R | 21 June 2005 (USA)
Immortal Trailers

In the distant future, Earth is occupied by ancient gods and genetically altered humans. When a god is sentenced to death he seeks a new human host and a woman to bear his child.

Martin van stein

There are some in this world who say that with certain movies you have to turn a blind eye to a certain aspect of what makes a movie. For example those people say that when you watch transformers don't expect Shakespeare and just watch the explosions and nice CG.Even though I dislike mindless movies like transformers, the sheer quality of work done by the respective cg artists makes it barely watchable.This movie doesn't have any strong points, none whatsoever: - the CG is terrible (badly animated daz3d stockmodels - story unappealing....if you like Egyptian gods in a "modern setting" watch stargate, if you want to see an existential movie watch the 5th element or better yet the matrix. - bad defense of the actors i would like to add that even robert de niro could not make this movie workI saw another review here saying that you should watch or read other stuff this Erik Bilal has made in order to appreciate this advice would be not to, there are far better comic book/graphic novelists out there I am pretty sure of if this movie gave you a head ache like it did with me..just stop watching.I would rather watch static noise on TV than this..really it is that bad

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I love Bilal's work, but somehow hate this movie. It is just so out of place. A clean three dimensional animation.. of the story. Movie and book are so fare apart, although made by the same person!Anyway, I saw this version in 2006 and recently back on a Two Disk Special Edition. To say, that Bilal should of let an other director direct this movie, Would be right. Obviously the movie suffered and failed because of it.It failed to capture the raw feel and spirit of the comics. You have to remember that the story was conceived somewhere in the late '70's, and the sign of that time seems to have been filtered out. That is to bad. Now it feels a bit empty, adding an late 90's interpretation to it. Physically it also feels superficial, even though they had a budget of over 20 million to play with. Same with the dialogs, they don't feel right. There is no dynamic. Horus's voice for instance is an serious annoyance, and really badly cast. The rest of the acting cast though is great. It is just to bad the scripted dialog's aren't helping them.Technically they did a lot of great work on this project but frankly, most of it doesn't work visually. For example, the use of CGI for the characters was absolutely unnecessary. Great achievement, but not as effect in this film. It is a bit childish in style uncool though cold. It also lacks physical weight, reality and rawness the comics have. Something an great make-up artist could have given it. Again, the whole film looks so synthetic and empty, while the book feels more organic and filled with so much warm detail, even open in a curtain way. After all, these are all some of the major defining elements of Bilal's style.Nonetheless, I still think the story is an source for an great movie. Although the Egyptian elements may be out of interest or out of time(..), and a lot of pieces are already stolen by other directors and movies. The world of Bilal and his style are still very interesting. There is so much more to the story, then what we see in this movie. If you see how physical additions to the body are becoming common place in society, you can still see the relevance. Lots of angles to be explored here. Maybe a American commercial remake a-la Ridley..?( He is a big fan of Bilal's work) Or Besson, to keep it French, maybe Guillermo Del Toro..All in all, if you are a fan you have to see this or try to get trough. Just remember, the movie is nothing like the comics. They rock!

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I did not know anything about this movie. I just bought discounted low price DVD of this movie from Stockholm and I was really positively surprised and I enjoyed every moment watching it. The story and also visual side of the movie impressed me. I am huge fan of Sci-Fi movies and Immortal will definitely belong into my personal top 10. This movie of course does not have so good technical effects like for example Avatar and etc, but the story is much better and will leave many questions open which gives chance for audience to use their own imagination. I think Immortal is masterpiece which has been unfortunately underestimated and I urge everybody who is still hesitating - watch this movie, you will not regret.

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William Dais

As a former Heavy Metal reader and an artist, I was fully entertained by Immortel. The story was good, the unique blending of animation and film footage was expertly executed, with many stunning set pieces interspersed throughout the film. I think this unique sci-film movie deserves better than the ratings many have given it. And I don't give out glowing reviews readily. If I had to compare Immortel with comparably well made ones in the sci film genre, I'd have to mention Rennaisance, Akira and Cowboy Bebop. Forget that these are fully animated, I'm talking about great stories and characters, stylistically designed to provide maximum wow factor. I could cry blue tears to think any viewer could dismiss Immortel as a less than terrific addition to the list of top notch sci film productions, whether animated or not.

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