Mo' Money
Mo' Money
R | 24 July 1992 (USA)
Mo' Money Trailers

Trying to get his act together, a con artist gets a job in a credit card company. He falls in love with a fellow employee, he steals a couple of cards, everything is going great. But soon, the chief of security drags him into the big leagues of criminals...

Michael Neumann

The title of this crass, predictable (even by Hollywood standards) comedy of course represents the goal of every commercial feature, but it's hard to find praise for a film that panders so shamelessly to the worst instincts of undiscriminating moviegoers. Responsibility for this mess belongs to TV personality Daman Wayans, who wrote the follow-the-dots screenplay and stars as a happy-go-lucky con artist caught up in the high-tech dirty dealings of a big financial corporation. The major problem: Wayans portrays himself as a quasi-Eddie Murphy smart-alec who can never, ever be the butt of a joke. His character is smug, superior, and selfish in a way meant to be attractive, charming, and funny, and except for girlfriend Stacey Dash everyone else is stupid, eccentric, psychopathic, or suffering from some physical disability (also meant go be amusing). Equal discredit goes to hack director Peter MacDonald, the auteur responsible for 'Rambo III' and 'Tango & Cash'.

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I watched it and kind of liked it. But after 4 years I ran into it in some channel, to discover that I forgot it wholly. And I'm not that someone who forgets movies he watched. So why that happened ? It's surely related to everything this movie made, and me. Actually "me" just hated the mean personality of this movie sometimes with all the free sarcasm of the fat women, the neurologically-sick people (the old employee of the company with the trembling nick), and the retarded people as well (this is the ugliest bottom this movie hits). Even the rest of the 2 lead's stuff wasn't funny either. There was a complete nut job evil guy, too exaggerated action scenes (where Damon Wayans transforms into Batman!), let alone some things bothered my stomach to the max such as (Marlon Wayans) and (Almayvonne). So, what's here to be loved ? It's easy : Vanity's poster on the wall of (Damon Wayans)'s apartment. (Stacy Dash)'s sexy charisma. Hmmm.. What else ?! Somehow the plot. And (Damon Wayans)'s performance. Generally (Mo' Money) isn't a bad movie. It's just offensive at some places, unfunny at many, and have-not when it comes to any excellent factor. Still the good parts make it something to watch. But not to laugh with!

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I was only 9 years old when the epic "Mo' Money" was released in theaters. Despite only staying in theaters for approximately 3 hours, I knew it was a movie that would stay in my heart for...more hours. Like 3+.When Damon Wayans said, "Mo' Money, Mo' Money, Mo' Money," the world stopped turning; if only for a brief moment. All was good in the world, and life itself seemed brighter than ever.If there was ever a second coming of Christ, Damon Wayans was his name. Thank you, Damon. You will always been my love.

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the wayans have a certain charm that make their movies watchable but repeated viewings- now way. stacy dash is gorgeous and damon has got charisma but the plot is just a slap dash took-someone-five-minutes-to-think-up job that almost drags the picture down to crapsville but the wayans' acting is decent enough to make u watch to the end. oh yeah, the preacher/lawyer bit had me rolling on the floor too :)

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