Ping Pong
Ping Pong
| 20 July 2002 (USA)
Ping Pong Trailers

As children, the introverted Smile was being bullied by a gang of kids until the brash Peco comes by and chases all of them them away. Peco then takes Smile under his wings and teaches him how to play the game of ping pong. From there a life long best friend relationship comes into existence between these two polar opposite kids.


Who knew ping pong players took that sport seriously, and this is what the movie is about ping pong players that take the game too seriously. The main point is though is that the movie is very entertaining and engaging, I even caught myself taking the game a bit seriously while watching this. The direction is comic book like but it's a good thing for this movie, plus it's a manga adaptation. Every one of the cast did a good job, Yôsuke Kubozuka being one of them. Mainly because he sort of reminds me of a Japanese version of Joseph Gordon-Levitt sort of. I seen this movie a few years ago and just had to see it again, since it was probably the most entertaining Japanese movie when I first saw it a few years ago. I liked how every character had their own background and agenda, so most of the characters aren't put to waste. The story revolves around the competition of ping pong of course, but is overcoming struggles and having heroes and friendship like some reviewers are claiming. For a movie based on a manga this is a very well crafted film that will make you want to watch it again someday after it's finished.8.4/10

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Ping Pong is an entertaining variation on the tried and trusted idea of friends who are driven apart, and then reunited by something that they have in common. In this case, it's table tennis. In fact, that's pretty much all there is in this film - the relationship between the two lead characters and.. err .. table tennis.You don't need me to re-iterate the plot, so I won't bother.If this film has a fault it's that it didn't explore the back story of the relationships between the adult characters - it would have been nice to have seen them fleshed out a little more than they were - and that the screenplay would have benefited from some minor expansion in a few areas and a similar reduction in others.However, those are very minor niggles about what is a very well executed film that incorporates some unusual direction and that manages to include quite a few celluloid manga moments. My wife laughed out loud at some of the dialogue, so I can only assume that the Japanese soundtrack is more entertaining than the English subtitles, but I found myself enjoying the film regardless.Oh, and there are some nice location shoots, around Kamakura I think, that show off a small part of the beautiful Japanese coastline.If you get a chance to see this film in the cinema, do so - you won't be disappointed.

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the movie is about these two boys who have been friends since they were young. they are both on the ping pong club team. the main character peco is a cocky kid who thinks that he is great, though he is, his best friend "smile" (because he doesnt) is equily as good but doesnt let himself try. the two join a tournament and peco loses to an easy foe while smile beats the only person to ever beat peco... make sense? anyway, the two separate. peco loses his will to play and smile trains harder than ever. they meet again at another tournament where at the end they are put against eachother by elimination. i think that the characters in this movie are pretty interesting. the acting for the most part is fairly good but also a little over the top in a few scenes because of how animated the peco character is. a few things are also pretty far fetched. i would say that it is overall a good movie but you cant take it too seriously or you will be let down.if you like this movie check out aoi haru (blue spring) it is based off of a manga by the same author that wrote ping pong... though much more violent, this movie is a fantastic movie. i would say to also check out kyoki no sakura staring kabozuke yosuke, also much more violent in nature, but a fantastic movie aswell.

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a terrific movie. i was surprised by how good and mature the screenplay was. the movie takes place in the world of high school ping pong, but really it's more of a human story about friendship and hero worshipping, and not living life like it's a curse. a good movie, highly recommended, even if you don't know a lick about ping pong (which pretty much sums up my experience).

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