| 30 June 1993 (USA)
Prehysteria! Trailers

A young boy and his family embark on a series of adventures when the boy finds some mysterious eggs which hatch to reveal a brood of baby dinosaurs.


In one sense, I kind of liked this movie because of a 'mindless', positive atmosphere it sort of conveys. I had a problem with an aspect of the plot, but more about that later. First, the characters were a little goofy and one dimensional. The 'good people' had similar physical and character traits and the 'bad people' had similar physical and character traits ... hmmm. The basic storyline was OK (pretty simple and standard) - nothing too exciting or objectionable. The main attraction was, of course, the miniature dinosaurs - kind of a nice fantasy element to have. However, they had a very minimal presence in the movie.Outside of that, the movie kept a brisk pace and didn't get too bogged down in any one place. I liked this about the movie.The problem I had with the plot had to do with the the idea of "stealing". I think this movie may not have been thought out enough - something's wrong especially if this is a kid's movie. I'll keep the next sentence abstract to not be a spoiler (skip it if you're worried). The 'good guys' do some stealing and they don't have the same info the audience has - so it's just stealing and that's kind of a bad thing for a kid's movie.Overall, if you have kids, because of a questionable plot aspect I'd consider passing. However, this whole movie is pretty low key anyway so it may not matter. Pass this one if you have any other interesting choices.

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I really liked this movie if others don't like it, well they are not a kid at heart, I thought of the dinosaurs was cute , the action great, the comedy funny, the actors great, the story line was great too and just about every thing about it, and it was a very good movie for kids and for the adult who are a kid at heart too, but I think it is ashame that they didn't put it on DVD. They put the 2 movies that came after this one on DVD, so why not this one too? I haven't seen the other two movies yet but i think this one really should have been put on DVD too like the other 2.I liked it too, and I hope that somebody else does just as much as I did too.

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If your wanting a movie that will inspire you and create new emotions....this is not the one. But it is good if you want to keep your small child occupied for a few hours. I didn't rent this for me to watch, but my 4 year old, and he liked it. I saw enough of it to know that the acting is bad and the jokes are lame, but I don't expect kids movies to be great works of art. I expected it to keep my little boy's attention long enough so I could watch the movie I wanted to see, and that it did. And he wanted to see it over again (5 day rental), so I can't trash it too bad.

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For some unknown reason, 7 years ago, I watched this movie with my mother and sister. I don't think I've ever laughed as hard with them before. This movie was sooooo bad. How sequels were produced is beyond me. Its been awhile since I last saw this "movie", but the one impression that it has stuck with me over the years has been, "They must have found the script in a dumpster in the backlot of a cheap movie studio, made into a "movie", and decided that it didn't suck enough, and made it worse. I'm pretty sure that they spent all the budget on camera work and the so called "special effects", and then had 13 cents left toward the script AND to pay the "actors".

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