One Night with the King
One Night with the King
PG | 13 October 2006 (USA)
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In Biblical times, a girl disguises her Jewish origins when the Persian king comes looking for a new bride among his subjects.

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This could have been so good. The Biblical story is a great one and there was no need to mess with the characters of the Story. Esther comes across as weak and uncertain. The character of Mordecai was not the one you read about in the Bible despite the excellent John Rhys-Davies trying to make the most of a bad script. I also thought Jyoti Dogra as Vashti was more beautiful and would have been better suited to play Esther.Luke Goss was awful and a total mismatch for a King of a world empire, he had no presence whatsoever.But the main problem was that the story as shown in this movie makes no sense. Read the Bible account yourself and you will see the real passion that was missing here.

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Alek T (ak_t)

I will make this short and simple.This movie being Christian was bound to be bad,but this was exceedingly bad on every level.The acting was just cheesy,the editing leaves you thinking why was that done in that way,why was that slow-mo there and that part of the scene should have been deleted,and what was this film crew thinking,the script writer had no idea how to develop characters and plots,Casting:terrible,clothes:terrible. There is not much to say about this movie other than it's just bad in every way.(except for scenery)I would only recommend this movie to you if you want to know how to make a bad movie.An utterly bad movie movie and a waste of time.I am disgusted that this movie got past a 5.5.

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A lot of criticism for this movie is based off the fact that it does not comply completely with the Bible story. However, you have to remember that this is a movie and not the story itself. Tiffany Dupont gives Esther a lovable and charming air (I mean seriously "You see me as a child? Well, you are mistaken, I am much younger!" That's the kind of humor I like to see, even if the movie is a drama). John Rhys-Davies is hilarious as usual. And of course, the line "If I perish...I perish" is tragically heartwarming. Some parts are a little strange, especially the parts with Haman, but this is still a beautifully woven story of faith, loyalty, and love. A MUST-SEE!

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Setting aside any concerns about the historical or Biblical accuracy of the movie, One Night With the King is just a lousy, poorly made movie. While the acting was mostly mediocre, the filming was worse. How much poorly-timed slow-motion can a movie contain? One Night had way too much, and was in general poorly filmed. As others have mentioned, there was little chemistry in the poorly-developed love story. The dialog was stilted and inconsistent, and the plot could be best described as mushy. I'm not exactly sure what was supposed to be happening, or why. Nor was there any emotional connection with the characters. I was glad when it was over.One positive was the costuming and scenery. Ester's costumes were lovely, although Xerxes' were somewhat terrible and everyone could have cut back on the eye makeup. The scenery captured a sense of the fantastic, with plenty of pillars, waterfalls, and lots and lots of flowing gauze. Odd cuts between scenes and strange shots didn't let these aspects live up to their potential.I don't oppose the idea of a family-friendly film, or the idea of a film based on the Bible. One Night, however, was too hard to follow and so painful to watch it's not worth the trouble.

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