R | 28 January 2011 (USA)
Prowl Trailers

Amber dreams of escaping her small town existence and persuades her friends to accompany her to find an apartment in the big city. When their transportation breaks down, she and her friends gratefully accept a ride in the back of a semi. But when the driver refuses to stop and they discover the cargo is hundreds of cartons of blood, they panic. Their panic turns to terror when the truck disgorges them into a dark, abandoned warehouse where blood-thirsty creatures learn to hunt human prey, which, the friends realize, is what they now are... Written by Svetlio Svilenov

Melissa Oaks

I would have only rated this movie about a 6 but to make up for the unreasonably low rating, I went ahead and gave it an 8. It's really disgusting that other movies that are pure crap directed and written by people who have no talent can get rated so high on here but movies that are actually entertaining get low ratings. That makes no sense and I think people must be getting paid to rate these crap movies. Or maybe their fellow Hollywood satanic cult members are the ones giving the high ratings. but this movie was actually scary and high tension. you could feel the fear of the characters and the horror of being hunted by ravenous creature/human things, that's great. also, at the end, there was a unique and unexpected twist that shows real imagination and intelligence on the part of the writer. i enjoyed it. i recommend it to anyone who likes horror movies. It had a good ending. it wasn't all bad and negative. the only down side is the sexual comments and the girls kissing. but i just muted the movie until it got to the good part which didn't take very long.

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One day, a young girl - let's call her 'Deep and Dependable' - wants to go on a road trip to get the plot moving. She decides to take along her five friends, 'Nerdy and Helpless, Slutty and Blonde, Macho and Ripped, Stoned and New-age and finally Rich and Unlikeable' (Token Ethnic was unfortunately not available to come with them as he was still working in the off license at the beginning of the movie).However, their van breaks down within minutes of their journey beginning (Rich and Unlikeable even remarks, "Hey, I think I can see my house from here!"). Therefore the first thing they decide to do is hitch a ride with a truck driver who has come straight off the set of Deliverance. He, in turn, deposits them in an abandoned building filled with vampires. And, to make matters worse, they're not even the nice Twilighty vampires who are really well-preened and twinkle a bit in sunlight.No, these vamps like nothing more than to feast on the flesh of one-dimensional clichés. And so the hunt begins... expect a mish-mash of From Dusk Till Dawn and 30 Days of Night. It's shot as if the cameraman is constantly bouncing up and down on a trampoline. By the end of the film I was shaking my head from side to side in an attempt at keeping up with the shaky camera movement.It's not a long film. Stereotypes aren't natural fighters - they only have badly-written dialogue to fend of the ghouls with. Vamps have teeth. I know which one I had my money on.

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Robert W.

Obviously looking to cash in on the vampire craze this film mixes together your typical slasher flick but with a vampiric twist without actually every using the word vampire. There is absolutely no substance to the movie whatsoever. It starts out typically enough...slightly post teens partying, stripping, and generally acting the way Jason Voorhees hated. But this doesn't make a bad horror movie, its just the recipe for a slasher flick. You know the lead character has some sort of strange past that she doesn't remember so that's intriguing enough to stay with it. Everything feels like a slasher flick so if you are a fan, like myself, you stay with it right up until the monsters arrive. The monsters who are vampires show up at about the 45 minute mark and they cut through the cast in about five minutes give or take and when the slaughter is done you're bored...plain and simple. Blood and guts spew, no unique kills just slaughter slaughter slaughter and then its over. You're left with the unravelling of the main characters past but by the time you simply don't care and the story is too weak to keep your interest.Courtney Hope is our scream queen with the murky past. She is decent, nothing wrong with her performance. The script doesn't give her a lot to work with. The rest of the cast are literally a write off. They are fodder for the monsters and are all basically the same sex crazed, drinking, pot smoking post-teenagers that get killed off in minutes. Saxon Trainor is the evil villainess and head of the vampires. She's okay but gets little actual screen time to establish herself as a great villain. Bruce Payne is the same vote. He starts good as the mysterious stranger that helps them and traps them but then he is given virtually nothing else to do.Prowl is a poor excuse for slapping together and churning out a horror flick. The story is so weak that it won't even please the most hardcore fans. Patrik Syversen has had some experience behind the camera but doesn't look like he's ever had a decent budget to work with. Prowl probably didn't have a huge budget but more than it should have had and it was underused. Really the fault of this clunker is in the hands of screenwriter Tim Tori. Its just poorly told and the pacing is completely off. This one should be skipped. The special effects are good, the lead actress does well, but the rest is a write off. 4/10

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This is not a "30 days of night" rip-off, just because a film has vampires does not make it a "30 days of night" or "Twilight" rip-off.Some people have the mainstream movie stick so far up their ass they wont even give something that doesn't hit theaters a shot.This was a surprisingly good horror flick that should please many horror fans, the atmosphere was good and while some of the scares cheap, they are effective. This is one of the better low budget horror films out now days, and I'm happy it at least tried to take a different look on the vampire story. The acting was decent and actually impressive from a group of newbies.For all you mainstream stuck up snobs, wake up, half the crap we are given in theaters now days is trash. Its sad that you cant look beyond what a few people decide are good movies and fit for theaters. Start watching real movies and quit letting people you don't even know make up your mind on what films are good and which one are not. There's a reason your "Reviewing" films and not making them, because you cant and don't know how. And I have checked out some of your other reviews and a lot of you give every movie you review a bad review, get a life or find a new hobby that your good at.

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