Film-maker Jhananthan is known for making films that portray complex issues of the society in a rather simplistic ways (read it as impractical, amateur and preachy). This film too is no exception to that. The film is about a convicted terrorist awaiting death sentence at jail and his terror supporting friends' attempt at saving him via jailbreak before the inevitable happens.From the first scene, it is apparent that the director wants to thrust his warped Utopian ideologies that is poorly disguised in a commercial platform on viewer's mind. This is one of those films that struggles to to have an identity of its own. It isn't out and out commercial film and at the same time it doesn't have a sense of realism. The film rightly bombed at the box office like the director's previous films. This is a badly written, badly acted, and most importantly badly directed flick which tries to speak against capital punishment while hyping communist ideology as the savior of mankind of sorts.
... View MoreI just Gave 10 not only for the Revolutionary Topic that was taken but also the way the Director Executed so that a common man with no knowledge of past or about communism could gain a little . Its the story for the youth of India. The characters of Arya and Shyam are well Portrayed in their respective roles. But he has compromised the script in some stages for normal audiences .. Even though still its Very entertaining and Very much needed story for this generation, a revolution.Unlike other films, Heroine has a very strong role.Karthika Nair executes her part perfectly.A portrayal of common man and the role of a Hang Man is genuinely lived in the eyes of Emalingam(Vijay Sethupathy).Mr.S.P Jananathan Proves once again why he is honest about his script and unique.
... View MoreThe movie doesn't stand strong with the communism principles or in the entertainment angle. The first half is terribly boring with some good dialogues reflecting communism. Only the director knows why in the name of god the songs where even there in this movie, if it was under the producers pressure I feel bad for the creator! The good thing about the movie is that it shows both the sides of the revolutions. There has been a great effort put in to make the jail realistic and it has been effective. The Tamil conversations between the peers from Delhi could have been in English/Hindi and subtitled in Tamil to make it more authentic.Coming to cast they have tried their best to fit Arya in the character with the looks, but it didn't just workout. For such a important character in the movie the casting could have even been a well suited new face. The character of Karthika appears just not to make the movie so dry. The costumes and dialogues for the pair during the expedition just don't gel up. Vijay Sethupathi and Shaam has done justice to their characters.
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