Plan B
Plan B
NR | 12 January 2010 (USA)
Plan B Trailers

Bruno's plan to win back his ex-girlfriend hits a snag when he becomes attracted to her boyfriend.

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Plan B works off a fantastic premise and keeps you hooked for most of the movie. I found myself personally rooting for the relationship while also wanting better for the girl. The film doesn't treat her as badly as, say, straight women fetishizing gay men in fandoms would (this is a whole big thing altogether), but she still deserved better. The camera also just lingers, and the audience takes in whatever they could from the zoomed out frames and certain angles highlighting certain body parts. Therefore there was this disconnect from the audience with the characters, and it could also be the actors at fault. But the film thankfully runs off a premise so enticing, and mostly delivers what it builds up to.

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Michael Bradley

This small film with a microscopic budget has a few flaws, but after a number of viewings, you see everything it has to offer. Very romantic and emotionally gratifying, it is a film of subtlety and minimalism. Moving very slowly, the main characters grow towards each other and become quite intimate. Certain scenes have a more intense effect with each successive watching. It explains that being gay is about who you love and not who you just have sex with. Needless to say I really like this film and it is now one of my favorite gay films. No heavy message, it just tells a story about how two ordinary unpretentious people fall in love. That can be very rewarding in itself. So many gay films are such drivel trying to be cute and precious like a typically bad episode of Will and Grace that its nice to see something realistic and intelligent. I recommend it along with Wilby Wonderful and Patrik 1.5.

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I've been an avid moviegoer since The Graduate. Hundreds of movies viewed, so many classics. But as a gay man, that's another, less satisfying story. There have been, sadly, too few really first-rate movies that I can truly, deeply enjoy on a personal level. The British, "Weekend", has been one. And tonight, totally unexpectedly (like the film's plot), I have another favorite, "Plan B."Utterly charming, beautifully acted and realized, this comedy-drama could not have been better. So much talent around the globe! Now I don't want to oversell and disappoint you. So please ignore my heartfelt review. Find a copy. Then sit down, relax and make believe it is just a movie somebody boosted somewhere. I am looking forward to telling friends, and watching this charmer again soon!

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Edgar Soberon Torchia

A fine motion picture about male friendship taken to the physical plane and turned into a homoerotic relationship. Certainly the undercurrent was there (as seen in the last reel), moving the characters together rather unconsciously, but the liaison had not been expressly planned. In my opinion, the script has a few shortcomings, starting with the initial proposition: a young man who cannot win back his ex girlfriend, decides to seduce the guy she is having an affair with. That is the "excuse" to develop the story of how two normal guys find out they love each other, first just as candidly as two 12-year-old kids would love each other, and then making it grow as adults, just as plain lovers. I had my doubts about watching it, but after it was finished I was more pleased than hypercritical. My problem with most films with homosexual stories is that I believe they hardly get close to what the "real thing" is: many are advertising campaigns for the unwary; others, plain pornography, and far too many, soap operas with stories that probably would get better after The End, and so on. "Plan B" goes beyond these stereotyped formulas, and tries something different for a change. Nicely acted by the two lead players, with a cast of (apparently) non-professional actors that makes things more believable. Give it a try, no matter what your sexual orientation is.

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