Hitch Hike to Hell
Hitch Hike to Hell
R | 01 January 1977 (USA)
Hitch Hike to Hell Trailers

Howard is mild-mannered and slightly simple-minded, with a habit of picking up teenage hitchhikers while driving his delivery routes. Sometimes the girls admit to being runaways, and if they claim to hate their mothers it drives Howard into a violent frenzy; his sister ran away from home years ago and was never heard from again, causing his desperate, addled mother to tighten her hold on him. Howard never remembers raping his victims or strangling them with wire coat hangers, though his boss does notice missed deliveries and late arrivals.

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Howard is a mother's boy who still lives at home, has a hobby of making model vehicles and works as a delivery driver for a laundry company. He picks up hitchhikers in his large red van, most of whom are runaways and as soon as they bad mouth their mothers they end up getting raped and murdered! Appeasr to be a lot of them in this small town. I found myself laughing several times throughout but I am not sure if this movie was meant to be intentionally humorous or if it was a case of being so bad that it's funny. Very cheap with some incredibly wooden acting. In the UK this was released on the Hard Gore label yet the only blood that I spotted was a trickle coming out of one of Howard's victims. A bit of topless nudity, the tops of some of Howard's victims appear to open rather easily revealing bra-less bosoms. If you're in the mood for a bad movie then this is OK. But on a serious note is does provide an important lesson - beware of mother's boys if you find yourself hitchhiking!

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In Holland I found this one in the 'American grindhouse' series, and even though there's a lot of fun titles in there, this was a bona fide bummer. The protagonist slash bad guy slash bumbling loser killer was doable and the story is in itself is pretty okay, but was stretched out way too long. The pretty nice (vintage) shots of a desolate American area and the city that is located in it, were also a plus. But beyond that, there's not much positive to discuss here.My advice would be to skip this. Also, the attractive ladies on the DVD cover (which is pretty much the same as here on IMDb) are nowhere to be found - or any other pretty ladies...3 out of 10.

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Wow, talk about a pleasant surprise! I was expecting to see a terrible, bottom-of-the-barrel exploitation fodder from the seventies, but I ended up seeing a spirited cult gem that really makes the most of its minimal budget. The story introduces Howard Martin; an introvert and rather nerdy young man who lives alone with his mother since his sister ran away from home. This event somewhat messed up Howard's brain, since he now picks up hitch-hikers in his laundry van and savagely strangles them if it turns out they're runaways from their moms. The subject matter certainly isn't original, since it's an ordinary serial killer on the road premise and the culprit is once again an oppressed mommy's boy ("Psycho", anyone?). Still, the screenplay of "Hitch Hike to Hell" is well thought out and features some really clever ideas that immediately gained my respect. The setting, for example, is a middle-sized town that serves as a junction for the state's most important highways, which makes it extra difficult for the police to keep an eye on all the hitch-hikers. The drama-element of the story surprisingly isn't an obstacle and actually rather captivating. This is all very nice so far, but what REALLY sold me to this movie is the dared ending that you can't possibly see coming! The image of what might happen will briefly cross your mind, probably, but there's no way you expect the film to actually execute it! Watch and see! There are some some dull moments and odd padding scenes to struggle yourself through, but the acting performances are quite good and the music is adorably kitschy. I really don't understand why some people write such harsh things about "Hitch Hike to Hell"...Definitely recommended if you're into rare cult stuff.

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The movie "Hitchhike To Hell" centers around a deranged laundry deliveryman named Howard. He uses his company van to pick up hitchhikers and kill them. The reason Howard does this is because six years ago his little sister ran away from home and never returned. It completely devastated their mother and Howard is determined to punish young people who want to run away from their mommies.Not surprisingly, every single facet of this movie is atrocious. From the acting to the direction, from the cinematography to the worthless plot...this is one awful flick. Not a shred of humor is to be found in this macabre tale. It is simply a monotonous pattern of showing Howard picking up hitchhikers and killing them. Terrible! 1/10

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