Horror House on Highway Five
Horror House on Highway Five
| 01 January 1985 (USA)
Horror House on Highway Five Trailers

A van full of college students traveling down a highway is terrorized by a psycho killer in a Richard Nixon mask.


As part of a project are sent to a place called Littletown to investigate and research a supposedly deceased German (and possible Nazi) ex-patriot rocket scientist, named Frederick Bartholomew who it seems was supposedly responsible for the V2 rocket before embarking on a murderous rampage slaying all who he worked with in his final days spent here in America. In Honor of this achievement our project student group have got to make replicas of the rockets whilst at that location. A trio of this select members wind up stumbling across a pair of demented brothers, one, Mabuser is an unlicensed doctor, who's become mentally unhinged due to being convince destructive parasites have infested his brain, while his stuttering teenage brother Gary, is a shy and lonely psychopath with a thing for Tarot cards and concealed necrophiliac tendencies. All the while their father prowls the nights' lonely highways, dressed in one of his previous victims...as of all things Richard Nixon.Starts with porno music and the worst title set you will ever see in a film. Next thing you know a hot girl in itty bitty shorts and nearly non-existent top is moving stuff around. Door opens and a sneaker appears....ugh false alarm. But she's too hot to kill just yet.At least until the itty bitty pants come off.The movie sucks. Too slow and not very compelling.

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This movie clearly suffers from a syndrome that was quite common the world of 80's horror cinema; namely the identity crisis. Like so many other contemporary horror flicks, "Horror House on Highway Five" isn't exactly sure whether it wants to be a comedy/spoof movie or a full-blooded slasher picture. Obviously back then it was more interesting to make a spoof, since there already was an over-production of regular teen slashers, but efficient comedy and genuine horror are two incredibly difficult ingredients to mix into one scenario. Writer/director Richard Casey here in this case completely failed to put the two genres in the blender together and what came out is an embarrassing amateur horror production with retarded jokes and over-the-top clichéd situations that aren't the least bit funny or inventive; not even when you're in a slight state of drunk or stoned. A wannabe occultist intends to resurrect a mad German scientist named Bartholomew Steiner and kidnaps a female student working on a thesis about the same notorious historical figure. Meanwhile there's a maniac, disguised in a Richard Nixon face mask, prowling around the titular highway and terrorizing teenagers. I know it's a long shot, but if you fancy sheer lunacy and incoherence, you'll love "Horror House on Highway Five". Everything to make film insufferable and irritating is overly well-presented, like atrocious music, tripe acting performances and clumsy direction. It's boring beyond words and doesn't contain any worthwhile moments of bloodshed, neither. One to avoid at all costs. If you really want to see an 80's movie that combines horror and parody reasonably adequate, check out "Student Bodies".

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Man, is this messed-up movie an unbearably dumb, lousy and often downright dreary piece of junk! A crazed, bloodthirsty trio kill and terrorize several luckless individuals around the titular area. The freaky threesome are actually a nice, happy dysfunctional family: a crackpot dad who likes to do the dirty murderous deed while wearing a rubbery Richard Nixon mask, a bumbling imbecile son, and another insane, sanguinary idiot male offspring with live maggots residing in his scrambled cranium (!).A clumsily sincere attempt at a perversely humorous, darkly tongue-in-cheek backroads psycho picture parody, this film's extremely forced, spiritless, grinding-its-wheels-in-the-mud slack execution completely ruins its chances at being a reasonably on-target and effective send-up: Richard Casey's wan, idle direction, mostly flat acting from a generally insipid cast (only legendary gonzo rock critic Richard Meltzer manages to deliver a lively, up to par performance as a cranky, ill-fated drunken motorist), lethargic pacing, weak stabs at grotesque warped humor (e.g., one victim steps on a rake right after having his throat cut), and a plodding, disjointed narrative all prevent this potentially fun flick from ever kicking into high gear. However, both the fairly rollicking score by Keith Grady and Suzanne McDermott and the passably professional photography by David Golia and Bill Pope neatly rise above the pervasive mediocrity. If it had been done with more polish and vigor this wash-out could have made for an amusing and enjoyably quirky little horror black comedy, but since it's really bland and slapdash it instead qualifies as a very middling and forgettable cinematic dead end.

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Necro Joe

What can I say? This is the absolute WORST movie EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER made. And that's a HUGE UNDERSTATEMENT! There is no plot, no acting, no direction, no anything! It's worse than "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" only it takes itself seriously! Now granted it is funny to see Richard Nixon killing people, the death scenes suck. I am also not surprised to see that EVERY actor/actress in this movie have this film as their only credit on the IMDb. Skip this trash unless you absolutely do not believe me. I will give it this: there is definitely nothing else remotely like it! And it had a cool tagline: "They were young and in love. He was crazy. She was dead." Funny stuff.

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