R | 15 December 1993 (USA)
Metamorphosis Trailers

A virus from outer space transforms a bio-researcher into a blood thirsty monster. But chief, Dr.Vialini doesn't like the cops and public to be involved in this secret experiment. But he becomes lunch very soon.


This is surely one of the worst films ever made, the 10 star reviews citing excellent special effects and great suspense must be from cast and crew members, they have to be. This film is hard to get through, awful effects, bits of rubber dripping with petroleum jelly, stop motion so bad it makes some kids programs look good, the worst acting you'll ever see in a movie, it's beyond bad, some of the lines of dialogue and the delivery is on par with Troll 2. It really is an awful film, I borrowed this from a friend who told me how bad it was, so I thought I'd see for myself, hoping it was one of those so bad it's good flicks. Nope, it's just so bad it's really bad and I felt ripped off despite the fact I watched it for free.Stay away from this dud, it has to be one of the worst films I've ever sat through.

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Tautly directed and cheaply made, little sci-fi / horror monster throwback flick which is nothing but schlock, though all the same quite fun. It's a sideshow of horrid make-up effects, stop-motion and a touch of gore thrown here and there. The story is basic starting off rather grey, if a touch slow and talky in parts, as situations is explained through fragmented flashbacks. What are going on are the usual secretive experiments on genetic engineering that sees a doctor accidentally being contaminated by alien cells and virtually transforming in to something otherworldly that goes on the rampage in a forlorn scientific facility. While a headstrong girl along with her boyfriend and younger sister enter the building looking for their missing father, who worked as the facility's security guard. While the doctor in charge hires two killers to rid any evidence. Although it's no walk in the park, as they'll find out they are really unprepared. The first half is mainly told in flashbacks explaining the occurrences before and after the contamination. Here it tries to be thoughtful and selective with its choices (where the most suspenseful moments occur), but the second half keeps it straight-forward and dumb it down with the usual monster on the loose formula around empty rooms and corridors. Throwing in some outrageous special effects (tentacle action anyone?), grisly jolts and mutant creations where it finishes on a crazy note. In some aspects in reminded of another sequel "Syngenor" and it was interesting to see that it was initially set-up to be the sequel to the 1983 film "The Deadly Spawn". The acting is on the lousy side, but there are few exceptions with Marcus Powell chewing up his scenes with glassy intensity and Tony Gignate as one of the hired killers with a dry sense of humour."Please dear, not in front of the mutants."

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Tom van der Esch

I've been looking for AGES to get my hands on this film. Why would I go through the trouble, you ask? I loved it's prequel, the Deadly Spawn for it's creative monster, gore and wise-crack humor.Metamorphosis: the alien factor has all that and more. It's a silly and predictable B-movie about a man getting bitten by an alien creature. He slowly transforms into a hideous monster. And once he breaks loose, it's best to just run. Run like the wind! The acting is okay, at some points maybe a bit woody. But there's several stereotypes in this movie and they are played fine enough. It's not Shakespeare, but you don't need that quality in a movie like this.I really liked the creative monster designs and special effects. Sure it seems corny or cheap at times, but that's the kind of gore I liked in the Deadly Spawn. So if you are a fan of cheap gore, check this one out.Recommended for fans of the Deadly Spawn and similar movies.Not a masterpiece, but still enjoyable. 6 out of 10 stars!

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How else can one explain just how bad the acting/plot/script really are? I had the misfortune of seeing this trash when I was in college, and my test scores immediately dropped by 10 points across the board.Some reviewers here on IMDb have touted the movie's "great special effects." For the budget, I guess they're not bad. It's obvious that, as I referenced in my summary line above, approximately 99.99% of the budget went toward special effects because the film does not contain a single competent acting performance. And honestly, the special effects, even for their day (1990), are not that great. With the amount of latex used, one would think the filmmakers had hired the shock-metal band GWAR to make all the creature models and so forth.In any event, even brilliant special effects cannot compensate for a dreadful script/plot, and abysmal acting. We've seen this story a million times before--usually much more convincingly told. The special effects in this one might hold one's interest for five minutes or so, but after that, good luck!

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