Moving Targets
Moving Targets
| 23 April 2004 (USA)
Moving Targets Trailers

Kit comes from a very fortunate family, with an outstanding police officer father When the family starts to break up, Man impulsively shot Kit's mother. After Kit's parents divorced, Kit viewed Man his father as an enemy. As an adult, he vowed to become a police officer, and to join Man's team, hoping that Man will pay for what he has done. Kit's cousin, Chi falls for Kit since childhood, but Fung falls for Chi at first sight... As he realised that Chi is Kit's girlfriend, he won't express his love for her, making the two embarassing in communication.


Not a bad movie, but nothing special about it either. This is a very average HK cop movie with average acting, no good cinematography, and kind of flat story. But, there's Gillian Chung, and Edison Chen in this movie, and maybe that alone is interesting.Fit character (played by Edison Chen) steals the show in this movie. The main plot of conflict between father and son is obscured because Fit stands out so much in the story.This shows that Edison's loss is great to HK movie industry and if possible, I'd like to see him back in action. He would be the next Simon Yam if he can come back to the craft that he's so talented in.Not an inspiring movie, which could have been a few notches higher with better directing, and cinematography.

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'Moving Targets' follows the story of Kit (Nicolas Tse with weird long hair) who is working under his father, Man (Simon Yam), in the Hong Kong police force. What we find out about their family is that when Kit was a boy, as a father had shot his mother one day and disappeared. He and his mother had moved away from home and had been wandering around until Kit and his best friend, Fit (a very gangster-looking Edison Chen), decide to become police officers. However, Kit had grown up resenting his father- after all, he HAD shot his beloved mom. After being offered a job with his father's squad, Kit takes this opportunity to nail his old dad.But as Kit is doing whatever he does, Fit is drawn to the dark side. Big Bryan (Ken Tong without hair), one of Hong Kong's most wanted, offers him millions of dollars and threatens to hurt his family, etc, and so on. But soon the Hong Kong police force launches a stationwide search for Big Bryan and his co-horts, what will become of Kit and Fit?I did not enjoy this movie much, and considering that I am a raving Edision fan, that's a lot to say from me. 'Moving Targets' is supposed to be mainly focused on the life of Kit, but I think it strayed way to much to Edison during the movie, making it look like Edison was the main character. Basically, this is just another cop flub intended for the voracious young teenage audience.Some scenes came out a little too cheesy and fake, e.g- the police ambush to rescue Little Bryan (what was with the weird camera shots??) and when Fit's mother is taken away by Big Bryan (bad acting). But hey, don't get me wrong- some scenes were pretty good: the time when Wing (Gillian Chung from Twins) gives fit her necklace, Chuen's funeral (or was it Ho?), and the ending, which I will not spoil. But I'll give you a hint- it made me cringe.I would recommend this movie if you are an obsessive fan of either Chen, Tse or Chung, but otherwise, this is hardly a film worth seeking out.

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Moving Targets...wasn't so much disappointed, it was actually an o.k movie, lets put it this way, its what I've come to expect of Hong Kong movies these days.Kit (Nicholas Tse) is raised by his mum after his dad shoots her and deserts them, he grows up to become a cop alongside his best friend Fit (Edison Chen). After a successful mission, Kit finds himself being placed in a team headed by his father, his father that hes grown up hating and has a lot of resentment towards.While trying to bring down the biggest drug lord in Hong Kong, it appears Fit has been tempted by the dark side, unable to resist the lure of the money he needs to help support his pregnant wife (Gil from Twins).As I said this movie is watchable, the story wraps up neatly with everyone having redeemed themselves in one way or another.3/5 ***

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Awesome Asian action/suspense flick. I'd give it a 9/10 as far as Asian action movies go. You won't find this movie at your video store, but you can visit a movie shop in your local Chinatown and grab it there; that's where I got this copy. You have to read the sub-titles, but that's the best way to see a Chinese movie so that you can catch the jokes that and subtle meanings that get lost in voice dub-in. OK, so this is a police movie, but it is full of twists. The fighting is so realistic and the make-up is superb. The hero of the show, Fit, really appears to be getting the s&*t beat out of him. I'll give you the basic outline of what happens in this movie, because the other poster's summary is confusing. The story revolves around two buddies named Kit and Fit. They are young cops and have are in a team of about 4 or 5 other cops. Kit's mother tells him that Kit's father shot her with his revolver when Kit was a child. Kit father disappears and Kit hates his father. Kit's father is a police sergeant and takes on Kit, Fit, and their buddies as his undercover team. To make the story short, the police team are trying to bust the biggest drug lord in Hong Kong. Fit gets set up by the drug lord and has to work for the drug lord and gets fired by the police. (sounds cheesy, but I'm summarizing the story) Kit joins the Internal Investigations division of the police because he falls in love with a girl who works there. Kit has to follow and investigate his buddy, Fit. I won't bother to explain the story any further, but as you can imagine, there's lots of shooting, death, kung-fu, etcetera. There's a couple of sub-plots running through the show too. The cinematography is well done and the acting is of much higher quality than the average Chinese show. It doesn't have the usual overacting like Bruce Lee's villains or Jet Li's villains. If you can find this show, please rent it/ buy it.

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