O.J. Simpson Trial: The Real Story (2016) *** (out of 4) I'm not sure what "real story" one could try to get but this is one of many specials that have been shown since FX's The People vs. O.J. Simpson has become a huge hit in terms of ratings and reviews. This I.D. special basically has archival news footage that is used to show the media coverage of the murder, the Bronco chase, the trial and of course the verdict.Again, there aren't any spoken words here or interviews. Instead everything we see is from archival news footage so this gives you a different look at the entire trial. I must say that I was fifteen when the verdict was read and I remember every aspect of this trial as if it was yesterday and I will pretty much watch anything that is related to the trial. For the most part this special is entertaining and a good reminder of how things were as they happened but at the same time there's nothing overly great here.I think this series will mostly appeal to those who don't know anything about the case other than what they're seeing on the FX show. My current girlfriend wasn't familiar with the actual case and she watched this in complete amazement of how things played out and how many people, at the start, were actually rooting and cheering for Simpson. There's some great footage of the infamous chase as well as reactions to the verdict. If you're already familiar with the case then there's nothing new here but it's still a well-produced piece.
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