R | 31 October 2014 (USA)
Horns Trailers

In the aftermath of his girlfriend's mysterious death, a young man awakens to strange horns sprouting from his temples.


'Horns' is an utterly unique movie experience that had me (and my entire family!) hooked from beginning to end. It blends various genres that you wouldn't expect to work, but the result is an intriguing and engaging movie that evokes the whole human spectrum of emotion. Daniel Radcliffe's performance as the lead, Ig, is amazing and having spent my entire life unable to separate him from Harry Potter, this is the performance that broke him away from Harry Potter forever in my mind. Ig's character is intriguing and the question that was in my mind throughout was whether he was good or bad, the protagonist or the antagonist. The implication at the beginning is that he's grown the horns due to the evil he's committed, but as you follow him throughout the movie and see his humanity, you find yourself questioning that more and more. The idea behind the horns is somewhat unclear and ambiguous (which was one of the main issues I had with the movie), but they result in some rather dark yet humorous encounters that I thoroughly enjoyed watching. The religious connotations attached to the horns were also somewhat unambiguous and there were certain scenes towards the end that felt a little ridiculous and 'out there' even for this movie. However, I'm able to let that go on the basis that I enjoyed the movie as a whole. The plot itself evolves throughout the movie as it weaves in and out the various themes and genres, but by the end its focus is very much on the mystery and romance. Although it's definitely a flawed movie that could've been vastly improved by clearer explanations for the horns, the experience overall is enjoyable and unique. The themes of horror, thriller, mystery, romance, fantasy, religion and crime all come together in a very new way to create a movie that is very much a stand alone in the horror genre.

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Very original concept! Ideal for a night at home. Not a too complicated story and easy to follow. Some things in this story don't really make sense, but it's forgivable. Amazing twist towards the end of the movie resulting in giving you an emotional rush. Con's: Max Minghella delivers a weak performance (like always) and weak choise of music.I see some people giving this movie a 10/10 here and there. This movie is not that, but it sure is worth watching.

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I think Daniel Radcliffe has damaged his career, he IS Harry Potter he took a role made it his own and it is now very difficult to see him as anything else.When I heard about this R rated title of his I had little interest but knew one day I'd get around to it. What I didn't realise was just how much I was going to enjoy it.Horns is nothing particularly special, but it has it's merits and I can confidently say I walked away satisfied with what I had watched.With a fantastic cast, a gripping storyline and a really quite neat ending I'm not entirely convinced Radcliffe will break free of the Potter curse but this was a good start.The Good:Excellent story Juno Temple David Morse The Bad: The "Potter" curse was certainly present Things I learnt from this movie: Where Is My Mind? is officially on every movies soundtrack Juno Temple is allergic to clothing

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While I enjoyed the overall concept of the film, the execution by Aja was lacking and sporadic to say the least. Like many people have been saying, the tone is all over the place, at times Horns is a comedy when it should be horror, and other times its horror when it should be more mysterious. It's very inconsistent, had the movie stuck to a solid horror/mystery tone, I think the movie could have been fantastic. Just when the movie starts to get interesting and perplexing, the comedic tones come through and ruins the moment. However, the 'demon/devil' idea was great, original and chilling though I'm not sure what the point of it was in the end game? And his powers, of course, come off as very interesting and some good comedy bits arise because of it. It's hard to recommend this movie on a more serious note since I think the story was pretty hit or miss, but there certainly were moments in the movie I thought were pretty great/original. But I think that if you are having the main character turning into the devil in the flesh, you should probably avoid a comedic approach and stick to something a bit more sinister. Horns has some interesting moments but ultimately fails to maintain its mystery-narrative and comes off as scattershot.

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