Murder on the 13th Floor
Murder on the 13th Floor
| 18 May 2012 (USA)
Murder on the 13th Floor Trailers

A neglectful mother concocts a plan to kill her live-in nanny when she discovers the nanny is having an affair with her husband.

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I liked this film, it was a little slow and thought that all the actors did a good job. It annoys me so much when someone won't come out and say what needs to be said, but then there wouldn't be much suspense if they did!! Seriously I'm digressing, it does have black humour it's okay for both sexes and the bad guys are vicious comedy relief. I think some of it wasted on the technology, after all there are houses and so on like this now and most of us are savvy enough to know what it all means. Decent plot good acting, bit of fun don't take it so seriously and enjoy it in bed with some ice cream and partner or mates on a lazy afternoon.

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Congratulations Lifetime Movies! Since your TV inception you have created thousands of movies that portrayed women as "VICTIMS" of men. Always beaten and murdered. Great way to show women in a positive light. NOT! Is that supposed to be empowering or did you just try to inspire hatred against men? I've always called you the "Man Hating" channel and I'm a woman! Now you've successfully created a movie, however comical, where the wronged wife and mother is the heartless killer who doesn't even love her own child but the cheating Nanny is portrayed as the savior. Hurray for you! This movie promotes cheating on your wife and portrays wives as scheming, conniving, heartless shrews while championing husbands who cheat on their wives. Heaven forbid that you should produce a movie about a happy "family". That wouldn't set well with the B actors and the film studios that support your destruction of the family. Nice going. Try again. And THAT is why only delusional self- hating liberal women watch Lifetime. Nuff said. God Bless and save you for the life beyond this one.

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The inter-racial couple had a marriage from Hades. How he could have been with her is beyond me. The child, Cody, is precocious and at the beginning of the film, he goes running up and down in the most technological apartment building of our times, go know that running around the building will become such an important facet of the film.The two guys hired by the wife to kill the nanny needed to have MacCaulay Caulkin play tricks on them as he did in his "Home Alone" movies.Unbelievable that the planned killing made to look as if it were a robbery gone wrong goes terribly wrong in itself and the bodies really begin to pile up.Ariana and Jordan had absolutely no chemistry whatsoever.

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I found this movie to be pretty good, and I was surprised that a Lifetime movie had 4 non-whites in a feature that actually had more than one line, LOL. I'm guessing that this movie wasn't actually made for the channel but was shown on it. I'm a big fan of Lifetime movies, and this one did not disappoint, it was better than OK. Tessa was somewhat annoying as Nia, I think maybe it was her voice that got on my nerves a little, but she was good. Sean Thomas I hadn't seen before Ringer, and he's good on there and good here too. Jordan Ladd was decent, but I couldn't get over how much older she looked since Never been kissed. The kid who played Cody was Super annoying! I could have done without him. Jordan and Ariana were not convincing as a couple that had ever been deeply in love, I just didn't buy them. Ariana didn't seem to have that busy of a life, yet her nanny knew more about her son than she did. I could have done without Ariana's black truffle/white truffle comment. The bad guys in the movie were a little to callous and icky for my tastes, but they were very convincing. I did like that Jordan was shown as a stand up father, even if he was a cheat.

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