Island of the Doomed
Island of the Doomed
| 15 November 1967 (USA)
Island of the Doomed Trailers

We take six diverse people--an unhappy married couple with a younger wife, a scientist, an older eccentric lady who is voiced in a Fran Drescher manner, a heroic young man (George Martin), and a desirable young woman for him to be interested in--who choose to vacation at the estate of a Count who is engaged in odd scientific research, and watch them deal with the gradual sense of doom...and the gradually more aggressive killer plants developed by Cameron Mitchell. The film is well-paced, and it leads to an exciting climax. MANEATER OF HYDRA/ISLAND OF THE DOOMED must have looked great on a massive drive-in screen back in 1967--it's still worth seeing today for the fan of 60's Euro-horror and for fans of the great Cameron Mitchell.


Innuendo bingo throughout. " You almost touched my giant......gardenia. As for the makeup artist(?)... the eyebrow pencil is a bit excessive on the men! Fun movie tho.

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Lee Eisenberg

"La isla de la muerte" (alternately called "Island of the Doomed" and "Maneater of Hydra" in English) is the sort of movie that only three people could present: Elvira, Joe Bob Briggs, or at least one of the guys on "Mystery Science Theater 3000". I saw it on Elvira's show. It's basically a "Day of the Triffids" ripoff. A bunch of tourists go to an island where a man is breeding carnivorous plants. Naturally, the whole thing is an unintentional laugh riot. To be certain, the character Myrtle reminded me of Kyle's mom on "South Park", while the character David looked how Tony Randall would look if left in the microwave too long.Anyway, it's the sort of thing that you watch for pure entertainment. When the Mistress of the Dark presented it, she naturally added no shortage of campy commentary (namely that a plant-themed movie has a character whose last name is Moss).PS: director Mel Welles played the flower shop owner in the original "Little Shop of Horrors".

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I agree with several of the posters here. I'm hugely attached to European horror films (especially Italian ones, which this isn't, though I always thought it was), but even considering that, I think it's really enjoyable. It's a shame (as one poster says) that Cameron Mitchell didn't do his own character's voice, but that's about the only hitch. One accidentally comical thing is that "Mrs. Callahan" (who's played by an actress with a Spanish name) has dubbing that makes her sound for all the world like a comical "yenta" character! This film also has one line that isn't hurt AT ALL by the dubbing. After the baron kills "Professor Demarest," he calls in his servant to get rid of him. Then he says, "Use discretion. He was a nice man." To me, this is one of the great "ironic" lines used by a horror movie villain!

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The heroine in the clutches of a vampire tree, the hero leaping to her aid with an axe - slashing at blood-sucking branches with his weapon - then being attacked by the mad scientist who created the tree, also with an axe!An axe battle between the two, under the writhing blood-sucking branches, in the middle of a rain-drenched thunderstorm. GREAT staging! What happens next is bloody (incredibly bloody, in fact), outrageous, melodramatic, over-the-top, and (dare I say?) EXCITING!Now come on - isn't that last ten minutes worth the previous hour and 20 minutes of bad dubbing and odd characterisation?And what the HELL is that old German woman gibbering on about?Fans of Man-Eating Plants should check out the Mel Welles site.

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