Madea's Big Happy Family
Madea's Big Happy Family
PG-13 | 22 April 2011 (USA)
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When Shirley, Madea's niece, receives distressing news about her health, the only thing she wants is her family gathered around her. However, Shirley's three adult children are too preoccupied with their own troubled lives to pay attention to their mother. It is up to Madea, with the help of rowdy Aunt Bam, to bring the clan together and help Shirley deal with her crisis.

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That pretty much describes Madea's character--as she forces the other characters to straighten up their acts without giving any consideration to her two-faced ways (damaging a fast-food place, smoking marijuana, slapping kids that aren't her own, et al). I did find Bryon's baby's mama interesting as she reminds me a lot of students at the high school where I substitute teach--only interested in themselves. While I liked the reconciliation between the two daughter's with their husbands at the end, I hated how Byron dumped his then-girlfriend. I don't know if it was because his mom died, or because he didn't want to be drawn back into his old lifestyle. I also found the "1-800-choke-a-*" line that one of the minor characters said to be disturbing for a film made by a professing Christian such as Tyler Perry.

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I don't know why there are so many negative reviews for this movie. I really liked it and was laughing the whole time.The only thing I didn't really like was how there was a funny scene and then after that there would be a serious scene, it doesn't make sense. This doesn't affect my rating though because the movie was too comical for me to be lower than a 10. I noticed that there are a few other movies with pretty much the same story. I'm certainly going to watch those, but as others said it's sort of stupid to make the same movie more than once, unless it's a sequel and it's different.Other than these two things, I really enjoyed this movie and I would recommend it to anyone who likes comedies.

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I don't know if anyone else out there is a Tyler Perry fan, but I really enjoy his work and although at times a little schmaltzy, "Madea's Big Happy Family" is worth a trip to the theater.As with all other Madea movies, Madea (Tyler Perry) takes on old and young. No matter who you are or think you are, if you cross Madea you are in for a good old A** chewing.Madea's niece, Shirley (Loretta Devine) is given some bad news by her doctor. Her wish is to share the news with all the members of her family at dinner. She arranges a get together but there is a problem. Her family over time has become somewhat estranged. Although they do all eventually arrive at the house, it isn't long before the bickering and fighting begin. Shirley cannot find a moments peace when she can address the issue for which she had the gathering, and all too soon the family runs from the table and the house. Not knowing what to do next, Aunt Bam (Cassie Davis), in order to help Shirley, enlists the aid of Madea to corral all of the children, spouses and grandchildren around the dinner table so Shirley can let them know how much she loves each and everyone.Along the way, Madea lets everyone know her philosophy of life as only she can and amidst the tragedy comes fulfillment and forgiveness. The movie runs the gamut of emotions - from grief to joy. One moment you may feel tears welling up in your eyes only to be followed by the laugh-out-loud antics of Madea.I think there would have been nothing lost if Brown (David Mann) and his occasionally - emphasis on occasionally - funny shenanigans would have been left on the cutting room floor. I don't feel his part in the movie really added any value, but it is there and I took it for what it was.The movie won't be nominated for any significant awards but as with all of the Madea series, there are some life lessons from which we all can learn taught by Madea in a way only she could get away with.I recommend this film.

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Let me start I have watched all of his films. Tyler Perry I implore you, please! bring us Afro-Americans, etc., more colored girls, the family that preys, why did I get married and less of this drivel. OK! I will give it to you maybe 1 of your other Tyler Perry presents, Madia.... was OK, 7 maybe out of 10.After the first 5 minutes of the movie, I promise you this, if you are cracking up and find it hilarious, stay. However, if you watch the first 5 minutes and think WTF; don't waste the other 1 hr and 40 minutes. Wait till Netflix, wait till HBO, wait till TBS/BET carry the movie. Do not encourage this, and just to remind you yes I typically like Tyler Perry Movies.The most infuriating thing about this is that I know he is capable, as a writer, producer and director of more. Subsequently, in this movie he took lots of short cuts, and it seemed like these scenes were shot and wrapped on the first take. I could excuse it more if this was his first movie and he continually got better from the end of the movie, and I have never done this but I got my money back, and there is nothing more than what I would like than to support black movies, any of them Wayans, Spike, Martin, Eddie, and yes I will still see the next Tyler Perry Movie.Think of it this way out of a 10 rating there is a reason why the average is 2.5, ouch!

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