Land of the Blind
Land of the Blind
| 01 May 2006 (USA)
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A soldier recounts his relationship with a famous political prisoner attempting to overthrow their country's authoritarian government.

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Just one step below awful. It's basically a satire on the idea that when a revolution comes to a country, the new leaders may turn out to be just as bad if not worse than those they usurped power from.The scenery and mood make this picture very dull. It is as if it has been shot circa 1927 when the film industry was just finding sound.Ralph Fiennes gives his all but the writing is so convoluted as well as dull. Ditto for Donald Sutherland. Note how a writer eventually attains power and becomes worse than his predecessor.Which beast of history does the wife of the first dictator represent? She is supposed to represent the idea that there is a woman behind every man. Conniving and vicious, she meets her her just end. Note how the film emphasizes the idea the violence begets more violence. All of our dictators die through assassination.

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A transparent, shallow statement about political process that reeks with that unmistakable bias of the easily-blurred eye of American perspective on its ever-bleak forecast of its ongoing tumble into the abyss of stupidocracy. Grow up, already.While I found the film predictable and agreeing with pretty much everything Mr. Robbie Hamilton from London had aforementioned, the most annoying part of this film going misaddressed is that tacit message the script writers make: namely the invalid assumption being made that a government only has two preposterously extremist courses that are inexplicably parallel in outcome. Stereotypical, self-destructive American paranoia being spouted that's clearly designed to promote more irrational fear-mongering about religion and other authoritarian figureheads in general. So much for In God We Trust, or anyone else...ever. Its this certain pathological mistrust of anything not directly decided by the individual taken, as always, to ridiculous extremes. Not to mention the nonsensical Marxist template that's somehow slapped onto Donald Sutherland's character all the while. That doesn't even make any historical sense. Just worthless.Its such a trite theme in these pieces of obvious and boring moral-atheist, pseudo-intellectual, contemporary propaganda that seem all too eager to reach out with its tentacles of questionable, subtle behavioral conditioning. There's never a middle ground of realistic attempts at political negotiation with encouraged mutual symbiosis, or even a hint of political amicability; but only the less worse of two bloodthirsty avenues from which to despondently choose. Oh no everyone; the revolution is just as evil as the dictators, now we're really, really depressed; more than before. I suppose we should just succumb to this false dilemma about the futility of life; let's all kill ourselves since we can only lament over how history never seems to change. Would that make you happy? A true feast for the weak-minded in the throes of the great and churlish American identity crisis. Aren't the Americans tired yet of being fed these deliberate farces: thinly obfuscated as unavoidable, political "fact"-themes that only seem to triumph one over the other in Hollywood in vying for overly-generalizing ignorance? Where have all the real films gone? The classics that situationally question; asking the viewer think for oneself are all but replaced by these diluted garbage like Land of the Blind that shamelessly attempts to think FOR you. Its not even entertaining or thought-provoking; its just pathetic. Just watching this film gave me that pain in the anterior surface of my left frontal lobe. That's right; I could actually feel myself getting stupider for having to watch this film just to make sure that there were, in fact, no good parts to it. If I could vote for one thing, I vote for a resolution that limits how much these armchair engineers can afford to waste our time by tirelessly churning out delusional, half-baked scripts of poorly re-hashed Animal Farm allegory. Orwell already told the story more than brilliantly; let's keep it that way.Ditch this hyperbolic waste of film.

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This movie is a real mess...where to begin describing how? Well, first is the country it is (or is not -- no way to know!) set in; stock footage as background is shown from third world countries, middle-eastern countries, and a jumble of others, but when the characters appear, they are: NONE OF THE ABOVE. And worse, most of them as part of the government, would not all fit together cohesively in the capacities in which they are portrayed inside a country ruled by a maniacal dictator, as in this film, in today's world. And make no mistake, the movie takes place in today's world, based on most references throughout the film -- so, elements just don't fit. And the characters...all supposedly natives of this implausible land -- well, some have British accents, some do not...go figure. And, of course, there are segments and characters that are not fully developed, and scenes not adequately explained. Worst of all is the fact that this movie cannot make up its mind whether to be exaggerated black comedy, biting satire, or serious compelling drama...bits of each are all stirred together to make mostly a mess. One small example: the exterior design of the dictator's palace looks to be middle eastern, while the dictator himself is not, nor does he resemble his father, a western European-possibly-Mussolini type. Judging from some of the scripted language and overall message of the film about what type of leader replaces the leader he deposes, I believe that the true and witty vision in the mind of the writer became lost when he, as director, tried to put it on screen.

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Nice movie but speaks to a small number of viewers.. My vote is 8 because of that. It is a political drama and a piece of almost every country's history. Witness the tragedy of the names that make history and time. Witness the games of the mind. Pure drama. I got no more comments for this movie. I don't see why my comment should make 10 lines. The rest is in Greek. H Tania Ina Kali Alla mas courage Wotan arcsine an mas tenderize to endearing. Episis erg anatomy Gila pol la Ki Lila, Lila Ki pol la. Opws goat Jakie to trio town hlektrologwn proctors. Eprepe an fig AP th sexology Gila an to Jasun? Kai an to Mathian's Ki AP ascot's? Gamato e? Apisteuto? Ti alloy an PE. Den pairs h Jennifer Anniston Alla untaxed, o Donald to paler! Thank you - HMMY 4 ever!

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