Lake Placid 2
Lake Placid 2
R | 28 April 2007 (USA)
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Man-eating crocodiles return to the lake as two males and one aggressive female crocodile, which is protecting her nest, wreak havoc on the locals.

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This movie begins with two people who work for the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in a boat collecting water samples on Lake Placid. Suddenly, one of the men is snatched off of the boat with only bits and pieces of him remaining in the blood-stained water. The second man immediately rushes to the local constabulary, "Sheriff Riley" (John Schneider) who initially treats it as a big joke. However, when the mortician produces the remains of the body the sheriff then decides to take it a little more seriously and heads out to the lake to investigate. Also with him is the EPA official and a woman named "Emily" (Sarah Lafleur) who works for the Fish and Wildlife Department. While Sheriff Riley is investigating his teenage son, "Scott" (Chad Collins) also heads out to the lake with a young woman named "Kerri" (Alicia Ziegler) and a few of her friends who plan on camping out and having a good time. What nobody realizes is that there are several enormous crocodiles in the area who have obtained a fondness for human meat in the last 2 years and are always eager for more. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film had good potential. Unfortunately, the low-key and nonchalant manner which the characters displayed during the entire film really affected the movie as a whole. It sometimes seemed like the director (David Flores) was trying to play a big joke on the audience but for some odd reason withheld any discernible humor or punch line. Whatever the case, the lack of seriousness took a toll and resulted in a movie that appeared to be merely going through the motions. Again, this film had potential--but it simply wasn't realized. Consequently, I rate it as slightly below average.

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So here we go, after part 1 we do have a franchise with the croc wandering around in Lake Placid. This one do actually pick up a bit on the original one with the part of the old lady feeding to raise crocs in the lake. But that's it.As were the effects in part one rather well done especially on the part of the animal itself here we have a big laugh. The opening credits did say it, a ScyFy release. The CGI used for the croc must have been made with a C64. Sometimes it's believable but there are parts that you just say, huh. And then the croc is enormous and in other shots it's just a big animal. Funny was to see John Schneider again, famous from Dukes Of Hazzard as Bo Duke. But indeed so far the good news. It's really the CGI that makes this a big huh adventure. And in some shots you see the actors looking towards nothing and reacting wrongly because the croc wasn't there at all of course. The only thing at the lake that is worth watching is the Kleenex moment, pure gratuitous nudity. Even the croc staid underwater when those girls were showing it off, but once you think okay, this is boys stuff the funnybags are been bitten, stupid croc...Gore 0/5 Nudity 1/5 Effects 0/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5

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Tord S Eriksson

This is lame follow-up to "Lake Placid". This time the acting is at best mediocre, the script awful and the computer graphics exceedingly poor. If the budget was a tenth of "Lake Placid" it is still a poor excuse for the production company.And not just the computer graphics is real bad, continuity stinks as well - daddy sheriff borrows a grenade launcher which he saves his son and gal with, but when they exits the wood minutes later it is just a rifle - how did that happen?! Then in a few scenes later he has it again?!And what about the topless gals - if you have no script, add a few nudes, so we don't notice the other of the movie's weaknesses?!?!Anaconda is a masterpiece compared to this one - avoid!

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This is far and away, one of, if not the worst movie I have ever watched... I say watched, as I had to stop half an hour in as it was so bad, I couldn't stand to watch any more! I enjoyed the first one, but this was just absolute gash; it seemed that they tried to copy the characters from the original movie (which was enjoyable enough) with newer, different versions- and they failed miserably. It seems that a lot of the movie has been dubbed for some reason(?) and that the cast have been told to act as badly as they possibly can- which they have all excelled at spectacularly! I can't deride this movie- and its terrible CGI/Special(!) effects enough. 30 minutes of my life that I'll never get back! On the plus side, at least I didn't watch it all!!! Shockingly bad!

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