Liane, Jungle Goddess
Liane, Jungle Goddess
| 03 October 1956 (USA)
Liane, Jungle Goddess Trailers

Researchers in the African jungle find a young white woman living with a tribe, that adores her as goddess. They carry her off and proudly report to the press. It turns out that she may be Liane, the long lost daughter of the rich shipowner Amelongen. So Toren starts civilizing her and takes her to Germany, where she - now in love with Toren - has to defend herself against accusations of legacy-hunting. Will she fit into her new society?


Liane, Jungle Goddess (1956)* 1/2 (out of 4)A German expedition through Africa turns up a beautiful blonde girl (Marion Michael) who the locals think is a goddess. The crew kidnap the girl and take her back to the press who has a field day with her and soon it turns out she might be the long lost daughter of a very important man.This is a pretty strange film that I'm sure was loved by teenage boys back in the day. This Tarzan-wannabe was filmed in German but it was sold throughout the world and in many locations it played matinees to where kids could watch it. They would have loved that because of the beautiful blonde in the lead plus the fact that she wasn't very many clothes and at times we see a few slips of nudity. Obviously, it's easy to see why so many teens from this period have such a fondness for the film.As it stands today, the film is pretty weird because it starts off as a Tarzan rip-off but then it quickly turns into some weird drama where people are fighting over who actually owns the title character. I'm really not sure why they decided to leave the jungle because that's where all the fun was. These early scenes contain shots of the wildlife and it was rather fun seeing the young girl in her natural location.All of the fun gets sucked out once we get back to civilization and the girl get taught how to speak English and how to be proper. This stuff is just told in such a boring way that you can't help but wish they were back in the jungle. Michael certainly has the appropriate look for the role and she's certainly fun to watch. Hardy Kruger is fun as the lead male and we also get Reggie Nalder playing a bad guy. LIANA, JUNGLE GODDESS really isn't that good of a film. I'm sure when you watch it in life will determine how much entertainment you actually get out of it. For me personally, the film is harmless fun at the start but it slowly grows more boring as it moves along.

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Lee Eisenberg

It's clear that this movie's target audience is 14-year-old boys. "Liane, das Mädchen aus dem Urwald" ("Liane, Jungle Goddess" in English) has little purpose beyond showing off Marion Michael's body, especially the upper half. And boy is there something to show off! I understand that Marion Michael was known as Germany's answer to Brigitte Bardot. As expected, the movie got treated as an adults-only movie upon its initial release (although you can bet money that a number of boys went to see it and it helped them become men).Obviously the movie has a colonial mentality in its depiction of the Africans. That's to be expected. We can understand that and simply luxuriate in all the shots of Marion Michael swinging from the vines wearing as little as was allowed.

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"Liane, Jungle Goddess" is a slight film but one that pubescent boys would generally love. This is because in this Tarzan knockoff, the queen of the jungle is a good looking teenage girl from runs around topless (and wearing little else) during the first portion of the film. It's the sort of film that they simply couldn't have made in the US at the time due to censorship laws and I wasn't surprised that it was a German film (dubbed into English).When the film begins, you see the usual stock footage of Africa--for the most part. It is less grainy and looks good, but it's also random--with Toucans (a South and Central American bird) and natives with blowguns (they use them in the Pacific and South America) in Africa! This sort of thing isn't that unusual in a 1940s and 50s jungle epic--and as I mentioned above, the quality of the footage is pretty good otherwise.A group of explorers learn that there is a white teen living in the jungle amongst 'those savages', so they kidnap her and take her back to civilization. A problem arises, however, when an unscrupulous man contemplates harming Liane because she might be the heir to a family fortune--and he's counting on having this money for himself. For this sort of movie, "Liane" is actually pretty good. While it's not a must-see or even a very good movie, it's a mildly enjoyable B-movie that has slipped into the public domain (and can be downloaded from the link on IMDb). My only serious reservation is that the actress playing Liane was only 16 and I worry that pervs might watch the film for all the wrong reasons. 12-18 year-old pervs are welcome...old creepy guys watching it are not!By the way, I was really surprised when one of the characters was referred to as 'Mr. Goehring'. Considering it was made only a little over a decade after the war, I certainly was not expecting to hear this name in a German film!

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I need to write this review as an offset to the drivel others have posted. LIANE gives the audience more than you'd expect. Much better than "Greystoke" and much better than most 2010 movies where "stupid" reigns supreme.Of course we expect a sexy blonde with lots of leg; not just for 10- year old boys but for old geezers as well. Not to give the plot away but there are two short scenes taking place in Hamburg, Germany where the legs get covered up by a dress! Ugh!Still, the entire movie is strictly G rated in spirit and content.Very nice scenes of the African jungle, lots of animals, including the lake where all the flamingos (usec to) flock. Hardy Kruger is the handsome young hero who has to contend not only with Liane but with a pretty cute female doctor who's set her eyes on him.The thin plot is never boring and will keep the interest of the kind of audience that loves good movies but wouldn't waste 5 minutes on Kick-Ass or Iron Man 2.LIANE is now in DVD, in color, doubled with another good B movie (about Devil's Island). Recommended.

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