My Life's on the Line
My Life's on the Line
| 06 December 1978 (USA)
My Life's on the Line Trailers

Minute Fong is a ruthless contract killer who dispatches his victims in precisely sixty seconds. Working exclusively for an organization headed by the Master Chou Jan Tung, Fong begins to take on his assignments with reluctance. Realizing that Fong's days are numbered, Chou hires two new experts to deal with him and his sixty-second technique.

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I watched this Taiwanese film under the title 60 SECOND ASSASSIN which is as ridiculous as it sounds. It stars the unknown-to-me Wan Lee-Peng as a top fighter with the ability to beat any opponent within a minute. Lee-Peng is saddled with an unflattering moustache and an equally unflattering character whose only skill is to fight fast. He has no charisma, no presence, nothing but punching and kicking ability.The film features a gradual reveal of the main bad guy in time for the climax, a typical one-vs-one extended bout which feels slightly tired despite the efforts of the two actors to make it look convincing. Beardy is a good choice for main bad guy but he's underutilised here, getting little screen time until the climax. A big portion of the middle part of the film is about an annoying kid (dubbed with a woman's voice) and Dean Shek, mugging for all his worth as usual. It's not really worth your time.

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It opens to the usual "who are these two guys and why are they fighting?" plus a pocket watch. It is soon explained that someone was sent to kill the "60 second assassin" but failed. The assassin arrives at the target's place and reads him his list of crimes then kills him in under a minute. Next he goes to visit his brother who disapproves of his career choice.The movie seems to go totally off course when the fat kid enters the story. Dean Shek salvages a bit of it. The fat kid wants to learn kung fu and this leads to his death and the death of his family. Man Lee- Pang finally learns that his boss, Leung Kar-Yan is a bad guy and has been deceiving him all along. This leads to the final fight.Yes, the fights were excellent especially the final fight. Yet I felt the rest of the movie came across as filler material. This was mostly due to I found the kid annoying. That's always a risk when using children as actors. Overall I will only rate this as average for the year and genre.

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Sixty Second Assassin is a forgotten shapes film.The films stars Man Lee Pang,Leung Kar Yan,Lung Fei, Wong Chi Sang,Kong Ching Ha,Su Chen Ping,Dean Shek.This is one of Leung Kar Yans very good villain performances. he is the employer of Minute Fong(Wan Lee Pang),who is an Assassin that kills his enemies in under 60 seconds.Minute Fong wants to give the killing up to retire and live in a farm.But Leung Kar Yan has got a couple assignments before he can walk away.This Assassin story has been in many movies but what makes this one special is the fights.Good choreography from kicking and punching.Wan Lee Pang is a Taiwanese martial artist,and has only appeared in very few movies.He is also a villain in Kung Fu On Sale.The fight between him and Leung Kar Yan is indeed worth watching.

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This is a very dark movie. A man named Minute Fong is an assassin who only kills bad people. He reads their crimes outloud so if they are innocent they can present evidence. By the end of the movie it turns out he was just being tricked by his master (Leung Kar Yan), so therefore he wants revenge on his master. Leung Kar Yan is great as the villain. I don't think I have ever seen him look more evil than this. I would go over how exactly Leung Kar Yan tricks Minute Fong, but I don't want to give away the story because it is actually pretty good.The fighting is magnificent. I was blown away. The first fight against Wong Chi Sang is good, as is his brother Wong Wing Sang's fight, and then Lung Fei turns it up another notch in his scene. There are 4 more fights before the incredible finale. Minute Fong vs. Leung Kar Yan is one of the best fight scenes I have seen in quite a while.Minute Fong is played by Man Lee pang. . The only other movie I have seen him in is Kung Fu on Sale where he plays the villain. Although this guy is a nobody, he is one of the best screen fighters I have ever seen.Most kung fu fans will probably be disappointed by the ending. I won't give it away, but it does correlate with the dark tone that the movie has.

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