Gray Matters
Gray Matters
PG-13 | 21 October 2006 (USA)
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Sam and Gray are such a well-matched pair that it is difficult to believe they are brother and sister rather than husband and wife. They both share a love of 1940s movies and dancing, and when they meet Charlie, they have something else in common: They both fall in love with her. Sam must deal with unexpected feelings of jealousy, while Gray struggles to come to terms with her sexual orientation.

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la la

The first half of the movie feels so rushed. Not just the single scenes that try to tell you want the movie is about and how close the two siblings are, but also the first half of the story feels just like a means to an end. The whole need to find love and the wedding after one week, just to build on to the second half, the coming out story, which seems like it was supposed to be the 'main' story, but falls short too, because the movie isn't that long, and doesn't seem to have enough time to tell everything it wants to.The story itself could have been really good. Because its more about the coming out, and doesn't end with the two girls having their happy end at some beach in Barcelona. But I think it should have started with her falling in love with her brothers wife and skip the whole part where she finds a woman for him. The closeness between Grey and Sam and how Sam and Charlie got together isn't even that important later on in the movie. And the saved time from the beginning of the movie, could have been added to the second half. To make it the main part and make it better. So in the end, the movie was funny enough to watch, but not really believable or compelling for the viewer and therefore not that great.

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Simon Almqvist

Gray Matters is currently graded 5.7 on IMDb. I, however, defied this low rating and went ahead and saw it anyway. With no regrets, might I add. Like others have mentioned the cast is great and beautiful, but the movie goes beyond that, in my mind; its setting, plot etc makes it worthy of a higher grade than 5.7. Now, to be perfectly honest, I did enter the movie because of the promise of a lesbian Heather Graham (yes, I'm a young male viewer:), but I stayed tuned because of the charming dialogue and the magical atmosphere. On a more serious note, however, I think the development of the characters, especially Gray, was rather realistic. While certain events, like the impulsive wedding, wasn't quite as realistic, it became necessary to speed some things up to have room for the developments of Gray's story that, in my mind, would have seemed tacky if hurried along. What I'm saying is that, to make a good movie, you need to make some compromises and I should say the director made good choices in this regard. Although I wished they would have expanded a few minutes more on the final "chapter" of the movie. I'm not gonna spoil and tell you what happens but I would imagine you'd agree had you seen it. And so, to sum up, 8/10!

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I don't know why so many people seem to hate this movie; from the reviews, it seems they had no idea of what it was about before they watched it. As far as movies having to be 'believable', well, that isn't really what most cinema is about, now, is it. No one dances spontaneously like it's choreographed; spaceships don't travel past the speed of light; martial artists don't get to fight a whole crowd of opponents one at a time. So reality isn't what we're really after here, now is it? No. What we want is to go to a movie and feel good when we come out. And that's exactly what this film does, unless you can't stand the idea of a beautiful woman being gay and being happy. Which is what I suspect so many of the people who wrote the damning reviews feel. That said, well, I can't really comment on how good or bad the acting is; I can't really tell the difference between merely average or good acting, and great acting. But I can tell bad acting (think Chuck Norris in pretty much anything; nice guy, great martial artist, terrible actor), and this wasn't bad at all. In fact, I enjoyed every moment. I rate a movie on whether I will watch it again (I will), and how many times I want to hit the pause button to do something else, and I didn't stop the movie at all. Nine out of ten stars.

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Heather Graham is Gray and Thomas Cavanagh is Sam. The movie opens with them dancing together, clearly enjoying themselves. Then we see them at their apartment, a cute couple. But an odd couple, they are sister and brother, maybe even twins, we are never told. All we know is when Sam answers someone that they had known each other for 30 years.Bridget Moynahan is Charlie who becomes a romantic interest. I didn't particularly like Molly Shannon as co-worker Carrie, but I just don't like Molly Shannon. I really enjoyed Alan Cumming as the Scottish cab driver Gordy who falls for Gray. And, in a small role Sissy Spacek was effective as a therapist who holds her sessions in unusual places with Gray, a rock-climbing wall, for example.A cute movie for the actors but the story isn't particularly great.MAJOR SPOILERS are contained in the rest of my comments. When Sam meets Charlie they quickly fall in love, and plan to get married that weekend in LV, much to the horror of Gray. But forced to go along, Gray and Charlie have a night out, with much alcohol, and Gray and Charlie end up kissing passionately. Gray finds herself attracted to her brother's bride, and in the process fully realizes why she has not had a relationship with a guy -- she is gay! All this causes a falling out between Sam and Gray, but in the end they mend everything. Because, to Sam and Charlie, Gray matters!

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