantis' original race who set about reclaiming the world and adding the survivors to the list of victims as they struggle to stay alive and defeat the raiders and send Atlantis back to the ocean floor.

Aleksandar Sarkic

The Raiders of Atlantis is really something special, i have watched a lot of strange, bizzare and trashy movies, especially from the 80s but this one beats em all. It has the most bizzare story that Atlanteans are Biker Punk Gang and they want to wipe out whole humanity, this story can only be written in the 80s. the whole movie is like you take some hallucinogenic drug and had a trip. A lot of action, explosions, gore, killings and with great synthisizer driven music in the background. The soundtrack is one of the best from the b-movies, total proto-synthwave stuff. Charachters are enjoyable Christopher Connelly and Tony King does the great job as main protagonist, also supporting cast has done solid job. I would say that the movie looks like a strange mixture of Assault On Prectinct 13, Big Trouble In Little China (note that Big Trouble is filmed three year later maybe Carpenter got some ideas watching this one) and Mad Max with some Italian twist and humour. This is must watch for all fans of cheesy and bizzare 80's stuff, definetely one of the best.

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Recently after discovering the awesomeness of the bronx warriors trilogy i have been hunting post-apocalypse exploitation movies. After 2019, endgame, & conquest i came across The raiders of Atlantis. This strange little film seems to have a pissy biker gang come to be thugish oiks when Atlantis resurfaces. A neighbourhood quickly becomes their playground of burning buildings and rubble. The main evil dude has some weird see-through plastic mask and as usual all his droogies dress like s&m gimps. Ah the 80's It has some gore, not to wave your hands about, but to make your cheeks hurt from laughing. A biker gets decapitated, then the headless biker drives forward into a wall. There is a few dummmy heads getting punctured in various ways, but for most of it people get shot and just fall over.Its not groundbreaking, the first 20 mins drag a bit, but then its a solid little pacey schlockfest. For post-apocalypse completists and 80's cheap action enthusiasts.

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From the director of Cannibal Holocaust and the Barbarian Brothers, Ruggero Deodato, comes this Italian action rip-off. These types of movies have a nostalgic feel for me, especially this one. It reminds me of the old mom & pop video stores, before Blockbuster. The action movie section would be filled with row upon row of movies like this one. These would be all the movies I'd love to see but couldn't. C grade movies with B grade video cases. The video cases always looked like some fantasy artist just did the movie poster. The covers would rarely live up to the actual movie, but we could hope. Nowadays, the same type of movies have horrible covers to boot. I am not sure when this developed, but I think it has to do with the ready availability of Photoshop and computers. Now on to the movie.Miami, Florida 1994.It actually looks more like Miami, Florida 1984, but who's counting. Over a Super Fuzz like disco theme song, we get the Circle Line tour of Miami via water and air. Two guys (we later find out these are our "heroes") break in through the front door of a house, commit several acts of murder, assault and one act of kidnapping. They escape through the front of the house. We never get any real background on the two men other than the following : Mike (played by a leathery-looking Christopher Connelly) and Washington (but please call him by his new name, Mohammed) are ex-military privateers/mercenaries. The initial mission they were on was for someone called the "Colonel". After getting paid for their services, they are off to Trinidad on a boat for R&R.At the same time, an attractive Dr. Rollins (Gioia Scola - another veteran of Lucio Fulci's Conquest) is forcibly transported via helicopter to a military research platform at 68 N - 28 W (middle of the ocean) to investigate a crazy artifact that was found when a Russian sub crashed. The artifact is reportedly 12,000 years old. She deduces that the artifact is a "Rosetta stone" for Atlantis, using a pair of tweezers, a small magnifying glass and a slide show. As they attempt to bring the submarine to surface, a giant storm breaks loose which sinks the platform. Also a "model of an island in a plastic bubble" apparently rises from the ocean. Mike and Washington (I mean Mohammed) rescue the survivors of the platform, including the attractive Dr. Rollins. At this point the cabin boy, Manuel, has a minor freak out and jumps ship.The crew end up back on land and they discover a city that has been totally devastated. It was caused by a group of rejects from the Auto and Gun shows that dress like an offshoot of the Village People's leather guy, with lots of shimmery golden makeup and crazy haircuts. Their leader wears a transparent skull mask, leather vest and neck guard and carries a riding crop (even though he rides in a 50's Ford with the Ben-Hur modification to the wheels). At first he just attacks, but later he reveals the plot.Apparently they are Atlanteans and they're back. These xenophobic Atanteans are on a Greenpeace mission to kill everyone (except 1 person) and reclaim all that was theirs. It took 52 minutes to find out what this movie was about, but better late than never. We then get Assault on Drug Store 13. Somehow the Atlanteans kidnap Dr. Rollins and it's up to our wrinkly hero to rescue her. How do we do this ??Step 1 : Commandeer a bus.Step 2 : Blow up a helicopter from the bus.Step 3 : Run over the bad guys.Step 4 : Commandeer a military helicopter.Step 5 : Fly to Atlantis.Step 6 : Rescue (involving lots of killing and puzzle solving)This movie is predictable, once you figure out what's going on. That is only a matter of time since the plot is quite simple. You can expect the typical B/C grade movie pyrotechnics (feels like we're watching the A-Team or something), point and click gun fights (noone aims), models of vehicles and buildings, and the gratuitous dummy kill (a.k.a. close up kill shot). All the things I've said should not distract you from this laugh-fest. It is quite enjoyable, when not taken seriously. This is never a problem because everyone involved seems to know what kinda of bucket everyone is standing in and its not full of bananas.-Celluloid Rehab

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WARNING: MAY INCLUDE SPOILERSCan you imagine a movie including a Russian submarine, the ancient continent Atlantis, a evil Punk-Rock-Gang trying to capture the world and some Vietnam veterans fighting against them? No? Nor do I, till I saw "Atlantis Inferno" yesterday - This is trash at it's best! The story is so funny, you can't believe anyone took this crap serious – not even the director of "Atlantis Inferno". Some American Scientists try to get a sunk Russian submarine from the ground, without the UdSSR recognizing it. I can't believe this was possible in the years of the cold war. Also, I don't understand why they use a oil platform to lift the submarine – But, whatever. Unfortunately, the atomic rockets inside the submarine somehow (??) wakes the continent Atlantis, which rises from the ground. Why? Well, who cares? At the same moment, Punk-Rockers from Atlantis (please, imagine it! Punk-Rockers from Atlantis! Who ever thought that a Punk-Rock-Gang lived in Atlantis and their Leader is a weirdo with a Glass skull as Face??) arrive in the USA and start killing every human they find. A massive storm destroy the platform, and some of the soldiers, the scientists and a pilot get saved by two retired Vietnam-Fighters, now working as soldiers-of-fortune. These bunch of survivors now fight against Mr. Glass skull and his none-human (but look like humans) army of rockers. I don't wanna spoil everything, so watch the movie and enjoy the Indiana-Jones-meets-Alien End by yourself.The Action is bloody, real bloody, sometimes even disgusting. The Special effects don't deserve the word "special", they were made with models from a toy-steam-train, maybe in the bathroom of the director (e.g. the storm scene). The Acting is standard for a B-Movie.If you really love trash movies with a REALLY strange story, this is a must-seen! All others should avoid "Atlantis Inferno" at all costs.

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