PG-13 | 16 May 2008 (USA)
Jannat Trailers

A gambler turns into a cricket bookie banking on his sixth sense for the game. But his urge to make quick money pushes him into match-fixing and he loses control of his life and love.

Avinash Patalay

Emraan – In terms of the shades, the role had immense potential to unleash the true talent in an actor and do what "Naam" did for Sanjay Dutt. Having said that, a confident performance here. Sonal Chauhan –Barring a few plastic moments, her performance is not too bad for a first-timer. The svelte figurine, if chooses wisely can survive in Bollywood. And very addictive smile.Sameer Kochhar – This actor is too handsome hunk to be a police officer. And why was he munching all the time? Vishal Malhotra – there was no value addition of this role to the movie per se'. When the apartment is raided, why does it scare the living daylights of him? And later he jumps in to be a partner in major crime? Bad characterisation!Vipin Sharma –Probably owing to lack of screen time, the character seems unwarranted. Perhaps hangover of TPZ.Jawaid Shaikh - I wonder if it is the actor or the writing department who should take blame here for turning it into a character role. Have we forgotten Paresh Rawal in "Naam"? BTW even the one-way street dialogue from "Naam" is reprised here. Perhaps the weakest villain from Bhatt's camp. Songs as usual from the house of Bhatt's do bear the trademark stamp over it and posses repeat value.Kunal holds the reigns well for the first timer. By another couple of rounds, time will tell.The promos set a different expectation bar altogether in the audience's mind. Cricket though infused into the storyline is not integral to it and hence it would be safe to say that justice was "not" done to the subject.The last 30-minutes could have been easily trimmed to give it a slick finish. The climax was definitely long-winded and practically even the blind can see it coming.PS: The dig at Sidhu.. I agree too!

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The Bhatts always are the first on making movies on the most controversial and current topics. With the IPL fever on, they now return with a movie based on the plot of betting and match fixing in cricket along with an elaborate angle of an intense love affair.The film starts promisingly and ends brilliantly but in the mid it loses pace and interest as the narration stresses more on the love angle than on the interesting betting plot. The first one hour of the movie is exciting and highly enjoyable. Watching it you feel like seeing something new and an unexplored plot. The betting & match fixing scenes in the first half are brilliantly directed by the debutant director Kunal Deshmukh. And when you are expecting more of similar stuff coming later the director changes tracks and takes on the love angle as his main theme.If the film would have been strictly on the betting and fixing plot then it was a confirm bigger Hit. But unfortunately there is more of sacrifice and love story angle which is quite expected and becomes tiring after a certain point. Though director shows promise in his first movie but he should have stuck to one plot only.Imraan Hashmi is competent and gives a good performance. It can be counted as one of his finest. Sonal Chauhan looks fresh and ravishing. She has got the talent which will become polished with more of her movies. Jawed Sheikh as the DON shows class and he shines bright in his role. A very unexpected act is given by Samir Kochhar as the police officer. He is excellent in his small part and is an actor to watch for.Bhatts definitely have a good ear for music and lyrics. Their movies always have some good numbers with meaningful lyrics. Jannat also has got hit music by Pritam. The songs don't interrupt the narration and have got the soothing melodies. That's the reason audio companies fought with each other for the music rights of this movie.If you are a cricket fan and expecting a lot of cricket, betting and match fixing in the movie then you might be taken back. The movie has the main plot of betting but the story revolves more around the match fixer and his girlfriend. That's the main drawback of the movie. The other weak point is that the background of Imraan Hashmi and Sonal are not explained in details. Sonal just leaves India for a live in relation with Imraan and there is no one in her family who has to be informed. Thought the love proposal scenes are highly enjoyable but after the intermission you feel the overdose of the affair angle.As per their tradition Bhatts this time follow a similar plot as in "Two For The Money" (2005) featuring Al Pacino. But this time its only an inspiration and not a version. The script also gets inspired by the real life "Coach Murder" incident in the last world cup.One of the highlight of "Jannat" is its climax, which is unexpected and has a shock for the viewers. After witnessing the climax sequence you feel that the film is good enough for a one time watch. As it has a new plot, good performances and soothing music.

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If you haven't already seen this movie, it is probably a good idea to watch it first and decide for yourself IF it was Worth it.It is amazing to see how the story and characters in the film are detached from reality in almost every sense. The Morally Grey Dreamer (Emraan Hashmi) finds out he has a thing about cricket and people who play cricket, that is, he can tell what is going to happen in the game (named Sixth Sense) and he is a very good judge of players personality. Making him not just a talented Bookie but also a gifted Match Fixer. His Love interest is a Not-so-well-off but Morally Sound(Sonal Chauhan)who is also deeply in love with Emraan. Both characters are given troubled backgrounds, which is financial for Emraan and Emotional for Sonal. There was bound to be a conflict between these two love birds. And when it does happen it all goes down in a classic (read clichéd) bollywood ishtyle.Direction is good given the sort of Plot. Story lacks any real depth. Acting is convincing and pretty much compensates for the incompetent storyline. But if you overlook all these things... and don't fall for the emotional façade...you will find the ending quite witty (read Sexist)Enjoy

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Sabse Bada Chodu

Considering their huge experience in dealing with sensational subjects, the Bhatt camp are a complete Bollywood institution in themselves. After covering human trafficking last year with Awarapan, this time they hit the nail on the spot with a well-researched plot on cricket match-fixing. Even though repeat news telecasts have made the theme a bit clichéd, the writers did a brilliant job except for some minor gaffes.Imran Hashmi (I don't remember how he likes to spell his first name) plays a debt-ridden, happy-go-lucky gambling addict suddenly striking rich with his Nostradamus-like ability to predict cricket match scores. Thanks to an underworld Don on the loose called Abu-something, he quickly establishes what he calls his "import-export" business -an international cricket bookmaking syndicate. Even though cops are on his trail and his girlfriend threatens to desert him, Mr.Bookie is convinced this is what he was really born to do because he's just soooo good at it. Obviously, he has no moral compunctions and will meet his just desserts someday - the entire story moves at an even pace and there isn't a single moment of bore. The "good prevails over evil" theme is thrust on you and I must say, it has been executed well.To be honest, Imran does comes across very natural when portraying all those shady, no-morals-no-dilemma characters; what seems to be the reason? Is it about his crooked Semitic nose - you never know? I won't want him to portray straightforward characters - it seems he's finally found his image.Here's a spoiler: this movie documents events vaguely similar to those which led to the death of Pakistani coach Bob Woolmer in a West Indies hotel room. Even the character portraying the movie coach has a facial resemblance to the real Bob Woolmer - considering that the murder case is still being probed, this was indeed a very brave thing to do.The only reason I'm not giving this movie a higher rating is because of some fantastical, ludicrous premises which weaken the technical plot e.g. Imran's instinctive ability to predict the outcome of each and every ball, down to the sixes, wickets and final scores is simply too hard to sink in. The Bhatt camp writers could have been a little more creative in depicting those calculations. I'm sorry this is crucial to the movie theme and a little original thinking could have done more justice to it.Definitely don't watch it more than once.

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