Ninja in the Killing Field
Ninja in the Killing Field
| 01 January 1984 (USA)
Ninja in the Killing Field Trailers

The government seems powerless against the brutal activities of the ninjas and requests the help of the powerful task force of the American drug fighting organization. The US authorities send their best man on a high-explosive mission to eliminate the unscrupulous killer ninja clan and destroy their drug ring.


I usually get a big kick out the cut-and-paste ninja movies coming from director Godfrey Ho or whatever pseudonym he uses. However, I have to admit that I found "Ninja in the Killing Fields" (a.k.a. "Ninja Connection") to be a big bore. The main problem with the movie is that there is much less ninja nonsense displayed here compared to other Godfrey Ho movies. In fact, you have to wait until the very last scene of the movie to get ninja nonsense that's the least bit amusing (and energetically choreographed.) Most of the movie is footage from what appears to be a Thai movie, and while this footage occasionally shows some decent production values (the filmmakers obviously got the cooperation of the Thai armed forces), otherwise it is extremely boring, with far too much talk and little action. And when there is action, it is for the most part lamely directed. Whether you're in the mood for a straight action flick or an action flick that's so bad it's good, this movie doesn't satisfy either way.

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Ninjas in their sanctuary watch as their plans are busted up by the cops. They then decided to take matters in their own hands by going after the cops...or something...Look its bad, I mean really bad. Two minutes in I knew this was yet another Godfrey Ho film, though he used one of his dozens of other names. You know Ho, he's the whacked guy who takes good martial arts/Asian movies then shoots wrap around footage that doesn't match, re-dubs and re-cuts it beyond all recognition and turns it loose on the unsuspecting world as a "new" film. He made a long line of ninja films with Richard Harrison that barely had Harrison in them. Ho's so good at this nonsense that he'll use the same movie with different wraparounds and call them different movies. He's a master of the junk film. I wouldn't care if they were put together with any sort of skill, but they're not, I mean its plain to see the old and new footage do not match in any way. Worse any thing good in the old footage is killed by the really bad new footage. Its so bad its bad and not even remotely fun.As with all Godfrey Ho films its to be avoided, or sent to your worst enemy in the world as an expression of your deep hatred.

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I am a big fan of low budget kung-fu movies. This movie I bought at a Dollar store in a mall, along with 4 other low-budget action movies for only five dollars! I knew right away by reading the synopsis on the back that this movie was going to be great, but I didn't know just how great until I watched it.. I couldn't stop laughing! It has drug dealing ninjas! The head ninja is hilarious because he looks like he bought his costume from Kmart. It is a reddish polyester type ninja suit with a green headband, complete with a HORRIBLE shiny paper ninja star glued on his forehead.The complicated and excruciatingly long drawn-out plot might make you want to stop watching this movie.. But the best part of the movie does not come until the very end when the final battle happens.There is a dramatic EXTREMELY hilarious showdown between hundreds of drug dealing ninjas and the Army/Police. It was AMAZING!!! If you are a fan of low-budget kung fu movies with impossibly confusing plots and even worse acting, Ninja in the Killing Fields is for you. You can find it at your local Dollar Tree!

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Peter L. Petersen (KnatLouie)

I bought this piece of nostalgia on VHS for approximately 3 US $, the reason I got it was because I had seen a couple of other great unintentionally funny ninja-movies before and hoped this would be the same kind of turkey! I got what I asked for..I never understood the movie completely, but some friends of mine told me that it was legendary in Thailand or something...and why is that, you ask? We will probably never know!The "hero" is apparently a young Asian man with BIG nerdy glasses who runs around with his friends...or if we consider the spliced-in movie, it is the stupefied American "agent" (Stuart Steen/Smith as a poor mans Patrick Szwayze), or perhaps the hero is Paddy!?? (oh, just kidding...Paddy is only in the movie for about 5 seconds, so it probably isn't him we're supposed to root for, although some other guy we don't know screams "Paddyyy! Nooo!" just before he himself gets killed).The ending really puzzled me, but apparently Toads and Ninjas are connected in some way..and Ninjas drives old dirty cars instead of just running or hiding in true ninja-fashion.I give this piece of cinematic junk 5/10, because: 1 = The Hero's UGLY glasses made me laugh every time I saw them. 2 = Paddy's appearance also made me laugh a lot..who the hell was he, and why were we supposed to sympathize with him?? 3 = The word "ninja" was in the title. 4 = The BAD GUY BOSS NINJA was hilarious!! And finally 5 = Stuart Steen's fantastic over-the-top overacting is really great! He rocks!And those pink silky "ninja-uniforms" don't scare NO ONE! I loved the Ninja's super-fast clothing-changes though.. totally stunning cinematic magic! Another fun thought to think about when watching this movie: How come the guy in the pink shirt has 9 lives?? He gets killed so many times, you should think he was invincible! If you like bad Ninja-movies, I also recommend "Mafia Vs. Ninja", that movie made me laugh so hard my face and gut was in pain!

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