Polk County Pot Plane
Polk County Pot Plane
| 01 August 1977 (USA)
Polk County Pot Plane Trailers

Oosh and Boosh, two pot smoking hicks, meet up with Big Jim, who flies in drugs from Cuba and Colombia. Our heroes unload the plane and drive off, the only problem being that within about ten seconds of doing so, the police are on their tail. You've never met two more unlucky drugs couriers, as the police are on to them every time they try something, the mafia have changed management and want money back for lost shipments, and they're about to get stiffed for their biggest heist.


Stupid Fun Movie, Amateur acting, good camera work & music, B movie Amateur acting. If they were professional actors, they should ask for a refund from their acting school/teachers. What's good about the movie is the cinematography, lighting is good, camera work is all there. Music was good. The car chases, crashes all good. The main hoodlums friends get shot next to each other, they blow up a cash car, crash through a mobile home with a bum sleeping inside.The story is simple, nothing to think about. Budget is low, but they must have spent some cash on the cars and the airplane and helicopter.Do not expect anything special here. But it is a stupid fun movie. At least a few people get blown away.Rating is a 5 or 6, or a C, rating of 10 given to make up for all the crap reviews.Just to make it clear. I just rewatched X-Men, and X-Men 2, which are failures, deserving an F, or a 1 star. I would rather watch this movie rather than some high budget Hollywood crap.

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Rainey Dawn

Polk County Pot Plane AKA In Hot Pursuit (1977). This is another trash film in the Drive-in 50-pack collection. Well, they can't all be winners. LOL. This one is definitely not a winner.This is a Z-grade film. Wannabe "Smokey and the Bandit" type of a film that tries to lure you in with it's tagline 'Life in the Fast Lane'. I'm guessing they are borrowing their tagline from the 1976 Eagles song of the same title which was still hot in 1977.This drug smuggling film was trying to cash in on the success of "Smokey and the Bandit" and the TV hit show "Dukes of Hazzard" I'm afraid, but the film fails miserably to meet the standards of either. This film really is a bummer.1/10

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If someone was to take an episode of "The Dukes of Hazzard," stretch it out to a ninety minute feature length, crank up the idiotic hayseed tomfoolery to the noxiously stupid ninth degree, and substitute Bo and Luke with a third-rate Southern-fried whitebread hairball hippie Cheech and Chong-style stoner dope humor comedic duo, the net result of this ill-advised attempt at wannabe clever "high concept" tinkering would probably be a lot like this almost impossibly boneheaded downhome mid 70's regional redneck outdoor picture show car chase romp. Real-life brothers Don and Bob Watson star as Oosh and Boosh, a pair of burly, bearded, hirsute longhair siblings who smuggle weed for a living and do their best to avoid getting arrested by the local yokel cops. Man, does this delectably dreadful darling possess all the right wrong stuff: feeble direction by Jim West, a barebones outline for a script, an eclectic film library score which alternates between corny country swing and uproariously inappropriate groovy, syncopated, fuzztone-and-Hammond-organ-rippin' psychedelic freak-out funky noise lifted from some European exploitation flick (!), uniformly crummy acting from a lame no-name cast, dense, thick, heavily drawling country accents which render most of the dismal dialogue borderline incomprehensible, hopelessly dated jokes about smoking grass and getting high, a colorful array of quirky fringe characters who include a gruff drug-running airplane pilot and a black religious loony armored car security guard, hardly any story to speak of, a first-rate goofy theme song called "Pot Plane" (immortal verse: "I fly the pot plane"), and, best of all, a constant barrage of metal-mangling, heart-in-your-throat, hell-broke-for-an-early-grave loco car chases (no professional stuntmen were used for these tasty thrilling sequences). In short, this honey overall rates as a whole lot of nice no-brainer cheapjack drive-in film fun.

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I saw this movie when my mother bought it in the $2 bin at a local video store. It was without a doubt a low budget production with terrible actors, but it made me laugh. The police chases with all the crazy things that happen are hilarious! You can tell from the beginning when you see the junky police cars that there will be a lot of crashing going on. I watched it several times and it is one of the few movies i've seen that's so bad it's funny. I don't have the tape anymore but would buy it again if I found it..... there's probably not that many in existence anymore! This just goes to show you that you don't have to spend a lot of money on a movie to have a good time.

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