Holy Hell
Holy Hell
| 25 January 2016 (USA)
Holy Hell Trailers

An inside look at a West Hollywood cult formed by a charismatic teacher in the 1980s that eventually imploded.


Holy Hell is an outstanding documentary. As a seasoned movie lover, it takes a really well-made, original, and interesting film to inspire me to leave a review. Anyone who enjoys religious documentaries and the like will love this one. Most can probably overlook this, but there are times where it may make some viewers feel a bit effeminate watching it because of all of the gay / feminine members of the community, but only because you are able to connect with them. Other than that, amazing. Really enjoyable, watched it a bunch of times. Well done, Will.

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'Amber M Lane

This movie runs a bit long yet misses the investigative nature of documenting. No need to spend more than a few minutes on the ballet dancing, mascara wearing, self proclaimed leader... it's quite apparent to anyone that he is mentally ill. What drove these people to him? lack of self esteem, childhood issues, naivety or issues themselves?? this is never explored. With a title like Holy Hell one expects details of what the victims suffered, financial ruin or irrevocable harm, loss of family and friends... This is not explored either. What was the cost? its seem more of a vague stab in the dark at trying to tell a cautionary story but never quite getting off the ground. The ending is bizarre with a failed climax at a mild confrontation, are you being a good boy?? Strange considering allegations... I feel bad for people who easily fall pray to cults and scams but in the end one should know better! If it's too good to be true it probably is...

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Since this was picked-up and broadcast on CNN, I figured it would have something earth-shattering or at the very least "new" to say...but nope. This is essentially the same cult story we've seen and heard over the last 30-odd years retold; eccentric, dynamic, charismatic yet narcissistic leader gains a following of feeble-minded "searching" (see: self-absorbed) adults who then feel betrayed after they find out he is a fraud. Yes, the specific details of this particular case get very lurid (instead of the female followers being targeted, this time it is the males) and we do get a glimpse at the subject from an insider's point of view. While the documentary tries its utmost to show all the participants/cult-followers as "just regular people" as if to say, "this could have happened to you!" the reality is no one in their right mind would or could be naive enough to think following such a ridiculous individual would NOT lead to sexual impropriety. Notice, I specifically omit the word "abuse" since looking at these individuals, it becomes very clear that any unwilling heterosexual, able-bodied man would at the very least use his facial muscles to mouth the words "no thanks" when faced with eminent anal rape. This looks more like a bad-date/bad-sex after the fact regrets from possibly being emotionally coerced/tricked into it. But to put this into perspective, no one was killed, no one died from malnutrition/poisoning/fatigue, no one even made it into the internet news until this came out...so as far as cults go this one is pretty boring. All this film seems to do is come off as some reminiscing homage to the lost youth of the cult's followers who are now just trying to move on to the next phase of their lives. Take away the cult part and this is just another day in the life of anyone else on the planet. NOTE: I am NOT a cult member, nor have I ever even heard of this guy or this cult before watching the movie...I'm just saying this really isn't that great or saying anything new about cults. Frankly, it just seems more self-indulgent than insightful.

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I am giving it a 10 based on honesty. I think each of the disciples deserve their fate as they architected it based on their own hubris and arrogance of their own looks. If you want to know how to take advantage of a set of models or good looking people then this is definitely very instructional in how to do so (aka use your own hubris to exploit yourself). Kudos to Michel, what a superb act to convince arrogant morons to follow you as god and have coital relationship with you for >10 years. This only works in people influenced by LA culture who only have themselves to blame for their situation. Thank you Michel for dropping everyone's mind and showing them the way of the Gita.spoiler: All of the people who eventually complain and fall out should honestly evaluate why they stuck there for 22 years or more. Clearly you though that your 'club of good looking people" made you "special" and your need to fornicate with all the people around you allowed yourself to be abused (well deserved)

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