Late Night Double Feature
Late Night Double Feature
| 06 December 2016 (USA)
Late Night Double Feature Trailers

During a late night taping of "Dr. Nasty's Cavalcade of Horror", bloody chaos takes place during the screening of two features ("Dinner for Monsters" and "Slit"). Samantha/Nurse Nasty is frustrated by how the show is being run by its womanizing director and its drunk and crazy host Dr. Nasty.


I guess because I read some of the reviews before watching this movie I was able to watch it with an open mind. This was obviously a movie that didn't take itself seriously and anyone watching it should do the same. This was a movie that reminded me of The Kentucky Fried Movie from back in the day. This was a campy throwback to the type of movies you could expect to see back when little local stations handled our late night entertainment, before Netflix, Hulu, and 24 hour streaming services were available. Some of us are old enough to remember those glorious days. So sit back, relax, and get a little nostalgic with this mildly entertaining film would be my suggestion.

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I think what a lot of people are missing is that it's a B movie. They're not trying to remake Gone With The Wind here, people! It's gory, it's funny, it's got a hidden message if you think about it. Nurse Nancy gets whipped by her co-host On Air! And she's told to just "stick it out and hang in there"? WTF Hollywood? But the movie itself is pretty solid for a B flick. It's definitely worth seeing if your hanging with your buddies drinking and you want a laugh. But I think even if your drunk, you'll have a problem with the whipping scene. But even the commercials in the movie were tongue in cheek. But if you watched it and were expecting something like Scream or Saw, your going to be SEVERELY let down. But if you want to watch something that you know you'll enjoy for what it is, a B movie, then pull up a chair and enjoy the ride!

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Kate Grierson

This film is both a campy and tongue in cheek roller coaster ride. It's great fun and a true hats off to themes and styles of the horror flicks of the 50 and 60's. The anthology format keeps things moving along and the interwoven story line is a clever approach. Keep your sense of fun when you watch this one! Totally enjoyed!

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I was very disappointed when I saw this as I was looking forward and expecting some great ideas in the newly supposed features, I think my own son could have wrote better and he is only 9 years old. It started off quite good expecting something more but as time goes on you realize its not worth your money or time,i give respect to the writer and director but as it goes on its like late night sleeping pill that works very well for my deluxe. I think you should pas on this one,it may entertain only the few dull under the influence of boredom. look for something like TFT Crpyt keeper as he is the original not this,rant over as I am looking out for my fellow horror fans.

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