Primal Rage
Primal Rage
| 31 July 2018 (USA)
Primal Rage Trailers

A newly reunited young couple's drive through the Pacific Northwest turns into a nightmare as they are forced to face nature, unsavory locals, and a monstrous creature, known to the Native Americans as Oh-Mah.

Claudio Carvalho

"Primal Rage" is a terrible horror film with a confused storyline. The promising beginning recalls 1972 "Deliverance", with the redneck hunters dangerously teasing the young couple. It is amazing the lack of chemistry of this lead couple. The Indian community and the sheriff recall 1971 "Billy Jack" with their visions. And the creature is a hybrid of "Predator" and any low-budget Big Foot film. The result is a complete mess with awful conclusion. My vote is four.Title (Brazil): Not Available

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Horror tip takeaway - aim to be the hottest thing in the woods. It may make you a target for gun toting hillbillies but Big Foot likes 'em pretty.Conclusion - Big Foot (Big Feets?) just want someone to love...& a whole lot of people to brutally murder (those who aren't above a 7 in the hotness scale).

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Saw this movie expecting the usual bad FX, awful acting, boring death scenes..... i got all the opposite.Its a brand new take on a known them the Sasquatch, but with some major turns..... intelligent use the jungle reminded me a lot of predator in a lot of ways but very well done not like yeah ok they did that.The death scene are very gory, so its a big plus.Not sure what the budget for this movie was but its pretty well made

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Puzzled at the 1 and 2 star reviews. What did you expect? This a good throw-back creature feature with some really decent gore. Yeah, its a guy in a gorilla suit and the ending resembles Predator 1& what? Sit back and enjoy some mindless entertainment.

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