| 28 January 2016 (USA)
Interruption Trailers

A post-modern theater adaptation of a classic Greek tragedy takes place in a central theater of Athens. Like every night, the audience take their seats and the play begins. Suddenly, the lights on stage go out. A group of young people, dressed in black and carrying guns, come up on stage. They apologize for the interruption and invite people from the audience to participate on stage. The play resumes with a main difference; life imitates art and not the opposite.


"Interruption" is one of the best film I have seen in last years. Disturbing and mind-blowing game with our habits, myths and democracy in modern world is something very rare those days. Between the philosophical aspects of free choices and ancient therms of destiny the director build a film experience, that cannot be confused with any other films. In this sense the film is a little bit like a classical tragedy. It has the same magnificent weird power like Yorgos Lanthimos famous movies, but it take also a different kind of narrative perspective that makes film unique. Georgios Zois has it's own voice in Greek cinema and I think it will get even stronger.

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Elisa Biagiarelli

Interruption is not a simple movie. It's an experience that blows your mind. What seems to be a modern representation of the Orestea from Eschilo is much much more. There are a lot of layers, themes and deep meanings that may make this movie complicated and unacceptable but also if you can't understand you can feel it. You can feel that you are looking at something amazing, beautiful in each of it's aspects. The ingenious direction is accompanied by a beautiful photography and the actors did an incredible job!Watching it a lot of questions will come up to your mind and there will be no answers, because everyone is free to give their own interpretation such as in life everyone sees what they want to see. Like it or not, is a masterpiece that absolutely needs to be seen, as an example of how strong cinema can be.

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charles turner

Before we went in I said to my wife that this will either be very good or very bad. It was very bad. The conceit is not necessarily a bad idea but the whole thing is executed in such ponderous way that it becomes pointless. Then problem is that Greek tragedy is its own justification, so even a modern dress variation is asking for trouble. but this wanted to go much further and ended up not going anywhere at all. We lasted 45 minutes before walking out but how we managed that much is beyond me. The script was about as leaden as a script could be, and the directing ponderous. The acting was not bad, but the problem, was that this meant that we were treated to a realistic depiction of ordinary people's not very extraordinary thoughts. Hopeless.

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Gus Keane

Interruption is about our society and our behavioral patterns as a species. It's about what is really happening. This film demonstrates a universal problem. We are all trapped. It is a film that raises all sorts of questions about the individual and the way he is forced to play a part in and it encapsulates these questions into a deceptively ancient tragedy plot. This film talks about the myths and lies we are told to maintain status quo and the appearance of stability and normality. It forces you to question the oddness and the parameters of your own existence. A life with roles unquestioned and unexplored leads to a stagnant swamp of disorientation. I can get if someone rejects it and does not get into this no mans world, it's not the most easy movie to watch, but I haven't been this pleasantly surprised in a long time. Saw this in the premiere and I believe most of the people there were absorbed by the screen and didn't want to see the film end. Intellectual, emotional, cruel, realistic and beautiful would be the words I would use to describe this picture. At first you don't really understand what's going on or where you're at, but soon find yourself submerged in this theater scene. This is definitely one of the most important indie films of the year; aside from the original and highly meaningful leveled story, the film if impeccably made with astounding performances. The lights in Venice turned on, the credits were running and everyone was quiet and searching for answers in others looks. Its best surprise that I've got in years. It is a hypnotic trip that displays brilliant originality and borderlines pure insanity. In my humble opinion, it is a film that should be watched by every single person, for the experience alone. Sadly, I'm almost certain that this film will never find a wide release, so, please do seek it out!!!

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