Night at the Golden Eagle
Night at the Golden Eagle
R | 17 May 2002 (USA)
Night at the Golden Eagle Trailers

Two elderly criminals spend their final night in Los Angeles, California at the Golden Eagle Hotel prior to their departure to Las Vegas, Nevada, to lead a life without crime. Unfortunately, on the hottest night of the summer, these two ex-criminals seemingly get caught in the malice of prostitutes, pimps, drunken bums, fighting monkeys, and young runaways.

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i caught this movie on 1/5th of the way through, and i thought every second was good. i thought some shots brought forth more of a horror/drama, but some parts were more comedic and meant to lighten you up before the next scene. i think the director also did a good job twisting almost every part, leaving the watcher baffled, but itching for more. i recommend anybody who likes movies to watch this at least once. the only issue with this movie is the storyline, which goes flat about 4/5th's in, and eventually it looked like the writer was getting lazy and needed to end the movie fast. the casting was amazing, as well. everybody on the set really seemed to act as who they were, and portray it amazingly.

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"Night at the Golden Eagle" is just a few steps away from being a perfect film, we don't get the opportunity to absorb the climax before it ends, so by the time the credits roll it felt incomplete.The story isn't about resolutions, but instead the opposite, if you ever wondered where the people who don't "make it" go after they've failed, or where society's unwanted leftovers collect, or where those with potential ultimately find themselves on the wrong side of fate's door there are a lot of them out there right now on the streets, and they're getting younger and younger, get your teen to see it they might learn something.

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[email protected]

This movie looks great if you like stereotypical flop house sets. Every character every set, every bit of body language is a cliché. From the dancing hooker to the stilted poorly delivered dialog. The movie feels as if there were no rehearsals and the actors were either reading their lines off of cue cards or checking their scripts between takes. I found it impossible to suspend disbelief long enough to embrace the story. The rushed line delivery alone dooms this film.The film stock looks good and some of the shots are great, but while the girls tears from the closet start to seem like good film making, the sex scene she watches is too abstract and blurry to be disturbing enough to draw a reaction from the viewer. The murder that the film hinges on is cut away from after a few short seconds. And the attempts to violate our sensibilities with a corpse are straight out of weekend at Bernies. It is clear that the director wanted to disturb the audience, but did not have the guts to take it to a level that could possibly inspire an emotional response.Save your valuable time and watch something better. If you are looking for gritty and disturbing, take it as far as you can go and check out Irreversible (The most difficult to watch film I know of). If you are looking for a well acted character piece, try American Buffalo. If you want realistic hard edged urban drama, see Fresh. Any of these films will be a far better use of your time.

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Comeuppance Reviews

This movie is slow, boring, pretentious and very unexciting. The cameo by James Caan is just a smile and everybody else looks bored. The razor- thin plot consists of a couple of Italian gangsters who are looking to escape a hotel after a murder. Why they can't escape the hotel is not explained. The very similar "Million Dollar Hotel" is better because it has Mel Gibson and Tim Roth. And that movie is really boring and talky as well.The movie has no virtually no action. I don't mind a talky movie once in a while if its good, but "Mindwalk" this is not.For more insanity, please visit:

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