How to Beat a Bully
How to Beat a Bully
| 13 September 2015 (USA)
How to Beat a Bully Trailers

When a new kid named Cory moves to town, he's picked on by the school bullies. To protect himself, he doesn't use his fists-he uses his brain instead! He scares the bullies off by fibbing that his father is a hit man for the mob. Word quickly spreads around and gets the attention of the REAL mobsters in town, too. Now his dad has the problem! As shenanigans between the family and the mobsters ensue, Cory must find a way to make things right.


This movie was really well done! It's timely and great! Very important subject matter!

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Though I did find this movie fun and some of the characters lovable, this movie did not meet my expectations. The movie centers around Cory, a 12 year old boy who moves to a new town after his father loses his job. At his new school, Cory is bullied by his classmates, as new kids often are. They steal his lunch and squirt him with a water gun, but don't seem to cause any physical harm. Cory does not stand up for himself or tell his teacher. Instead he decides to scare the bullies with a lie that ends up almost killing his father. The bullies all become Cory's friends out of fear that his father will kill them. Cory would rather have friends who hang out with him because they are scared of him, then try to find people who like him for who he is. They all seem to like Cory after a while, as none of the bullies were actually mean people. They were just doing some new kid hazing or something. Eventually, some real mobsters take Cory's father. Cory reveals the truth to his friends, who are not at all mad at him for threatening their lives. They help him rescue his father, instead of calling the police. At the end of the movie everyone is safe, Cory has a lot of friends, and he does not suffer any consequences for his actions.The title of this movie is misleading. A lot of it is not even about bullying, but about the dangers of lying. Cory also seems to bully the other kids way more than they bully him, even if it is in self-defense.What lesson is this movie trying to teach us? It does not teach us to stand up for ourselves or ever go to adults for help. It doesn't teach us that bullying is wrong or any realistic way to deal with bullying. It basically makes bullying seem like a joke. The message appears to be that spreading rumors is an effective way to make friends and stop bullying and will not have any consequences. This is fine for a stupid kids movie, but nothing in this movie can be applied to real life.

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This is quite possibly one of the top ten worst movies I have ever seen. The acting, especially by the dad, is absolutely horrific. But my 7 & 11 year old thought it was good (not great). My wife and I cringed so many times that when I started counting after 30 minutes, I lost track by the end of the movie. I cannot believe the high reviews which is why we watched it in the first place. A very LOW budget film. The plot is bad. The acting is bad. The directing is bad. It really is bad. The message in the end, however, is good. And while the pieces fall together, I will add these things. But like I said, my youngest, who laughs when she farts said she thought it was good.

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How To Beat A Bully hilarious and great for all ages! The writing is witty and extremely well done. The actors brought the lines to life and had great comedic timing.Although bullying can be a serious subject, this movie brings light to the situation while also making a huge impact. It presents a great message that comedy and humor can be found in any and all situations. I highly recommend this movie. It is especially great for the younger generation. The jokes are not limited to one specific age group and it's a good family movie. I watched this with my college roommates who thought it was extremely funny, relatable and insightful. I give this movie and 10/10. Well done!

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