Penny Princess
Penny Princess
NR | 24 March 1952 (USA)
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A tiny European country which for years has survived financially only through evading its bills and smuggling is finally facing bankruptcy, when a rich American agrees to save the place by buying it. But before, the deal is closed, he dies. His nearest relative and heir turns out to be a young woman with high ethical and democratic standards, but no experience with money, or affairs of state, or Europe. A charming young English visitor helps her to muddle through. Comedy and romance follow.

David Frieze

In this haphazard Technicolor fantasy, a ditzy but dauntless young American woman becomes the heir to the throne of a tiny, insolvent European country named Lampidorra. The bumbling representative of a British cheese company convinces her that the answer to Lampidorra's problem lies in its principal product: schneese, which is cheese crossbred with schnapps. "Penny Princess" is essentially an operetta without the singing. It's all very silly, the satire is heavy-handed, and the leading lady is a bit of a pill, but it's a harmless way to spend an hour and a half. Val Guest, who wrote and directed the film, would go on to better things, particularly in the field of science fiction. He also married the leading lady.

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"Penny Princess" is a pleasant little film--and a movie that might be more famous today had there not been a significantly better film with a similar plot that appeared on the scene just a few years later. Both "Penny Princess" and "The Mouse That Roared" have very, very similar plots--so similar that you can't help but compare them. Both are about the supposedly smallest country in Europe (both fictitious) and both are about schemes that are concocted to rescue the country's economic problems and both are comedies. My recommendation is that you see them both, though "Penny Princess" is definitely the lesser of the two films.The film begins by learning that the tiny country of Lampidorra is bankrupt. They have no exports and are heavily in debt to various creditors who are threatening to foreclose. However, an American promises to bail them out...if his family can become the rulers of the country. The Lampidorrans quickly agree but the man dies soon after...and a relative of his now has just become queen! However, sweet Yolande Donlan has no background in finance and she cannot locate the money her uncle promised to the Lampidorrans. So, once there in her new land, she feels a strong responsibility to help them out of their crisis. At the same time, a nice but previously ineffectual man (Dirk Bogarde) is sent to a cheese convention that is around Lampidorra. Together, these two work to save Lampidorra using a secret weapon in the war on financial ruin...'schneese'.While "The Mouse That Roared" is clearly a silly comedy, "Penny Princess" can best be described as cute...and Yolande Donlan made this even more so, as she played one of the most adorable female leads I have ever seen. You can't help but love her--and her sweet and kooky character did a lot to carry this film. As for the plot, it's quite good...though the resolution of the problem and her subsequent actions all seemed a bit rushed. Still, the film is fun and well worth a look.

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Penny Princess finds American working girl Yolande Donlon the inheritor of a small kingdom that lies in that triangle where France, Italy, and Switzerland meet called Lampidorra. It seems as though the Lampidorrans owe bills all over Europe and the main occupation of the country is smuggling due to its geography. An American multi-millionaire buys the place, but dies before he can take title. His nearest heir is Donlan.But of course the estate has to go through probate in America and what are the Lampidorrans to do? Especially since Donlan who has now become a princess has forbade smuggling.Enter Dirk Bogarde who is on a trip to Switzerland to learn about the cheese industry. It seems as though the Lampidorrans have a kind of cheese that they playfully refer to as Schmeeze. With a few bumps in the road, Schmeeze solves all the problems both financial, geopolitical, and romantic between Donlan and Bogarde.How does Schmeeze work, well that's the gimmick to the whole film. But here's a hint. In Lover Come Back Jack Kruschen might just have gotten a hold of the secret of Schmeeze when he was busy inventing VIP for Rock Hudson and his advertising agency.Anyway Penny Princess is a delightful blend of British farce and romantic comedy. Yolande Donlon once again plays a role that Marilyn Monroe would have been cast in if the film had been made this side of the pond. Dirk Bogarde was well cast in the part which was at the beginning of his career as a romantic heart throb, way before anyone but him suspected he had the acting chops he had.This film was sadly shown at three o'clock in the morning on TCM. But at least I found a reason to be grateful for insomnia.

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Yolande Donlan is a "Penny Princess" in this 1952 British musical also starring Dirk Bogarde. It's a cute premise - an American shopgirl, Lindy Smith, ends up inheriting a tiny country, Lampidorra, which has kept itself going by smuggling. Facing bankruptcy, part of the country is purchased by the Lindy's distant relative, who dies before forking over any cash. Lindy is brought over and given the royal welcome. She forbids smuggling, and the country begins to import schneese, a special kind of cheese they have taken for granted.The movie is just okay, but quite good in the beginning, dragging a bit thereafter. "It's a Fine, Fine Night," one of the songs, apparently was released as a single, though the music throughout is just serviceable.The American Donlan is attractive and likable, a cross between Judy Holliday and Janet Leigh. In fact, she was a big hit on the British stage in Holliday's Broadway role of Billie Dawn in "Born Yesterday." After that, she stayed on in England, and two years after this film, she married its writer/director, Val Guest, to whom she was married until his death in 2006. She's now 89 years old. She appears in Guest's 1963 film "80,000 Suspects" and is not recognizable in looks or acting as the same woman. She obviously had a lot of talent and a wide range.It's hard to imagine anyone less suited to comedy than Dirk Bogarde, even young Dirk Bogarde, unless it's Montgomery Clift, but this role went to Bogarde after both Clift and Cary Grant refused it! He plays a cheese vendor who becomes involved with both the princess and the product schneese. And he's very cute.The film was done on location in Spain. It's not very good, but Clift looks great in pajamas. And it's in color.

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