Hit Team
Hit Team
| 22 February 2001 (USA)
Hit Team Trailers

An undercover cop badly injured in a raid is blamed for the raid's failure and thrown out of the police department. His injuries result in his being paralyzed form the waist down, and doctors tell him that if he doesn't have an operation within a few months, the paralysis will be permanent. His friends in the police department decide that, since the underworld was responsible for their friend's injuries, the money for the operation should come from them, and they set out to get it.

Yaroslav Zaitsev (yarik83)

I am not a newcomer to Asian films. If anything I enjoy them a lot more than most Hollywood flicks because they still adhere to same principle which is telling the story... a believable story. We do not see your typical unlimited budget showing throughout the movie but spirit of the movie is not about that. In not so many words as synopsis says it is a story about cops trying to do the right thing while walking ethical boundaries. What made it confusing is somewhat jumpidy jump approach by movie directors. Unless you really pay attention it is hard to figure out what just happened. We have the bad guys... OK those are easy to recognize but then there are three groups of good guys and there is little distinction between who is who. From what I can gather I think there were 2 swat teams one of whom quit police force and tried to help their injured friend. I was a little disappointed in the fact that there was less swat tactics than you would expect. It was as if a bunch of guys who only went through 1 year of police academy tried to take matters into their own hands. I just did not feel the experience that should have come with well trained swat team and when there was a well trained swat team it was just a glimpse in entire movie. All in all I am giving this film a 5 because it is probably well worth watching on a nice rainy day but this does not have the polished film like some of its other genre counterparts with similar budgets.

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HIT TEAM (Chong Zhuang Jing Cha)Aspect ratio: 1.85:1Sound format: Dolby DigitalMembers of an elite police squad investigate a series of raids on an underground Triad bank, carried out by rogue officers to fund medical treatment for a colleague (Chin Kar-lok) who was injured in the line of duty.Minor league crime drama, toplined by rising star Daniel Wu as the team leader torn between devotion to duty and compassion for his quarry's altruistic motives. Unfortunately, Wu is much too young for the role, and he allows himself to be upstaged by co-star Alex To (SKYLINE CRUISERS) as the wayward cop prepared to sacrifice everything for his beloved friend (veteran actor/director Chin). Action specialist Dante Lam (JIANG HU: THE TRIAD ZONE, THE TWINS EFFECT, etc.) overcomes the limitations of a meager budget to fashion a series of dynamic set-pieces, though he relies heavily on the combined efforts of cinematographer Tony Cheung and editor Chan Kei-hop to shape the material accordingly. Like so many HK movies before it, HIT TEAM is tinged with melancholy, as good men are forced to sublimate their law-abiding instincts for the greater good, regardless of the consequences, and the movie is strengthened considerably by this emotional undercurrent.(Cantonese dialogue)

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You won't believe your ears as HIT TEAM (Dante Lam's CHUNG CHONG GING CHAAT from 2001) unleashes a virtual film budget full of lead in this relatively formulaic cop thriller that still manages to pull some excitement from an already explored themes.When one of their cop partners faces paralysis as the result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time on an undercover mission, four friends band together -- three of them resigning in protest over the police dismissing the injured comrade -- in an attempt to come up with enough money for the necessary treatments and surgery. Their plan is simple: steal the money from the exact thugs involved in the undercover mission.What they don't count on is the Hit Team, a special division of the police force dedicated to solving crime involving heavy artillery, of which the vengeful friends have plenty thanks to their fourth friend -- the one who stayed on the force happens to manage the police artillery.Fast, frenetic, and fun, HIT TEAM owes a lot of its inspiration to John Woo, Walter Hill, and, quite possibly, Michael Mann (the film's climax has a set-up that is almost lifted out of Hill's 48 HOURS, and one of the film's major gun battle action sequences is strikingly reminiscent of Mann's work in HEAT). This is a film where the ending is predestined; the tension builds as the viewer tries to understand how the good guys are going to convince the police that what they're doing is serving not only their injured comrade but the greater good as well.The transfer is quite good, with only a handful of grainy shots that probably were originally bad images. The sound is crisp, and you can enjoy every gun blast in the peace and quiet of your home. The subtitles are very good; if they have any failing, it is the common problem that some translations simply carry too much information in the flash of an eye -- I found myself reaching for the remote, rewinding, and rereading what was said a half-dozen times.Those concerns aside, HIT TEAM definitely deserves to be a HIT!

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good film making dante lam directs good actors in an incredible explosion of action... the script is not bad at all and some scenes (especially the robbery) are totally beautiful... good stuff

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