Operation Condor
Operation Condor
PG-13 | 07 February 1991 (USA)
Operation Condor Trailers

Hired by a Spanish baron, Hong Kong treasure hunter Jackie, a.k.a. "Asian Hawk" and his entourage seek WWII Nazi gold buried in the Sahara Desert.


I think this movie is pretty representative of Jackie Chan's filmography, in that it contains a light plot which is basically an excuse for non stop knockabout comedy and lots of martial arts sequences. While the threadbare plot rips off Indiana Jones and any other big adventure yarns made ten years previously, there's so much action in so many different places that you probably won't notice. This was my first exposure to Jackie Chan and it left me with mixed feelings. On one hand, the stunt work and action was great as expected, even more so when you realise that Chan did it all himself (especially that leap from the motorbike to the hanging crate - awesome stuff). On the other hand, the film does drag a bit and is laden with too much silly old-fashioned comedy and annoying supporting characters.If you're a fan of such comedy then you'll probably end up enjoying this film more than me, but then I'm into serious movies instead of comedies. The acting in the film is typical for a modern Hong Kong production, so make of that what you will. Jackie Chan is strong in the lead role though and his lovable character is impossible to dislike, and frequently impressively athletic in the action sequences. Highlights in the film include the bizarre opening (which pays homage to RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK by having Chan roll down a mountainside in a huge transparent ball), an excellent motorbike chase through the streets and docks of Hong Kong, various fights and chases in an African hotel, and all-action finale in which Chan takes on the bad guys in an underground base and a huge wind tunnel. Although the action is non-violent and aimed at kids and adults alike, the incredible fast moves are worth watching for any viewer and the fast pacing frequently makes it breathtaking, if not a little overwhelming in places. Just as they slow down for some dialogue, another martial arts sequence starts up. OPERATION CONDOR is a fun film which is very clever in its own way, but can't end up feeling a little hollow to those looking for more than just plain action.

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Review: This is yet another comedic film from Jackie Chan which sees him playing a Indiana Jones type role, in this, wannabe, action adventure. The storyline and acting seemed extremely amateur but the action scenes were half decent. In this film, Jackie Chan plays Condor, whose hired by government officials, to find some buried gold in the middle of the North African desert. With the help of a historian and a lady who is the granddaughter of a man that went missing whilst looking for the hidden treasure, Condor heads off to the desert whilst fighting off various hit men who want the map and key to the door behind the gold. Sounds exciting but it wasn't that great. It would have been an epic adventure if Jackie Chan took out the silly jokes because the concept wasn't bad. The whole look of the film was pretty bad as well, because it looked like they used a cheap camera with dodgy effects. Also, the two ladies that were helping Chan to find the treasure, we're really annoying and there constant screaming and bickering became extremely annoying. On the plus side, the action was quite good and it did amaze me how Chan done some of the stunts but it wasn't enough to save the movie. At the time of its release, I did find the whole Armor Of God franchise brilliant but I lost interest whilst watching it the second time around. Like a lot of Jackie Chan's movies, I'm still not getting the humour but the action is making them watchable. Anyway, most of Chan's earlier work is much better than the movies that he made in the latter part of his career but I can't fault him in the action/stunt department which still looks great in this day and age. Disappointing!Round-Up: This is another movie directed by Jackie Chan, which must have been hard because he was the star of the film but I can't believe that he also wrote this awful script. For a man whose made over 100 movies, I have only seen a handful which I've actually enjoyed but I still have a lot of his films to watch so things can only get better! Budget: HK$115,000,000 Worldwide Gross: N/AI recommend this movie to people who are into their action/adventure/martial arts/comedies starring and directed by Jackie Chan. 3/10

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Rated PG-13 for martial arts action, some shootings, and sensuality Quebec Rating:G Canadian Home Video Rating:14AOperation Condor is a very funny Jackie Chan movie which is the sequel to the 1987 film Armor Of God.However when released in America they released this film first so the 1987 film Armor Of God is called Operation Condor 2 in America.I remember renting this film on VHS a very long time ago but I did see it about one year ago on UPN.This film has all the Jackie Chan charm.Great fight scenes,stunts and action but also lots of slapstick comedy to keep you happy.This film is about Jackie Chan and two other people who try to find hidden Nazi gold but others want it as well.Operation Condor is a funny and good film and I recommend it.Runtime:92min 8/10

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Yet another extremely slapdash Jackie Chan film, redeemed only by his awesome stunts (watch the way he "climbs" over a gate) and some intricately choreographed fight scenes. Out of 4 stars, I would give this *** for the stunts and action and * (generously) for all the rest...rounding it off at **.

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