Invasion of the Star Creatures
Invasion of the Star Creatures
| 03 May 1962 (USA)
Invasion of the Star Creatures Trailers

Beautiful alien Amazonian women plan to conquer the world using an army of vegetable monsters. Dim-witted privates Philbrick and Penn bumble into a cave in search of atomic activity but collide instead with fierce carrot-topped tree mutants and their leaders, the 7-foot space sirens Prof. Tanga and Dr. Puna. This lavishly low-budget sci-fi romp has the bodacious aliens planning to overrun Earth with their vege-men army, but first they want the G.I.s to explain the meaning of love.


Soldiers on a base near mountains go out to search for aliens. Two privates are the stars Philbrick/Bob Ball who is smaller but jerky and Penn/Frankie Ray. There is a lot of overacting but funny scenes.Philbrick has a water hose that goes out of control in the beginning of the movie. He squirts everything, himself and the other soldiers around him.They later talked their Colonel into letting them go look for aliens in a cave. The Colonel lets them go because him and Philbrick belong to the same club and are wearing the club rings. They find aliens, ones that look like tall vegetables but very strong who capture them.They later meet the two alien women in charge a professor and a doctor. The woman are tall and pretty. The men from their planet start off as plants grown by the women. Philbrick and Penn are attracted to them but the women are all business.Later Philbrick and Penn escape with the veggie men chasing them. They try to get help from some Indians on horses so they can stop the aliens invasion of earth.The Indians don't understand English. One of them does a little and does a dance which is so great and funny lots of turns, very talented. He also has a club ring like Philbrick. They all end up getting high by smoking a peace pipe and drinking something. The Indian dancer says "I don't smoke" but whatever it was they drank and smoked they all ended up laying on the ground later. This movie had some really funny part is in but very stupid language. Example: Their Sgt use words like "man, dig, hey man what's going on here, like man what's going on here, hey listen both you cats". The movie tries to use words that are supposed to be cool but are not. Other word like "chicks, babes. dolls, you send me, your cool, daddio, crazy man, getting hitched, like slaves" just did not seem right.The movie was funny but very immature and Philbrick talked a lot of baby talk and was hanging on Penn too much. It is a black and white movie made in 1962.The best part of the movie is the head Indian with a cowboy hat and long dark hair that did the dance. There was no name given to him so I could not find out who took the part. If anyone knows please let me know on the message board.

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A pair of comical soldiers (Robert Ball and Frankie Ray) investigate a mysterious crater in an atomic detonation area and discover some beautiful alien vixens (Dolores Reed and Gloria Victor) who plan to conquer the world using an army of vegetable monsters.When I looked this film up on IMDb, I see that it sits below a 3 for some reason. I have no idea how this is possible, as already within the first five or ten minutes the humor makes it so much better than the other science fiction films of its day that are coming in around 4 or 5. Not saying this is a great film, but gee, what a pleasant surprise it was after seeing how terrible everyone else thought it was.Another reviewer called it a poor man's Abbott and Costello, and I think that is spot on. My first thought was the same thing, and I might even go so far as to say I like these guys more.

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First of all, to call this movie a satire, or even a parody, is giving it waaaaay too much credit.This is a comedy which happens to have a military/science fiction setting. And it is meant to be a comedy, and a bad one. Broad, campy, silly, Vaudvillian, over-the-top, tongue-in-cheek, filled with ineffective slapstick, labored puns, cardboard thin stereotyped characters, a roller rink organ soundtrack score probably plucked from a library album of "comedic" music cues (there are also some theremin based music bits probably taken from the "Science Fiction" library album), throwaway bad jokes, and topical pop culture references that were probably already stale when this movie first came out of the developing tank.This is all utterly ON PURPOSE.The leads, Ball and Ray, make the forced antics of Gilligan and The Skipper seem like the graceful moves of Laurel and Hardy, and would make the goofball capering of the Bowery Boys seem like Shakespeare. In other words, they fail even at reaching the lowest common denominator.Our two working class heroes (the dumbest man in the entire world, and his stooge, as was once coined by Michael McKean in describing Lenny and Squiggy), are two no-hoper privates on a missile base. Their brain damaged Colonel, who keeps forgetting what he's talking about (HA!) sends them and a few other extras in army surplus uniforms on a special trek to explore a papier-mache cave in search of atomic deposits, or something. It doesn't matter really, as it is just an excuse for more inexpertly performed slapstick routines.In this cave, they encounter the usual 1950's low budget science fiction movie cliché, the underground civilization of aliens composed of beauty pageant winners in high heels, perfect hair-dos, and low neckline leotards ("Hey baby, you're really out of this world!"). Usually, in a movie like this, you would have to at least fake a journey to another planet before you could run into these leggy lovelies. But this movie is so low budget, they don't even waste money on stock footage of a rocket being launched and traveling to Venus (spaceship set would have been too expensive for these geniuses) so instead they get the bright idea to simply have the big-busted alien queens have already invaded Earth and hiding in a nearby convenient cave (Bronson Canyon, my old friend, I've missed you!). That is some awe inspiring American ingenuity when faced with a microscopic budget, let me tell you.The large hootered aliens also have an "army" (I think I saw two of them) of carrot-headed minions (extras wearing burlap sacks over their heads and what look like surplus costumes from the local Renaissance Faire), who kidnap our "heroes," take them aboard the alien spaceship (okay, I admit it, I guess they did have enough of a budget for ONE spaceship set), and try to suck all the knowledge out of their brains. Gee, that shouldn't take too long. As soon as our idiots try to hit on the babelicious aliens, one of them snarls, "Don't flatter yourself. We are not interested in your primitive emotions, we are scientists." To which one of the man boobs replies, "Oh yeah? All I can say baby, is you got some mighty good looking equipment." That will give you a good idea of the type of comedy in use here.Can our heroes escape from the spaceship's force field and save the planet? Do you really care about a plot in a movie like this? Wouldn't you like to watch the alien women bend over in front of the camera again?This is the type of film where watching it while under the thrall of mind altering substances would not only be recommended, it is practically required. I suggest inhaling the entire contents of a pharmacy delivery van. Only then will you be able to make your way through this film with your brain intact.

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sergio choren

This is the worst brain damaged, ultra cheap, super stupid, silly, pointless piece of trash I've ever seen, an unbelievable garbage of instant cult status among fans of the bizarre. If you think that Ed Wood's "Plan 9" is bad, well... let me tell you, looks like "Citizen Kane" compared to that one. ¿Special effects?...again, "Plan 9" is "Star Wars". ¿Acting?...Thor Johnson is Al Pacino... so it's beyond bad, really. But if you are looking for that kind of incredible movies, it's for you! I'm a fan of American International for so many glorious horror movies, the Price-Corman-Poe saga and some great blaxploitation stuff, but with "Star Creatures" they descend right down to the Z level. Of course, my 1 out of 10 works in reverse if you like to watch bad movies for fun (the guy playing an Indian chief is great) so have fun and enjoy... if you can.

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