R | 01 January 1982 (USA)
Out Trailers

A self-styled "urban guerrilla" in Greenwich Village is sent on various assignments across the country by a mysterious "commander."


I checked out this movie from the local library and was intrigued by the plot summary written on the back. That was as good as it got! This film is a rambling mish-mash of unconnectable plots and dialog and doesn't make the slightest attempt to live up to it's own selling points.How respectable actors like Peter and Danny became involved in this putrid mess will forever remain a mystery. They must have been drugged and kidnapped.If you're a good, conscientious human being, you will make an effort to buy up any and all copies of this intellectual black-hole and have them destroyed with large caliber hand-guns.This movie is a true horror.

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The best birthday present of 2007 is not Deadly Drifter. I suppose being a film major has made my friends avid DVD buyers for me as gifts, this year was no exception. They thought they were getting me an art film with Danny Glover as the lead. Well, this film aka Out was nothing more than a load of poppycock and nonsense.I must admit though I've never seen a more talentless cast, insanely horrendous cinematography. I can't help but wonder how high the director was when he made this film. Should I have been tripping on acid or heroine?Warning: Do not watch, you will lose brain cells, your liver may fail, and your kidneys may cease to function.

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A friend of mine bought this on DVD for £1. We sat down to watch it a few days ago after 30 minutes I realized that this was one of these type of abstract films. One where the meaning is not immediately apparent, that said however I still found it to be poorly written and the actors sleepwalking through their roles. This is one totally ridiculous mess and after 20 minutes you will be dumbfounded at how ridiculous the plot and film is, if you manage to stay awake this long. If you are buying it as a Danny Glover fan DO NOT BOTHER, he is only in the film about 10 minutes. This film was obviously made on a shoestring budget and it really shows.

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I saw this film in a college drama class. I had enjoyed "Eraserhead," "Zardoz" and "Spirit of the Beehive," and I thought this movie would be in the same vein; ambiguous and thought provoking. I was wrong. "Out/Deadly Drifter" is so incredibly boring it kept me from thinking anything besides "how can I sneak out without jeopardizing my grade." It was unquestionably the worst movie I have seen in my life.The plot (and I use the term loosely) involves a young radical who has decided he wants out of the movement he has devoted himself to. To this end, he embarks on a cross country journey and strange things happen to him. A detailed discussion of what these strange things are would be pointless. Reading about them is not the same as seeing them, and they form no cohesive idea to write about.The faults with this movie are plentiful. Unlike, say, "Eraserhead" hardly anyone can empathize with the hero of "Out." What is the movement he is fleeing? Why did he join? Why is he leaving now? Answering just one of these questions might have helped. If the hero could not have been made sympathetic, he could at least have been interesting. Instead, he is simply a cardboard cutout being led through events by a pretentious director. Many directors will use interesting visuals to liven a slow film. "Out" is too cheap a production to provide that. Danny Glover's presence only makes the latter fact more peculiar; did the director think people would flock to see the film just for Danny Glover's presence? If you need an illustration of how bad this movie is, look on the covers. The VHS version shows Glover holding a gun, suggesting that "Out" is a action picture. The DVD version asks "was it a government conspiracy" as if "Out" were an X-files type thriller. "Out" is in fact neither of these, and the distributors efforts to fool would-be viewers is pathetic! This is especially true when you consider that movies like "Out" will always have defenders (usually people who have never read "The Emperor's New Clothes"). Defenders may sneer at those who don't "get it," ignoring the fact that leprosy is hard to get too. "Ambiguous" is not a synonym for "good," and "Out" proves that point in spades.

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