PG | 30 April 2004 (USA)
Mickey Trailers

Best-selling author John Grisham deviates from his usual literary thrillers with this winning film that stars Harry Connick Jr. as Tripp Spence, a widower who goes on the run from the IRS with his 12-year-old baseball-phenomenon son, Derrick (Shawn Salinas). They assume new identities and flee to Las Vegas, where Derrick, now known as Mickey, joins a team that makes it to the Little League World Series. But will fame give away his true identity?


I have read a few reviews, written by IMDb members, regarding this movie and some weren't positive. I believe this to be a wonderful movie with a great cast, a superb script, great camera work, and nice directing. I love a good baseball movie and the Little League World Series is a fascinating time of the year. I can remember my own days and my former dreams of Little League stardom. Harry Connick Jr does a wonderful job as the father. Even with all the shortcomings of the father, the audience member defiently knows that he loves his son. I could have done without the little love story sewn very obviously into the middle of the movie. Overall, I would recommend this movie to anyone who loves sports. I think this also qualifies as a family movie with a good moral message. Check it out!!!

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I decided to take in this film primarily because it showcases the premier event of my hometown, by virtue of which has allowed me its access. I went in with few expectations, and left feeling quite satisfied. This film certainly ventures from the typical Hollywood fluff one might expect from a movie featuring Little League Baseball, casting a dark aura about an event cherished for its purity. Some off-beat humor slips in from time to time, as well as some stunning contrast of emotion rarely seen in mainstream films. I also paid attention to many of the details, given that I spent my childhood late Augusts watching the games at Lamade Stadium. I will say I would have loved to see in some of the shots children sliding down the upper hill behind Lamade on pieces of cardboard boxes, which has become a trademark of Little League Baseball ambiance, but I understand the absence. All in all, good viewing, and a shame that this film will likely pass into relative obscurity.

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"Mickey" a very strong feel good heartwarming movie that got away. This movie is currently in limited release. It is about a father who just wishes his son could make it to "The Little League World Series." There is just one problem, The IRS is looking for the father who is suffering in debt, and Mickey is to old to play in Little League. Solution move away, and change your identity.The movie starts out a little too fast, and things are thrown together really fast, but be patient it's worth your time. This movie is currently in the middle Tennesse area. If it's not in theaters in your area rent this movie in your spare time. My take on the movies a very strong 8/10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I had the opportunity to listen to John Grisham in Ottawa Ontario, Canada in April 2001 discuss his upcoming project "Mickey". Now, in April 2004 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, I was able to see the movie and again listen to John Grisham at a private screening along with the Director Hugh Wilson. "Mickey" was well worth waiting for. Using Little League Baseball as a background, the Plot centers on a father/son relationship and the difficult choices they have to make. The drive of "Mickey" is focused on the choices made by the Father (Harry Connick Jr.) and how they affect not only his son, but the lives of the team his son plays for.This is not a "Hollywood" movie. It is far superior to the high tech improbable entertainment that "Hollywood" churns out these days.Hugh Wilson deftly guides this fine character study that came from the heart of writer John Grisham. Harry Connick Jr. gives his best performance to date (Deserving a nod for Best Actor) and is aided by the fine supporting cast. Mike Starr, as the coach, is one of those character actors ala Jack Elam, Harry Dean Stanton, Kevin Pollock....who you recognize, but just can't remember the name to go with the face, is deserving of a nomination for Best Supporting Actor as he pulls out terrific performance by 1st timer Shawn Salinas (Mickey) and Harry Connick Jr. Michelle Johnson (Blame it on Rio) also contributes to the angst displayed by HCJ.This is a fine family movie to be enjoyed by all.

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