Pink Valiant
Pink Valiant
G | 10 July 1968 (USA)
Pink Valiant Trailers

The Pink Panther has to rescue a princess kidnapped by the Black Knight, but must first tame his uncooperative horse.


Somehow the Pink Panther is living in the medieval times and witnesses an evil squire who kidnapped the king's daughter. Determined to rescue her, the Pink Panther hopes to becomes the princess' knight in shining armor. However, his horse just won't cooperate, not letting the panther ride him to the criminal's castle. So, it's just a lot of back and forth and rather boring slapstick stuff of the horse tossing the panther off.The princess' screams get quite annoying and old throughout the cartoon. The appearance of the dragon was a nice tough, but the overall cartoon lacks the laughs, entertainment and humor found in many of these cartoons.Grade D--

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There's not much else to add to what has been said in the previous two reviews, it's been said well enough. Not an awful Pink Panther cartoon, but at the same time it's nothing particularly special. It's good technically but not much stands out and it isn't very funny. The cartoon is well animated, the style is still simple but still colourful and elegant-looking, the more sparse-looking moments are still easy on the eyes. The music, both the incidental music and the theme tune, is catchy and infectious, not a surprise as they are always great. The ending is funny and is the best part of the cartoon, and the knight and princess are good characters. Pinky is cool and likable still. But he has also been much funnier, his coming timing has always been natural and effective but the material here in Pink Valiant isn't strong enough for him to really shine. The gags and story don't work here sadly. The gags take far too long to set up and get going and the whole Pinky trying to tame and ride the horse was little more than filler. Especially when the horse comes across as bland. The story lacks energy and the filler and drawn out gags gives it a padded-out feel. And you can never shake off the feeling that you've seen it all before, if you took the knight, princess and fire-breathing dragon out of the picture then you just have an inferior re-hash of Pinto Pink. In conclusion, not bad but disappointing, there are better Pink Panther cartoons out there. 5/10 Bethany Cox

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The Pink Panther is a knight in the days of The Round Table, etc., and the dreaded Black Knight has run off with the king's daughter. The Pink Panther, a Prince Valiant-type, offers his services to get her back. The grateful king kisses his hand and the Panthers rolls up his eyes as if to say, "okaaaay."Anyway, the "gag" in this cartoon is mainly Valiant's attempt at getting on his horse. It's kind of tough to rescue the fair maiden when he can't even get to first base by mounting his horse! To make matters more insulting, the horse laughs at each of the Panther's futile attempts. Didn't I see a similar angle in "Pinto Pink?" Yes, I did, and with the horse doing the same laugh, too.The second "gag" is that back at the Black Knight's hideout where the captured woman screams for help all the time and is chased. However, she winds up beating the tar out of the Knight.There is a twist at the end of this cartoon which isn't bad. Overall, however, I can't say it's one of the better PP cartoons. The bit trying to get on the horse went too long was, as mentioned, used before in an earlier PP cartoon.

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Robert Reynolds

This short is very hit and miss, at least for me. The Pink Panther isn't even terribly important to this one and most of the good bits don't even involve him. I want to discuss this, so there are spoilers below: Entirely too much of this cartoon feels like a retread of Pinto Pink, as the gags center around the Pink Panther's attempts to ride the same obnoxious horse, with pretty much the same results. It's basically filler, as the best parts center around the cartoon's variation on the little guy who shows up in a lot of the Pink Panther cartoons. Here, he has darker hair and is the evil knight, who grabs the princess and rides off to do whatever nefarious things evil knights do with captured princesses. He comes to regret this, as she eventually turns the tables on him and he's the one yelling for help.Sadly, every time this section starts getting interesting, they cut back to the futile attempts of the Pink Panther to ride his horse. Here, it's just painfully unfunny. I can't quite figure out why, but here, it just gets very annoying quickly. When the Pink Panther finally gives up and gets a fire-breathing dragon, things pick up considerably, but by then the short is practically over.Personally, I would have enjoyed a different ending from the one that was done. I would have like to have seen the princess deck the Pink Panther, go off back to the castle on the dragon and then have her chase her father (the king), the Pink Panther and the evil Knight with the fire-breathing dragon hot on their tails. Now that would have been hilarious! This short is on the Pink Panther Classic Cartoon Collection, which is well worth having. This cartoon is worth seeing once as a curiosity.

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