Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark
Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark
NR | 28 January 2014 (USA)
Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark Trailers

When another Mega Shark returns from the depths of the sea, world militaries go on high alert. Ocean traffic grinds to a standstill as everyone lives in fear of the insatiable beast. Out of options, the US government unleashes the top secret Mecha Shark project -- a mechanical shark built to have the same exact characteristics as Mega. A pair of scientists pilot the mechanical creature as they fight Mega in a pitched battle to save the planet. But when faulty mechanics cause the Mecha to go after humans, the scientists must somehow guide Mega to Mecha in hopes that the two titans will kill each other - or risk untold worldwide destruction.

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MEGA SHARK VS. MECHA SHARK is another giant monster flick from The Asylum boasting Z-grade CGI effects and a really stupid plot. It seems to homage TERROR OF MECHAGODZILLA in the tale of a giant megalodon terrorising mankind, leading scientists to build a giant mechanical shark to combat it. The story is cheesy and stupid, a mixture of bad actors delivering cheesy lines and really badly animated scenes of destructive mayhem. Even monster fans will find little to tempt them here.

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Diane Ruth

Gifted director Emile Edwin Smith keeps the suspense high and the thrills intense in this superb science fiction film set in exotic Australian locales. The screenplay by H. Perry Horton is intelligent and sharp witted, pulling no punches as it questions the wisdom of modern science while confronting humanity's misguided efforts to control the earthly environment. The special effects are quite good indeed and some of the sweeping vistas of vast destruction are unrelentingly haunting. There are several moments when the graphic violence and mayhem is overwhelming and it becomes necessary to look away from what is horrifically depicted on screen. A superb cast brings depth and realism to their characters, with Elizabeth Rohm especially good as a woman fighting to save her family as well as mankind. The shattering climax, with helicopters and explosions that recall the iconic, surrealistic impact of Apocalypse Now, is simply unforgettable.

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Mic Mcfar

I recorded this movie on my DVR. The preview looked interesting but two minutes in was ready to stop it and delete it. The story line had potential. The Special effects where OK, but they could have been better. This reminded me of an older movie Godzilla vs Mecha Godzilla which had better special effects slightly better acting, and was more believable. Now the one part of the movie that did not make any real sense was why did the female character fly off to see another female character to tell her about where the Mega Shark was going to be? A text message or email could have done the same! DUH! Now another thing that made me want to stop watching this epic failure was the interracial marriage I can tell the main stream media must have been involved in the story line. Also the actors did not sell me that they where a married couple too forced! So for the most part a really waste of time to watch this movie! The only good thing was it was recorded so I could at least fast forward through the commercials and limit the agony!

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Previously, "Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus" (2010) ended with the prehistoric creatures fighting their way into a murky abyss. They were both declared dead. How we get a third "Mega Shark" movie begins in Alexandria, Egypt. There, an iceberg cracks and releases "another" of the prehistoric shark creatures. As you might imagine, this one is also very destructive. It begins by decapitating the Sphinx of Giza. This is great loss for civilization – and an incredible feat for a water-based shark. Fortunately, the Americans have built a shark-looking submarine to fight off prehistoric sharks. This "Mecha Shark" is a mechanical version of the destructive monster. Helmed by navigating co-stars Christopher Judge (as Jack Turner) and Elisabeth Rohm (as Rosie Gray), "Mecha Shark" sets out to do battle with the new "Mega Shark"...Compared to the first two "Mega Shark" movies, this is "Citizen Kane"...Most obviously, the direction and performances are improved. This time, director Emile Edwin Smith and his "Asylum" crew make the most of their limited resources. The special effects are far from state of the art – but, there is a sense of place. The best "effect" is the mechanical shark's unseen computer voice, NERO, who helps navigate the submarine. NERO recalls HAL from "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968) – but without the smarmy, underlying sinister tone. The co-starring couple, Mr. Judge and Ms. Rohm, strike the right acting chords and have some chemistry. We hope Rohm and NERO will keep Judge from smoking. From the first film, we see Deborah "Debbie" Gibson in a superfluous cameo. Cheers to Paul Anderson as NERO's voice. Jeers to the series' relentless degrading of the science-fiction/horror film genre.**** Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark (1/24/14) Emile Edwin Smith ~ Christopher Judge, Elisabeth Rohm, Matt Lagan, Paul Anderson

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