King Kung Fu
King Kung Fu
G | 01 January 1976 (USA)
King Kung Fu Trailers

A remote monastery in China has trained a talking gorilla, King Kung Fu, in the ancient art of kung fu. Having mastered his fighting skills, King Kung Fu is sent to America to demonstrate the power of Chinese martial arts to the West. As he is travelling through Kansas, a pair of bumbling reports see KKF and decide he can be their ticket to fame and wealth. Of course, the gorilla gets away from them, and soon everyone is chasing the Shaolin simian.


I was watched movie. It has the Gorilla and it has all action all of the time. I like gorilla does kung fu in the way. I watch many of kung fu and this gorilla. You lkie movie as well? You get to see all of movie as well. I watch gorilla kung fu agane and agena. My one said autism the movie.I give 9 of 10

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I am a big fan of slapstick comedy's. And after seeing Cinemassacres review on, I couldn't resist. The only thing I don't like is the filler. Just cut to the dang gorilla already! And at the end when they are on the building, I love the crappy stop motion effects. And the one liners are great! This is probably one of the best movie ever made. There is no other movie like this, sadly enough. It kinda reminds me of that movie that was playing on the TV in the movie "Troll 2". I think that that movie was called "Grunt", but anyway, King kung fu is A+ entertainment, that I could watch for hours. I recommend it all the way.

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This movie was made 33 years ago so it was not going to have great visuals like what we are used to today in more modern movies. The film has its funny moments but most of its just so slapstick that its not funny. Its hard to describe the humor of the film. Over acting is one of the funniest things to watch over and over again. B-movies sometimes are funny and this one is one of those types of films. There are lots of other factors that contribute to the film be watchable but it is something that you have to be in the mood to watch. I'm not sure if King Kong Fu was supposed to a comedy or a action flick. Its an odd combination of about three different movie genres.

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When I saw "Cinemassacre" review of this movie, I just thought, 'hey what the heck'. I'm fan of slap-stick, and I like to own some horrible "B" movies, plus I'm a huge fan of MST3K (Mystery Science Theater 3000).Well after watching this movie, what can I say?"Old Hags" is obviously over the top and an extreme attempt at humor. The dialog of the two instigator free-lance film duo is obviously over done, but only adds to the horrendous (and by token, great) screen play.The crowd's enthusiasm at the unveiling is just over done boredom and actually would probably represent how most feel when they ride the "King Kong" ride at universal.. so I laughed a lot relating it. And let's not even mention the "Mickey Mouse" camera, when there was a large, better one right next to it (gotta love 70's large bulb cameras!)It never has to be explained how a jobless man who suddenly gets a low-paying camera job can afford all of the equipment he uses to bust out the ape, then you realize it was all a fantasy and you roll your eyes.The police chief is a terrible John Wayne impersonator, and it's never explained how the ape manage to find the main chick of the flick (to put it humorously)using the phone book; how would he know what a phone book is?The high-speed chase in the volts wagon is anti-climactic and the stop-motion animation is very cheesy during the helicopter scene. But overall, it's a terrible "B" movie, so enjoy it for what it's supposed to be.

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