Mission Stardust
Mission Stardust
| 16 November 1967 (USA)
Mission Stardust Trailers

A team of astronauts is sent to the moon to rescue an alien who is seeking help to save her dying race. They are attacked by a force of bandit robots and discover that enemy spies are out to kill the alien.


In the 1960s, the Italians made some incredibly kooky sci-fi/fantasy films. They're filled with wonderfully over the top sets, groovy 60s tunes and a sensibility that is pure camp. Films like "Danger Diabolik" and "Mission Stardust" are examples of this campy and silly style of movies that we'll never experience again.When this sci-fi movie starts, some astronauts discover a ship on the moon--and it ain't one of ours. A couple aliens are aboard and they welcome the humans...well, one welcomes them. The other is an inexplicably angry and disdainful hot lady--which ultimately means it'll take the love of one of our sexy he-man heroes to tame her! So why (other than for the woman to score) did these two come to the moon and approach our astronauts? It seems that one of them is dying and needs medical help. So far, this is a really cool movie with kitschy sets and music and I enjoyed it. Unfortunately, when they all went to Earth things slowed down...a lot. In fact, it all became tedious as wave after wave of ultra-stupid and greedy men kept attacking the alien ship! With the loss of momentum, the film stopped being fun after a while. As a result, I only mildly recommend it.

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Due to a recent discovery of an extremely valuable metal on the surface of the moon a 5-man team commanded by "Major Perry Rhodan" (Lang Jeffries) is sent into space to obtain some of it and bring it back to earth. Once they prepare to land however their electronics and communications suffer interference which prevents them from contact with earth. Additionally, as they begin to patrol outside of their spaceship they notice a large alien spacecraft in the distance. Upon further investigation they encounter a robot which takes them inside the spacecraft commanded by a beautiful but condescending woman named "Thora" (Essy Persson). Along with her is a very ill, older gentleman by the name of "Crest" (John Karlsen) who desperately needs medical attention. Since the disease he has contracted (leukemia) is unknown on their home planet of "Akron", the decision is made to transport him back to earth for medical care as quietly as possible in order to prevent any governments from getting their hands on advanced technology. Now, having given a quick synopsis of the plot, I think it's only fair to state that I was unaware that this film was based on a European science-fiction novel. Because of that I cannot compare how accurate this movie was with regard to the book. I would also like to add that the version I saw was titled, "Mission Stardust" and from what I understand there are other titles it goes by as well. Likewise, it was initially filmed in Italian and dubbed in English which might lessen the effect to some degree. Further, this movie was filmed 36 years ago and as a result the special effects appear quite primitive compared to today's standards. Add in the fact that the character development needed a bit more work along with some rather poor acting on everybody's part and this film should probably merit a very low score. But in spite of all the flaws, this movie was actually somewhat entertaining. But only to a certain extent. Of course, in order to get any enjoyment from it a person will need to make some allowances. But that doesn't excuse the poor character development, the substandard acting or the rather vague outline. All things considered then I rate it as slightly below average.

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*Spoiler/plot- Mission Stardust(4...3...2...1...Morte), 1967. Aitor planetary aliens have crashed on the moon, and Earth astronauts have found and volunteer to help them with medical and engineering assistance. They take the sick alien leader back to Earth to have a crime syndicate try to steal the alien advanced secrets. The aliens and Earthmen fight together to do the right thing in co-operation.*Special Stars- Lang Jeffries, Essy Persson, LIus Davila, Pinkas Braun, Stefano Sibaldi, John Karlsen.*Theme- Goodwill and help is universal.*Trivia/location/goofs- Italian, Spain, and Germany co-production. Experience: The 'Weiner Mobile' lunar car, hear the annoying 'alien' female vocal mood & scene incidental music with no musical instruments accompaniment. Watch for the Perry Rhodan sci-fi novels paring of international crime czar/spies and astronaut heroes.*Emotion- I have not heard to read any of the Perry Rhodan sci-fi novels. But I found their premise interesting and unique in this film. The added plot twist of espionage and crime to make this film more dramatic and enjoyable. There are some interesting alien robots featured in this film, also.*Based On- Perry Rhodan sci-fi novels.

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I have seen listings for "4-3-2-1 Morte", and "Orbital Mortal" as seperate films. other data suggests 2 films produced at the same time with much the same cast and crew. titles are listed for US english dubbed releases years ago, as "Countdown To Death", and "Mission Stardust". Now this listing says it's all one film, and I have serious doubts. I love "Mission Stardust", though I agree it is not a very faithful Rhodan adaptation. as for the poor effects, I strongly disagree. Antonino Margherhetti's spaceship effects are top notch for the time of the film, and quite lovely in design. Excellent special effects work from a moonlighting director, who had started italian cinematic SF with "Assignment Outer Space"!

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