I thought this film wouldn't be too great. But when I saw it, I actually thought it was INCREDIBLE! I love films about made up countries, and this is set in a REAL LIFE micro nation! I thought the comedy was very funny and it made me laugh a lot, and the rest of my friends were crying of laughter in many scenes of this film.However, it does have a couple of issues. Some of them being a few predictable jokes, an unsatisfying ending and many plot holes and story inconsistencies, but that last thing is one of the things that makes it funny.The Nostalgia Critic was fantastic in it, Cinema Snob, the late JewWario and several other actors all perform excellently in the film. But some characters were a bit over the top, but nothing too big to worry about.
... View More{THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS}When I saw the trailer for this, I got pretty hyped. The first TGWTG anniversary video was hilarious and I expected something just as good for their sequel (and first feature-length film). Sadly, I found myself only liking certain portions of it.It started out pretty cool with the entire gang getting together and attacking this tiny micro-nation called Molossia and the invasion was actually extremely entertaining. However, as soon as they take over the place and rename it Kickassia, the plot sort-of stops and then...well, that's about it. The character of Doctor Insano pops up later on to fight the Nostalgia Critic and eventually they just give Molossia back to its original owner but the Insano/Critic fight is pretty much the last good moment in the entire film.It's a film that succeeds in hooking the audience but doesn't know how to continue after that.4/10
... View MoreI'm a big fan of That Guy With The Glassess, and this was one kick-ass special, I enjoyed every minute of it and the story was very well written.I loved the scenes with Spoony, Linkara and Cinema Snob as well as (now there's going to be some spoilers here) the transformation of Spoony into his Insano persona which was epic.The whole thing was awesome from start to finish and I would watch it more than once because it is that awesome.I recommend going onto thatguywiththeglassess.com and checking it out for yourself.
... View MoreFirst, you are most likely curious as to why this begins with the saying "this film is hardly a movie." That's because I consider movies to be entertaining and worth the investment of time, and "Kickassia" is neither. However, given my negative opinion about ThatGuyWithTheGlasses, the website where this special little piece of cinema comes from, I will not let that get in the way of making this review as fair as possible. However, let me also clarify: to ask reviewers not to criticize a movie on IMDb is a ridiculous notion - why would it be on IMDb if it was solely meant to be fan service and not an actual movie? It will be judged like any other movie, no exception. This review will also be split into several parts to break down the movie in a critical way:1. Story and Character: - It's incredibly flimsy. The story in Kickassia, although it was obviously not meant to be a masterpiece in cinema, is still seriously lacking. The basic gist is that cewebrity the Nostalgia Critic wants to take over a real micro-nation in Nevada, and wants to become its new leader. If you've read the review that this is in rebuttal to, then you already know the basic plot. However, while Grann-Bach is absolutely right in saying that it will leave no impact on its audience, this still doesn't forgive the fact that the plot is nonexistent. Some movies, you could argue, are character films (The Big Lebowski, Wayne's World), but you can't have a character film without characters. The biggest flaw of Kickassia is that the film is devoid of real personality; everybody is a cutout, one monotone personality distinguishing each person. Instead, we are presented with the personalities of every review show on the website, which is fine if there is actual character development, but what we get instead is a barrage of cultural references. You can't seriously expect somebody outside of the fan base to want to spend money on your DVD (and thus expand your audience) if the characters all have the distinct personality of sandpaper, right? Hardcore fans will know where the sandpaper comment came from.2. Comedy - I'm sorry, but there isn't a single joke in this movie that is original in any way. Most of them are either references taken from the multiple review shows on the website, or are directly taken from other movies, television shows, or comics. "Family Guy" does the same with its pop-culture references, and it is vilified for not having an original bone in its body as a result. This means the comedy is really weak, and the nonexistent acting capabilities painfully emphasize this. Newer fans will even be confused if they haven't watched every single show on Channel Awesome, so they will not know that "OF COURSE!" is actually a joke. Let me rebut another review by Lloyd Markham: "Hence much of the humor and enjoyment to be had relies exclusively on the audience[']s familiarity... each with their own styles, in-jokes, memes, continuity, etc." That's the problem, memes and in-jokes aren't funny to wide audiences. An in-joke may be funny to a certain group, but as soon as you try to explain it to a stranger, they won't understand what you're saying. The humor isn't helped by the plodding comedic timing where the writers take far too long with the punchline. The fence scene is a perfect example. Overall, the humor is bone dry and poorly timed.3. Technical Aspects - This portion of the film is the most shocking aspect, especially coming from a group of individuals who make their livings critiquing movies and are (supposedly) well-versed in making movies. This is not the case, as the continuity is nonexistent, the lighting is very poorly done, as it changes from scene to scene, and the overall presentation is not pleasing to the eyes in the slightest. To rebut Glenn-Bach's review where he says "hey were on a budget, they didn't have room for professional... lighting..., things get to be overly bright or dark, and there is grain in some bits) and the continuity can be all over the place", that is no excuse. There were films just as long as "Kickassia" that were made on a shoestring budget and in four days that were far superior, like Roger Corman's "Little Shop of Horrors." They pulled off a lot in four days with what they had, so there is no excuse to say everything is sub-par, and then just say "Oops, they were on a budget!" is unacceptable. Again, if the 'movie' is on IMDb, it is sold on DVD, and the 'actors' are also on IMDb, then it can be as mercilessly reviewed as the reviewers please because it calls itself a movie.The Verdict - "Kickassia" was horribly painful to watch, and I am honestly shocked that people would purchase this. The fans will be displeased with negative reviews, but the negative reviews are warranted when you make something as half-baked as "Kickassia."
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