| 01 June 2001 (USA)
Princesa Trailers

Fernanda, a 19-year-old Brazilian trans woman, travels to Milan and becomes a sex worker to finance her gender confirmation surgery.

Aron Lewis

"Princesa" can be a tough film to watch. It is a film about a "travesti" from Brazil who becomes a prostitute in Italy in order to pay for her surgery.But the path she treads isn't an easy one. As you watch this film, you have to wonder if this is the same kind of thing that happens to most of the people in her same situation. Is this the tough reality they must face? A lot of the most powerful scenes are built around exactly that kind of thing and it often feels as if the film slows down at these moments just so the viewer can take it all in with a bit of extra time to think about it all.This film is definitely not for everyone. While it is a good film to try and understand the kind of trials transgender people have to face to get what they want, a way to be accepted by society through a sex change surgery, there are many scenes that depict what some would consider graphic interpretations of prostitution. Other than that, I highly recommend this film, as it gives us a view of one of the most underrepresented demographics in all of cinema.

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This film depicts the story of Fernanda, who is born as a male but considers "herself" as a female. She migrated to Italy to work as a prostitute, hoping to earn money for her sex reassignment surgery. There she met Gianni, who fell in love with her later despite knowing her true identity. In the end, she chose to leave him and stay being a prostitute because she knows that they cannot have the future that Gianni wants.The story is sad, and it gives the audience a feeling that it is very realistic. The music used in the film matches well with the scenes, it works to give more sentimental feeling to the piece. The opening scene is shocking, and it shows Fernanda's extremely low self-esteem. This scene already hints that something unusual is going on in the film, and it prepares the audience for that. The plot is organized in a nice way, which progresses well to fit Fernanda's change of mind, from eager for SRS to finally willing to stay as a woman trapped in a man's body. She sacrifice a lot for Gianni, and it is very painful for her to make the decision.In general, the movie is a good one. It is more explicit than the others, since sexual scenes takes up quite a large portion of the film. This may be referred to the cultural extent, as stereotypically Europeans gives others a feeling that they are more open to sex. Acting is good, and I think the casting is perfect as the actress is a transsexual herself. She has been through all the real struggles and she is basically a different Fernanda. It is not that much acting for her, and I think this is the main element which makes this piece a good one.

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Claudio Carvalho

The Brazilian transvestite Fernanda a.k.a. Princesa (Ingrid de Souza) travels to Milan to meet her friend Charlo (Biba Lerhue) and work on the streets as prostitute to raise money for a sex change surgery. Fernanda dreams on changing sex; find her prince charming and have a normal couple life. When Fernanda meets the married lawyer Gianni (Cesare Bocci), her dreams come true: Gianni falls in love for her and leaves his wife Lidia (Alessandra Acciai), moves with Fernanda to an apartment of their own and finances her aimed surgery. However, when Lidia visits Fernanda in her apartment and tells her that she is pregnant, the transsexual realizes that she would never be a complete woman and her relationship with Gianni would not last."Princesa" is a good movie with an unconventional romance of a woman trapped in a man's body that has the dream of most teenagers from the countryside (in her case, from the North of Brazil): to get married and raise a family. The Brazilian director Henrique Goldman uses a stylish grainy image that gives the sensation of documentary in many moments and an amateurish cast that has great performances giving a total credibility to the plot. The sex scenes are not free exploitation but part of the reality of the lives of the transsexual characters in Europe. In spite of the theme, this movie was a pleasant surprise for me. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "Princesa" ("Princess")

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Fernanda, a Brazilian transsexual, embarks on a trip to Italy, where some of her friends are working as prostitutes. She figures that working there will help her get the money for the operation that will make her a woman, something she has always wanted, but never had the means to pay for the costly procedure. Basically, Fernanda is a good soul trapped in a man's body; even though Fernanda has enlarged her breasts, she is not completely sure of the next step.We first meet Fernanda on the train that is taken her to Milano. After the police begin to check on documents, they discover his passport photo which shows a man. She is arrested and she suffers a humiliating experience when the officer in charge wants to take advantage of her. After she arrives in Milan, her friend Charlo takes her to meet Karin, an Italian woman who controls the action in that part of town. Karin puts her through the test with Fabrizio, a kind soul who is connected to Karin's circle. Karin eventually invites her to move in with her.Fernanda has an encounter with a man that will change her life. Gianni, the man that invites her for a ride in his car, acts shyly at first, but Fernanda, who turns aggressive, gets him aroused, until he discovers this girl has some attribute he never guessed she had. Disgusted by his discovery, Gianni throws Fernanda from the car, almost naked. Gianni, whose conscience must have bothered him, comes back to return Fernanda's things and invites her to dinner the following night. Karin, who senses Fernanda is falling in love, warns her about it, but Fernanda feels Gianni is an honest man. Gianni eventually leaves his wife and moves in with Fernanda into what appears a blissful relationship. She has started to take the medicine before her operation, but they have a bad effect on her. When Gianni's estranged wife comes to visit Fernanda, she understands her life with Gianni was doomed. Director Fernando Goldman offers a frank account on the life of these transsexuals that are found all over Europe as they engage in prostitution. It appears the more exotic the transsexual, the more demand for them from the men that love that type of sexual encounter. Mr. Goldman presents this crude story without embellishments, which in a way is a more realistic approach to the lives he is examining. Don't expect a "Pretty Woman" here, this is the way these people live and are exploited by the system.Ingrid DeSouza makes an impression with her take on Fernanda, who is a backward girl who learns quickly about how to peddle herself in the new environment. Ms. DeSouza is perfect for the part. Cesare Bocci, who plays Gianni, makes a valuable contribution in making his character someone who is believable without being a caricature. Lulu Pecorari is also wonderful as Karin, the kind hearted woman who knows Fernanda is making a big mistake when she goes to live with Gianni."Princesa" is worth a look because the excellent direction by Fernando Goldman who shows he knows these women and their world.

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